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Suby Fights Cancer

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Fresh Start

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Food coop's

Food coop's

Suby, I whole heartily lend you any luck I may have saved up with god. My good vibes and well wishes are with you. As well as everyone else who is going through this and I can't communicate this too. That also includes my grandfather who is undergoing chemo treatment and radiation next week for colon cancer tumor cells.

I work at a food coop in San Francisco which specializes in organic and local foods. No, its not rainbow grocery for those of you in the bay area.

I'm excited to hear more about your ideas and what exactly you want to start going in your area. If you have any questions along the way please feel free to PM me!


New member

I'm more a lurker on here, but you definitely taught me so much about Organics. I really enjoyed reading your posts, you are a cool dude.

Sending some positive energy your way buddy, we all love ya!

Get Well Soon!!




Fiends Phase II will start.

Blessings To Suby...

Suby I'm here for you and yours..

ICMag folks This is the most difficult and SO Suby needs our Support more then ever.

Suby I know I know more than most but Friend I have nothing but Heart for you and yours.

The Other side of the Rainbow is the Truth.. here for the Slide Friend..

Land in my arms and i'll do the best I can and so will all of us..

Bless you , Your Wife, your children.. Bless your future.. I need Friends.. LOL




Dude...you don't know me and am sure you've gotten lots of 'advice' but two words...Immune Extra. It's a kick ass immune enhancement product and blows away things like Agaricus blazei, colostrum, Maitake D fraction, or anything else you have looked at or can imagine. If I get my post count up to 50 can forward some inside research info about anti-cancer stuff and general health enhancement that will rock your socks. Been doing this stuff for 20+ years and without a doubt one of the most amazing natural products ever made available...and yes it's organic...and actually wild crafted :wink:

Scay Beez

Active member
Very sorry to read this! My best advice is mind over matter.. stress is the biggest killer of them all. Hit me up if ya wanna chat. Got ya in my prayers and meditation.

- sbz


**AWD** Aficianado
Hey guys,

Well I am still alive and kicking and amazingly well enough to go home for another weekend.
I have been sleeping most of thee day, the radiation treatment does that, my energy is still pretty good when I am awake.
I'm not in any pain and nausea has been minimal so far.

As my good friend Jack says this is phase 2, the worse bit but by the time I get back from home I will have 8 days out of 30 under my belt.
Then I have to recoop from all this shit they have been giving me,, 2-4 weeks maybe.
You guys have been great' mind over matter has kept me in this game but so has all your energy and dedication to my cause.

My family is well taken care of both time wise and financially, my parents, my wife, my daughter are all being very strong for me.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel and I am flooring the gas for daylight.
It's amazing how you miss the little things like fresh air, a night out with the boys, campfires, playing soccer with my girl, cooking a meal for my wife (hospital food is brutal)...the list is getting longer each day.

I promise WHEN i fully recover I will make it all up to you :joint:


Wow I don't know how I missed this!!! I'm glad your pulling hard...I will put you into my meditation as well..... I know when my mother was dealing with chemo herb helped a lot!! also I will recommend a great dish for keeping your energy up

spinach bacon quiche

its easy!!!
dough in pan
saute the garlic
after I saute the garlic I add 1 cup of of beef or chicken broth and salt and pepper and the garlic and cook down the spinach like collard greens...so its dark and limp

when you drain the spin save the juice and drink it is full of vits and minerals

cook the bacon

mix spin garlic and bacon and eggs

cook at 350 till done

garlic gives your immune system a boost
spinach give you iron that the chemo strips
eggs give you protein
and bacon give you flavor and fat calories that you need if your not eating that much

take care and stay positive its the best thing you can do ...


some of my fav herbs and plants for feeling good what the hell suby it never hurtsto ask the doc if this or that is acceptable as any psychomatic boost coundn't hurt: chlorophyll,aloe vera juice,and pau darco herb from peru.

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Hey Buddy
Sending more vibes your way bro!!!
Glad to hear things still going good as can be for you.

Boy i know what you mean about that hospital food ...ARG.

Peace /Love
I N Hail


ICMag Donor
Thinking of you suby!!! hope your in good spirits! you sound very positive and that will sure help in the long run! your in my prayers and thoughts big guy!!! we are here rootin for ya allllll the way!!



Active member
all is well Suby .many blessings . i'll see you at the CBD thread . may all be well ,may all beings be happy . ~hidingtree


Suby ain't saying it but he has started a hard part.

I'm no rat Suby... I ain't snitching what I know to save my ass.. But things need to be said.

We love Ya Man! You and your Wonderful Family!

I'm thinking of ya!



If this is a hard part, we are just gonna have to vibe a lil harder :D Keep it up Suby, and lettuce know how your girls are, huh?


Sorry to hear of your situation Suby, and I wish you strength and good luck for the road ahead. Stay Strong, you are a valuable and integral part of the community here.:joint:
Suby, I am still thinking of you and your family, although i don't know you much, I do care, and I am saddened to hear another good person be hit with this Cancer Situation, I can tell you are a fighter and you have been fighting this and will beat it, God Bless you and your family,

ahhhhh... It's always hard to come up with REAL words for something like this, but nonetheless I want to say something encouraging, so I do my best,

Please keep positive and keep tuff.... Take Care..

And everyone else that has been posting here and giving this man words of love and wisdom and words of encouragement, God Bless you all, i love you ALL....Bless!
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