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Super Congo


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Súper Congos ….. the tent should be open in 2 more weeks most likely 🤘🤘🤘




Well-known member
How are the super congo?

Hey brother, sorry for the slow reply. I was in Mexico for a bachelor party. Man what a trip! Haha

The super Congos looked great when I peeked in on them late last night after I returned, and they have really started to take off while I was away.

I have a few plants finishing up still in the tent that these Super Congos will be going in, but I think by next week I should have them transplanted and have everything ready to begin their grow!

Thanks for checking in on this, it’s gonna be a fun one. Just a little longer before we can begin the show :dance013: :whee:


Well-known member
Mexico, nice. You made it home safe and the congo calls. Looking forward to seeing her flowering.

I pulled them out just for you and also to not make things soooo stale. In hindsight maybe I started this thread a wee bit too early 🤣🤣🤣

Super Congos praying under the low intensity lighting of my mother tent. The Doors x original Haze in the 4x2 flower tent needs one more week minimum, the Malawi that’s also in there could be taken tomorrow or maybe I’ll let her go until then also I haven’t quite decided yet. Either way it seems like it’ll be one more week before they can go in.



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Well-known member
The Super Congo has the 2 strains I enjoy. Bangi Haze was such a feel good high. Congo was right up there for great vibes. I will definitely grow those again.

The internodes looks like they will be tall.

Could be, but it could also be because they are receiving ONLY 100-150 ppfd as I’m trying to slow them down in my mother tent until the flower tent is ready for them. This is common practice over here and how I run my room. Once the flower tent is open I’ll strip off their lower nodes, plant them deep up to their necks in the medium and give them proper lighting and they’ll take right off. So at this point I’m not sure any determinations can be made about internode spacing…. Although considering the lineage they very well could end up as tall lanky plants regardless.

We will see in one week! 🤘🤘🤘


Well-known member
Happy seedlings while waiting for more space in the bigger tent :) thanks for the updates @OZZ !

Glad you enjoyed so much our 2 main Congolese strains @Legalcdn ;) your feedback is much appreciated!

Thanks Dubi!! The seedlings have been transplanted!

For some reason I cannot upload the photos I keep getting a server error….. maybe there’s maintenance going on, I’ll try again tomorrow. 👍👍👍


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Super Congos have been transplanted! I had a very long flowering cultivar in there that just wanted to keep going and going. Sorry for the delay ladies and gents.

Things are going to move along VERY quickly now, these are the original seed plants and not clones … so big stretch is inevitable. Furthermore these are 2 gallon pots of coco and perilite. Finally this is only a 4x2 tent with limited head space…. I need to keep them under 5’ tall - including the pots. I’m going to prune them to 4 main leads for four main colas per plant and eliminate all side branching in order to make this work. 16 large colas coming out of the tent that’s all since the purpose is to find the best plant of the four.

I’m going to flip them very very quickly for these reasons and do my best to keep them tamed. It should be fun! HA!!

I’ve got them acclimating to the LEDs and on a low 200 ppfd, but as soon as I see signs they are spreading their roots I’ll be flipping them right away. Certainly no longer than a week from today. I’ll likely go 11/13 on them…. I’m not entirely sure just yet though with Banghi being one of the parents maybe I could get away with 12/12…. But I’m leaning towards 11/13 to help keep them more manageable. I have a feeling this is going to be….. well let’s just say ….. challenging 🤣


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I’m throwing a curve ball on this grow guys, the way these plants are growing out has me scared of them in 2 gallon pots of coco in this size of a tent, the plants were basically mocking me everytime I opened the tent. It was getting pretty obvious it was going to be a disaster if I tried to flip them as is.

So I decided it’s too risky since they are the original seed plants, and I went ahead and pulled them out of the autopots and transplanted then into a 1 gallon floraflex system. It however will be my first DTW grow in coco so there may be a learning curve as up until this point I’ve only ever grown in the autopots with coco…… **BUT** I feel MUCH more comfortable with them in 1 gallon pots I can say that.

It’s a top fed drain to waste system. I’m waiting on some drip trays to arrive (next week), but for now I’m just hand watering them. Once the drip trays come in I’ll get the system setup and set the timer to water 2x a day.

I’ll get pics asap. These girls have been topped and are still hitting 12-15” already, so by the time trays come in they’ll be fully rooted in, I’ll prune them back once more and flip them. Probably one more week.

I’ll get pics uploaded as soon as the site allows, updates aren’t much fun without photos are they?? Lol


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Super Congos have been transplanted into the 1 gallon flora flex DTW system. I feel much more comfortable with the 1 gallon pots. Additionally a week ago I hacked them all back as they were already trying to grow out of control. Now I have them pruned down to four main shoots each. Will let them veg for one more week than flip.

The flora flex system is setup and working well but the feed lines are horribly unorganized and messy, I don’t like it at all so I ordered a roll of new feed lines so once it comes in next week I’ll reroute the distributor outside the tent and bundle up all the feed lines and run them into the tent as one unit to keep it more organized.

As of now though it’ll have to sit as is. Plants don’t seem to mind at all lol


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I can’t wait to see how these progress. I’m going to take the summer off, but if these are as pretty as I anticipate, I will definitely pop a couple this fall.


Well-known member
I can’t wait to see how these progress. I’m going to take the summer off, but if these are as pretty as I anticipate, I will definitely pop a couple this fall.

Me to man Im super pumped, sorry for the delay and false starts everyone but I just knew they were gonna get out of control in those 2 gallon autopots lol. I think 5-7 more days veg then I’ll flip them, possibly on Friday but it’ll be Sunday at the latest. 🤘🤘

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