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SUPER SIZE ME, is Mcyd's Sueable???


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
lol, yeah, after I posted that I thought "but pot isn't as harmful as fast food" so then I edited in "drug" dealer because some of those drugs cause harm.

But you'll never convince me pot is 100% safe because any "smoked" product, even including a "fireplace" has the potential for lung harm IMO.

My point on individual responsibilty stands though.

Of course your point on individual responsibility stands, and many agree, myself included. But that responsibility also extends to include chosen method of ingesting.

So pot isn't a safe smoke, any smoke is bad, I'll agree with that.

But it isn't the fault of the dealer that you choose to partake in the most unhealthy way possible.

Just like if you snorted a Big Mac, McD's wouldn't be at fault for your likely death :D


Personal responsibility?

Personal responsibility?

Everything you do in life is your own responsibility. If you have to bear the consequences, then who is gonna carry the responsibility if not you?

But it must be remembered that absolute free will is an illusion. From what I have seen here on Icmag the average regular here has a relatively strong personality compared to the average junk-food fiend. Regardless of wether or not you accept that humans are primates, there are some shared characteristics, especially with regard to status, social standing and reactions to social stress. It is no accident that both smoking and junk-food abuse is directly correlated with low status and an acompanying high level of social stress. This is fact, and I can't be bothered to document it, I can not remember seeing studies with other results.
The human (or primate, if you will,) brain is, under said circumstance, extremely easy to 'hook' on comforter behavior, such as over eating, smoking or doing meth.

The fast food industries and the tobacco companies are very aware of this, and spend great amounts of resources on trying to improve their manipulative powers. All these points and many more make it obvious that the analysis wich conclude that over-eaters of fast food are just lazy fat slobs who need to get a grip is over simplistic. What chance does an more than likely low education, low income, relatively ignorant person have to beat the scientifically engineered manipulations?

I don't say it can't be done, but it requires hard personal effort, and often a degree of assistance that just isn't easy to find. Of course you might again claim they are losers, but my main point is that that is the number one reason for the problems in the first place.

As far as suing is concerned, well, I would say that if you can sue a land owner because you can't be bothered to watch where you're going and fall on your ass... Fuuk it, I ain't going there.

This thread contains, in my opinion, many complete or border line social darwinistic posts. I always find it peculiar how much the Americans subscribe to this ideology, especially when one remember how few even wants to understand regular darwinism, and how much brilliant science is achieved in this field (and others) in the US.

I don't have a conclusion to my rant, I'm kinda agreeing with both views... If anything, it would be a plea to retain some humility when discussing the lives of others. When you see somebody so obese you hardly believe it, or somebody doing things YOU know won't end good, you don't know shit about the reasons. And when YOU don't understand something, that is an oportunity to remain ignorant OR to better yourself through reflection.

That being said, I'm definetly gonna grab me a cheese burger later, but a small one, and no fries :tiphat:

Blue Dot

Everything you do in life is your own responsibility. If you have to bear the consequences, then who is gonna carry the responsibility if not you?

But it must be remembered that absolute free will is an illusion. From what I have seen here on Icmag the average regular here has a relatively strong personality compared to the average junk-food fiend. Regardless of wether or not you accept that humans are primates, there are some shared characteristics, especially with regard to status, social standing and reactions to social stress. It is no accident that both smoking and junk-food abuse is directly correlated with low status and an acompanying high level of social stress. This is fact, and I can't be bothered to document it, I can not remember seeing studies with other results.
The human (or primate, if you will,) brain is, under said circumstance, extremely easy to 'hook' on comforter behavior, such as over eating, smoking or doing meth.

The fast food industries and the tobacco companies are very aware of this, and spend great amounts of resources on trying to improve their manipulative powers. All these points and many more make it obvious that the analysis wich conclude that over-eaters of fast food are just lazy fat slobs who need to get a grip is over simplistic. What chance does an more than likely low education, low income, relatively ignorant person have to beat the scientifically engineered manipulations?

I don't say it can't be done, but it requires hard personal effort, and often a degree of assistance that just isn't easy to find. Of course you might again claim they are losers, but my main point is that that is the number one reason for the problems in the first place.

As far as suing is concerned, well, I would say that if you can sue a land owner because you can't be bothered to watch where you're going and fall on your ass... Fuuk it, I ain't going there.

This thread contains, in my opinion, many complete or border line social darwinistic posts. I always find it peculiar how much the Americans subscribe to this ideology, especially when one remember how few even wants to understand regular darwinism, and how much brilliant science is achieved in this field (and others) in the US.

I don't have a conclusion to my rant, I'm kinda agreeing with both views... If anything, it would be a plea to retain some humility when discussing the lives of others. When you see somebody so obese you hardly believe it, or somebody doing things YOU know won't end good, you don't know shit about the reasons. And when YOU don't understand something, that is an oportunity to remain ignorant OR to better yourself through reflection.

That being said, I'm definetly gonna grab me a cheese burger later, but a small one, and no fries :tiphat:

I WISH I was as high as this guy ^ at this moment. lol


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

where would it stop? couldn't you sue Land 'O Lakes because they make the cheese you love/eat so much.......


B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
it is not like mcdonalds or anyother fast food joint posts their ingredients.
Going in blind not being able to make an informed choice is an issue.
We only know that these places are so harmful by deductive reasoning, so they have been shady from the beginning.
Remember if your government did not step in you'd still be drinking Cocaine with your coca cola


it is not like mcdonalds or anyother fast food joint posts their ingredients.
Going in blind not being able to make an informed choice is an issue.

They only have signs posted on the drive thru window, at every register, and on the menu that say "NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST."

By law prepared, taxable food doesn't even have to give you an ingredients list, but they offer it anyway. Sounds like you're just too stupid to ask. It isn't just for the item you ordered, it is a fold out pamphlet on their whole menu I believe.

Do you want to sue Nike because you got a blister next?

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
ok ok, now if any of the properties are found to have addictive qualities would that be foul play?


ok ok, now if any of the properties are found to have addictive qualities would that be foul play?

only if they are illegal like heroin.

I've read that snack foods/fast food etc "layer" flavors so your palette doesn't get tired and you don't quit eating. You can't sue them because they alternate salt and sugar.

This is the problem with America, people are sue happy. It is the reason medical costs are so fucking expensive!


Active member
Christ when are you people gonna see it!!! Its the fucking illuminati people!! hello!!! its all easily checked,like 95% of the fast food joints are owned by the Vanderblergs and Blitzenbelts!! :tiphat:

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
really i had no idea, that's is interesting.
and you mentiont the illuminatti when there is 666 views on this thread. ohhhh. lol