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Super Malawi Haze


ACE Seeds Breeder

With Super Malawi Haze we continue to explore and expand the best possible genetic combinations between different prime quality Haze lines and the best parental plants of our powerful Malawi sativa.

Super Malawi Haze is a direct hybrid crossing a Nevil's Haze mother plant selected by Nevil himself in the late 80’s with our best Malawi Killer phenotypes. The result is an extremely vigorous and highly productive super-hybrid of practically pure sativa (90%) genetics, which produces huge and very resinous colas, with excellent density and great flower/leaf ratio, which come together forming enormous floral structures that reach monumental proportions.

The terpenes of the pure Haze A and C parents that make up Nevil's Haze are dominant in this hybrid: sweet and floral aromas of Central American sativa, incensed and woody aromas of classic Haze, with the resinous and fermented background of the Malawi to add depth.

While both Super Malawi Haze and Purple Haze x Malawi offer the most cerebral, energetic and least narcotic effects within the Haze/Malawi genotypes, Purple Haze x Malawi is a true F1 hybrid and therefore is much more uniform, producing a unique main phenotype, with much wilder and tropical behaviour, but with Super Malawi Haze, while still retaining that pure sativa personality, we have focused on producing a much more powerful, tamed and productive hybrid, more resinous, with higher THC and terpene levels, better adaptability to indoor cultivation and with a shorter flowering time than Purple Haze x Malawi. Although, because Super Malawi Haze a polyhybrid, it is more variable, and we can find 3 main phenotypes, with the first two being the most frequent:

- Nevil's Haze Pheno: Very consistent phenotype and faithful to the best traits of tamed Haze and the ‘pumped with steroids' characteristic of the original Nevil's Haze mother: tall, super vigorous plants, with enormous yields, producing very dense and resinous flowers, of excellent flower to leaf ratio and a moderate/long flowering time. It is easy to recognise by its long reddish/orange pistils characteristic of Central American sativa, and by its unmistakable profile of sweet, floral and incensed old Haze terpenes. Flowering time: 85-90 days.

- Malawi Pheno: This more African phenotype is also easy to recognise as it matures with the distinctive golden/silverish appearance of Malawi. Its enormous vigour and astounding production of dense, resinous flowers with very little leaf are comparable to the Nevil's Haze pheno. Oily, resinous and woody aromas typical of the most evil Malawi Killer phenos. Flowering time: approximately 85 days.

Near-Pure Haze Pheno: This is the most variable and least frequent pheno (less than 10%), with a very tall and languid tropical sativa structure, less productive and resinous, and with a longer flowering than the two main phenotypes previously described. This pheno may be of great interest to those hunting for the most wild Haze expressions (almost like Oldtimer's Haze), as well as some very interesting genetic recombinations of near-pure Haze from Haze males A and C. Flowering time: 90-120 days.

Super Malawi Haze is one of the first joint projects between ACE Seeds and Yo Sammy, a member of the small group of growers in South Holland who have preserved the elite clones of Nevil’s Haze hybrids for almost 3 decades. These Dutch elite 'old school' Haze clones were the fundamental parentals in the Netherlands of the 90s, used to develop the best Haze hybrids in History. Unfortunately, the best sativa qualities of these legendary Haze hybrids, and their unique incense terpene profile that led them to be globally recognised as the best sativa hybrids were diluted and brutalised (in particular over the last 2 decades), constantly mixed with indica or skunk genetics in an attempt to shorten their flowering time.

With these new projects, our priority will be to try to raise the bar of Sativa Haze breeding, by crossing these old elite Dutch Haze clones with elite parentals of our most worked sativa varieties, and also in organoleptic terms, experimenting with different types of incense profiles by hybridising elite parents in this regard.

Special thanks to all the growers who helped us to test Super Malawi Haze for the last year and a half :huggg:

LATITUDE: 0º-43º
THC: 23-28 %
CBD: Below 0.15 %
CBG: 0.5-1.5 %
Terpene profile: It mainly contains the following monoterpenes: high amounts of beta pinene, followed by moderate quantities of alpha pinene, beta myrcene and limonene, small amounts of beta ocimene, linalool and traces of isopulegol, camphene, eucalyptol, terpinolene, gamma terpinene and delta 3 carene. Sesquiterpenes: high amounts of beta-caryophyllene and alpha-humelene, followed by moderate quantities of guaiol and traces of bisabolol, trans nerolidol and caryophyllene oxide.
GENETICS: Late 80's Nevil's Haze x Malawi Killer.
STRUCTURE: Tall sativa, very vigorous and branched that requires space.
BOUQUET: Sweet and floral terpenes of Central American sativa, incensed and woody touches of pure Haze, with the resinous and fermented background of Malawi adding depth and density.
HIGH: Highly potent, cerebral, creative and energetic effect of great quality, duration and complexity, which motivates both physical activity and the deepest psychological introspection.


Indoors, outstanding results can be achieved in terms of quality and production with a correct and abundant feeding and strong light intensity. A sativa hybrid that’s very well suited to SCROG culture due to its excellent branching and lateral production. We recommend 11 (light)/13 (darkness) photoperiod for the flowering indoors, in order to boost the flowering, and to avoid reflowerings or excessive stretching in early flowering, even reduce to 10/14 in the last third of flowering with the almost pure Haze phenotypes.

Outdoors it can be cultivated up to latitude 43º, showing very good resistance against botrytis, although it is in climates with a warm autumn where this sativa hybrid shows all its potential, especially in terms of production.

We recommend high levels of nutrients for the whole cycle.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Super Malawi Haze - Nevil's Haze dominant pheno

Super Malawi Haze - Nevil's Haze dominant pheno

Super Malawi Haze - Pics of Nevil's Haze dominant pheno


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    Super Malawi Haze - Nevil's Haze pheno5.jpg
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    Super Malawi Haze - Nevil's Haze pheno3.jpg
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    Super Malawi Haze - Nevil's Haze pheno4.jpg
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    Super Malawi Haze - Nevil's Haze pheno2.jpg
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    TMV in SLH =(
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ACE Seeds Breeder
Super Malawi Haze - Nevil's Haze dominant pheno bud pics

Super Malawi Haze - Nevil's Haze dominant pheno bud pics

Super Malawi Haze - Bud pics of the Nevil's Haze dominant pheno.


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    Super Malawi Haze - Nevil's Haze pheno8.jpg
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    Super Malawi Haze - Nevil's Haze pheno13.jpg
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    Super Malawi Haze - Nevil's Haze pheno12.jpg
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    Super Malawi Haze - Nevil's Haze pheno11.jpg
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    Super Malawi Haze - Nevil's Haze pheno9.jpg
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    Super Malawi Haze - Nevil's Haze pheno10.jpg
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ACE Seeds Breeder
Super Malawi Haze - Malawi dominant pheno

Super Malawi Haze - Malawi dominant pheno

Super Malawi Haze - Pics of the Malawi dominant pheno.


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    Super Malawi Haze - Malawi pheno3.jpg
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    Super Malawi Haze - Malawi pheno2.jpg
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    Super Malawi Haze - Malawi pheno4.jpg
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ACE Seeds Breeder
Super Malawi Haze - Near Pure Haze phenos

Super Malawi Haze - Near Pure Haze phenos

Super Malawi Haze - Pics of Near-Pure Haze phenos


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    Super Malawi Haze - Near Pure Haze pheno.jpg
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    Super Malawi Haze - Near Pure Haze pheno2.jpg
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    Super Malawi Haze - Near Pure Haze pheno3.jpg
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    Super Malawi Haze - Near Pure Haze pheno5.jpg
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    Super Malawi Haze - Near Pure Haze pheno4.jpg
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    Super Malawi Haze - Near Pure Haze pheno6.jpg
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Well-known member
This one may, or may not have have just skyrocketed itself to the top of my list for next season!

Loving the terp analysis on this one!

Yo Sammy

Well-known member
Great to see this amazing fem line available here.
This kind of high quality plants is exactly what we aimed to achieve by our collaboration.
I have no doubt this line will satisfy many growers who love the potency and aroma’s of Nevils selected old hybrid cutting and your potent resinous new Killer Malawi.
This line undoubtedly merges the best of these two worlds.
Although Nevilles Haze is not 100% Haze, it carries the traits of the 2 male Hazes Nevil worked back in the day.
It clearly shows in the offspring. The overall quality of the plants is super high so the name Super Malawi Haze fits the strain perfectly.
This line is remarkable in every aspect and will bring forth magnificent plants.
I consider this line to be of an extraordnary quality and can not wait to see more growers working it. They will be in for a big treat!


I had to gift the seedplant this summer due to space and pest issues.

I kept a small clone which made it till the end,practically always in the shade of bigger plants.

The terpenes are earthy /peanut/pine ,a little wood..talk about real old school.

Effects are pure cerebral,as a wake and bake is real eye opening and heart-pumping...Trying to salvage some to cure a bit more but seems like a losing battle!

I have to say that a combination of those elite dutch clones by Yo Sammy with Old Timer's Haze is a must ... I got some OTH seeds somewhere :)(but I 'd rather wait for Dubi to do it if there's a plan)


Are the A5, n your nevils cut better, stronger then n e plant y'all have found in the green or purple haze seed lines? I read nevil only popped a small number of haze seeds and out of just a few come legends? Bet dubis popped more then that.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks for chime in Sammy ;)

We are super excited to have the chance to collaborate with you on these new super sativa hybrids using the old elite Haze hybrid clones selected and developed by Nevil. Hopefully this is just the start, and as we have discussed privately in depth, i'm sure future will bring other exceptional breds coming from this joint collaboration.

I also concur on the excellent outcrossing potential of this Nevil's Haze mother when she is crossed with other good and non related sativas. Super Malawi Haze is a clear and good example. Nothing much to add about her that has not already commented previously by others and in the official description of the strain. :)

Wish you all enjoy these new exceptional sativa hybrids! :huggg:

Great to see this amazing fem line available here.
This kind of high quality plants is exactly what we aimed to achieve by our collaboration.
I have no doubt this line will satisfy many growers who love the potency and aroma’s of Nevils selected old hybrid cutting and your potent resinous new Killer Malawi.
This line undoubtedly merges the best of these two worlds.
Although Nevilles Haze is not 100% Haze, it carries the traits of the 2 male Hazes Nevil worked back in the day.
It clearly shows in the offspring. The overall quality of the plants is super high so the name Super Malawi Haze fits the strain perfectly.
This line is remarkable in every aspect and will bring forth magnificent plants.
I consider this line to be of an extraordnary quality and can not wait to see more growers working it. They will be in for a big treat!


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi Syd friend,

You really managed to capture the vibes of Super Malawi Haze' terpenes and effects ;)

Sure :yes: I have in mind to cross at some point Green Haze #19 and Purple Haze #23 with this Nevils Haze mother reversed, to blend our best selected Oldtimer's Haze parental plants of each pheno with the Haze hybrid from Nevil with higher Haze content and containing both main Nevil Haze male parental plants (A and C).

As you know, we have recently produced new hybrids between the old school Dutch elite Haze hybrids from Nevil, crossed with our best Panama and Kali China parental plants. The testing of these new hybrids should keep us busy for a year or two. So i would like to focus my upcoming breeding working months in exploring new landraces.

I had to gift the seedplant this summer due to space and pest issues.

I kept a small clone which made it till the end,practically always in the shade of bigger plants.

The terpenes are earthy /peanut/pine ,a little wood..talk about real old school.

Effects are pure cerebral,as a wake and bake is real eye opening and heart-pumping...Trying to salvage some to cure a bit more but seems like a losing battle!

I have to say that a combination of those elite dutch clones by Yo Sammy with Old Timer's Haze is a must ... I got some OTH seeds somewhere :)(but I 'd rather wait for Dubi to do it if there's a plan)


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi Tp01,

A5 Haze and Nevils Haze are both Haze hybrids. As Sam Skunkman correctly pointed out, pure Haze is a very old and heavily inbred line so it produces much stronger plants in hybrids rather than in 'pure' form. Nonetheless, the clean and pristine qualities of the effects of a real good pure Haze (especially a good Green Haze) are hard to replicate in Haze hybrids with indica genetics. Haze x indica hybrids could be much stronger than pure Haze (also faster flowering, more resinous, better for indoor growing, etc ...) but they cannot replicate the prime quality tropical sativa effect of a good pure Haze. To achieve that you must cross a Pure Haze with a different good sativa, to restore the pure sativa hybrid vigor and to add other interesting traits without interfere in the pure sativa qualities of the effect.

That's also the case for Oldtimer's Haze. Phylos genetic analyses performed to our Oldtimer's Haze parental plants have demonstrated the line is extremely inbred, therefore it produces much stronger effects in hybrids, like it's the case of our Oldtimer's Haze hybrids like Haze x Kali China, Panama Haze, Purple x Malawi, or the new Green Hondruras Haze and Purple Honduras Haze.

Are the A5, n your nevils cut better, stronger then n e plant y'all have found in the green or purple haze seed lines? I read nevil only popped a small number of haze seeds and out of just a few come legends? Bet dubis popped more then that.


Hi Syd friend,

You really managed to capture the vibes of Super Malawi Haze' terpenes and effects

Sure :yes: I have in mind to cross at some point Green Haze #19 and Purple Haze #23 with this Nevils Haze mother reversed, to blend our best selected Oldtimer's Haze parental plants of each pheno with the Haze hybrid from Nevil with higher Haze content and containing both main Nevil Haze male parental plants (A and C).

As you know, we have recently produced new hybrids between the old school Dutch elite Haze hybrids from Nevil, crossed with our best Panama and Kali China parental plants. The testing of these new hybrids should keep us busy for a year or two. So i would like to focus my upcoming breeding working months in exploring new landraces.

Yes bro!No rush!I can take my sweet time with your other amazing experiments until then! Just dreaming what incredible spectrum of highs this cross can give...Still in love with the malawi crosses and in anticipation of the new hybrids...

One more thing to add,the cross is really stable.No nanners despite all kinds of stress(pests,sprays,low light).Mother plant also on a friends' balcony got light contamination in late flower and started revegging...)I was counting on the mother plant for some pics but I found it in beggining of reveg...Biggest plant he ever had!The reveg didn't seem to affect the high .

Thanks again:tiphat:

Thank you for you're informative reply. You are the most supportive breeder on any forum I've read. We very much appreciate the time you take for our questions.
Ditto !:)

I was just in a very well known forum that I had to visit about 3 years,and the legendary breeder in a thread full of questions,managed to answer none of them in a big post.(WTF is walkabout :biggrin: ) Immediately Dubi came to mind.Dude sets new standards not only with his work,but attitude, communication ,and the transparency of his work,too.


New member
High fellow farmers and Dubi,
Here are a few pics of my hi brix soil Super Malawi Haze.

She was given 6 weeks of veg and was flowered for 82 days.
Topped once, she was flipped in a 1 gal softie then moved to a 5 gal after 28 days.

She smells like old school floral with a hint of leather and citrus.
The nugs are rock hard,dense and frosted.

Mine appears to be Malawi leaning.
Her effects are not to be trifiled with.

Smooth potent clear euphoric chest expanding mental elevation.
My favorite sativa from Ace thus far, surpassing the Panama x PCK I ran last year by a good margin.:woohoo:
Keep up the good work Dubi.
Deez r keepers.:dance013:


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi Syd,

You are right, both Nevil's Haze and A5 Haze mothers provided by Yo Sammy are very sexually stable, our experience with them is not so long like some of the crew from South Holland, but as far as now both have never produced a single hermie sign.

Regarding the first 2 hybrids we have produced with them: Super Malawi Haze is super sexually stable and i have never seen any hermie sign in this hybrid, neither we have received any complaint from other growers about it. Killer A5 Haze seems can produce some bananas in certain individuals, but it's not frequent and only happens when she is grown under stress. In fact we tested dozens of Killer A5 Haze with strong stress conditions in a light dep greenhouse last season and none of them showed any hermie problem.



ACE Seeds Breeder
High fellow farmers and Dubi,
Here are a few pics of my hi brix soil Super Malawi Haze.

She was given 6 weeks of veg and was flowered for 82 days.
Topped once, she was flipped in a 1 gal softie then moved to a 5 gal after 28 days.

She smells like old school floral with a hint of leather and citrus.
The nugs are rock hard,dense and frosted.
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=79343&pictureid=1920799&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

Mine appears to be Malawi leaning.
Her effects are not to be trifiled with.
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=79343&pictureid=1920801&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

Smooth potent clear euphoric chest expanding mental elevation.
My favorite sativa from Ace thus far, surpassing the Panama x PCK I ran last year by a good margin.:woohoo:
Keep up the good work Dubi.
Deez r keepers.:dance013:
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=79343&pictureid=1920802&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

Excellent results Stage! :tiphat:

Glad you rate the new Super Malawi Haze among your favorite sativa strain from us :) Hope it motivates to keep exploring other sativa genetics from our catalog.

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