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SUPER SIZE ME, is Mcyd's Sueable???


I am sure it is a debatable not definitive study. thanks

You are yet to quote a single source and the moment I bring up actual evidence to go against your claim, you just dismiss it. No one forced you to eat all those cheeseburgers randy bo bandy, so quit blaming us for your ever expanding gut.

Stick to casting spells mr. potter, because logic and reason escape you.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
You are yet to quote a single source and the moment I bring up actual evidence to go against your claim, you just dismiss it. No one forced you to eat all those cheeseburgers randy bo bandy, so quit blaming us for your ever expanding gut.

Stick to casting spells mr. potter, because logic and reason escape you.
dude watch the movie Super Size Me. That's my quote. read the first post thought it was self evident.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
smokers, alcohol, gas industry all pay for their damage. Because it is a business it is completely fair. Smokers still smoke as much when the taxes go up, what it does is makes it cost prohibitive to get into for smokers. And it is done over time. Taxes slowly are added to these products so it is not felt at once.

Actually, they're not. The biggest federal tobacco tax hike in history was signed last year, jumping from $0.39 to $1.01

A 273% jump is hardly 'going slow', so it's obvious that you have no idea what you're talking about on that front. Couple that with the tobacco industry noting a decline in sales, as well as that being the stated goal of increasing tobacco taxes, just reinforces that point.

Not to mention your complete lack of any supporting information, and casual disregard for actual information.

Came expecting a well informed debate as promised, leaving disappointed :badday:

Wait, it just hit me, I've been trolled! Normally I can spot it, but ya got me, nice one :yes:


how about this........in the future ,we as individuals,should be able to sue ANYONE AND ANY BUISNESS that is bad or unhealthy for us when WE make a decision to buy whatever it is they offer!! that way we can just openly blame the world for the choices we make! simple,huh?!
lets see......im an alchoholic so i will sue the liquor companies cuz I CHOOSE to fuck up my life! see how that works?! I fuck up my life so its THEIR fault! now dont that make sense!?......tinman

post script:i cant wait to get a hold of the pastor who married me and my first wife!!!!! lmmfao!!!!


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
dude watch the movie Super Size Me. That's my quote. read the first post thought it was self evident.

Well hell, sucked back in.

You're using that as the sole support of your claims? AAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA :biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:

Yes, one guy doing the absolute extreme is what we should base our tax policy on?! You can't legislate and tax stupidity, either :rolleyes:

Funniest shit I've read on here in a long time, thanks :biglaugh:


Freedom Fighter
taxing is a guaranteed solution to the debt being incurred

Yes, it has worked so well in keeping this Country from Debt....oh, wait...

smokers, alcohol, gas industry all pay for their damage. Because it is a business it is completely fair.

How do they "Pay for their damage?"

Smokers still smoke as much when the taxes go up, what it does is makes it cost prohibitive to get into for smokers.

I'm sure you meant it is cost prohibitive for Non-Smokers to start...and I will agree with you on that one--

And it is done over time. Taxes slowly are added to these products so it is not felt at once.

That is totally wrong-- These latest Taxes hit us all at once--

dude watch the movie Super Size Me. That's my quote. read the first post thought it was self evident.

Keep in mind, that movie is like 6 years old...and granted, it was a wake up call for the Fast Food Industry...but they have stepped up a lot of the things that were in that Documentary--
The Fast Food Industry has been going strong for many years now...yet Obesity is more prevalent now than it was 20 years ago--
IMVHO, it is the inactivity/lack of exercise that is the true culprit--
Get these fat ass kids out and make them exercise, and you will see less fat asses--:tiphat:


dude watch the movie Super Size Me. That's my quote. read the first post thought it was self evident.

Are you kidding me? The guy sat around on his ass eating big macs and chugging cokes. He admittedly ate till he threw up, which you could do eating any food if you stuff yourself too much. The guy was on a mission. You can kill yourself from drinking water if you want to. Notice he never ate salad.

Jesus christ you are really stupid if you watch super size me and actually take anything from it.

RALEIGH, N.C. - Inspired by the documentary “Super Size Me,” Merab Morgan decided to give a fast-food-only diet a try. The construction worker and mother of two ate only at McDonald’s for 90 days — and dropped 37 pounds in the process.

Coleson told his wife that he could close weight by eating anywhere - even McDonald's. So that he did. He ate just two meals per day at Mickey D's, consisting of "wraps, apple-walnut salads, and the occassional cheeseburger." Since Coleson began his McD's diet in December, he has lost 86 lbs.

Seriously dude move to hogwarts, your skills aren't needed on planet earth.


When I was in high school they turned all soda vending machines into diet soda vending machines. lol. They sold water, too. But, the 8 diet coca cola buttons always made me laugh. These health conscious machines were always located right next to the snack food vending machines which contained candies, chocolates, and potato crisps.

I think people should just learn how to farm and grow their own healthy, nutrient rich produce at home. Or just buy from local farms and markets. Seriously.

I love junk food. But, I have learned far too much about the industry and that has become enough reason for me to just say no.


Garden Nymph
Yeah they did that in my high school too. The chips were only the baked Lay's. No one bought them because they tasted like cardboard. I guess Arnold didn't want us getting fat.

I don't think fast food should be illegal. It's up to people to decide what they should eat and in what quantity. Blaming it on the corporations is just dumb. I don't eat Mickey D's everyday because I know doing so will probably make me fat.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I'm eating Baked Lay's right now. LOL :biglaugh: But it was either this or a frozen microwaveable dinner... :puke:

Split the difference. Prepare the microwave dinner, then wipe the steam cover on the box. Throw out the "food", and eat the box. It'll taste the same, and probably have more nutritional value :biglaugh:


gets some
ok how about this
is it criminal to allow our children to be grossly obese?
should parents who are allowing their children to be so fat is it child abuse in some way, the child does not have the say from birth what they eat.
We know it is cruel now to smoke in your vehicle with small children and is a crime in many areas.
So is shovelling your kids lard and fatty foods to the point where your 11 year old 5'1 daughter is 200lbs. Is that a crime??

It's no more a crime than being stupid or lazy is a crime. When will people learn that you can't legislate bad or "unwanted" behavior out of people? Even people knowing they will get the DEATH PENALTY still commit murders.

And you can sue McDonald's for serving crappy food as soon as I can sue you for eating it. Where's the personal responsibility these days? Everybody always wants to make their own problems everyone else's fault. No one forces you to eat fast food. I love the claims of how crap food is always cheaper than healthy food. As someone that shops frugally and still manages to buy decent food I know this excuse is bullshit. It's laziness, nothing else. I can make one hell of a plate of marinara, loaded with fresh veggies, over healthy rice for a fraction of the cost of one meal from a McD's.

Blue Dot

If you're gonna sue Mickey D's then you need to also sue any drug dealer.

I mean is it the individual who needs to be responsible for what they ingest or the people who merely provide that product?


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
If you're gonna sue Micky D's then you need to also sue any pot dealer.

I mean is it the individual who needs to be responsible for what they ingest or the people who merely provide that product?

And what harm has your dealer caused?

Troll he may be, but at least B. actually had a harm to point to.

Edit: Heh, quoted ya before you got the edit in!
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Blue Dot

Edit: Heh, quoted ya before you got the edit in!

lol, yeah, after I posted that I thought "but pot isn't as harmful as fast food" so then I edited in "drug" dealer because some of those drugs cause harm.

But you'll never convince me pot is 100% safe because any "smoked" product, even including a "fireplace" has the potential for lung harm IMO.

My point on individual responsibilty stands though.


Freedom Fighter
And what harm has your dealer caused?

Troll he may be, but at least B. actually had a harm to point to.

Edit: Heh, quoted ya before you got the edit in!

By the word, "Merely"...BD showed he is on the side of the Dealer--
Now why can't he be so understanding when the Subject is about how much they are charging??
Some think I "Feed the Trolls"...but I don't think BD is a Troll--
I think he is just kinda hard headed...and doesn't "Get", that Laws are meant to be disputed...(You can go sit in any Courtroom to verify this!!)
Whatever his reasons are for constantly taking the side of the Law...I usually enjoy debating/fighting with him-- Kinda like "Practice" for talking to the Anti's--:headbange

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