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Suby Fights Cancer

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Active member
Stay strong man. I don't know you personally but i've read a lot of your posts and i just wanted to say you definitely make a difference here at icmag and i know your gonna get well soon!


Hi Suby, this is Relik, that's some fcking bad news bro, hope you keep your head up and stay positive! I'm sure it ain't easy at all, good to know you get to see your family often and they support you.
You're a great guy, I wish you the very best!


Just Call me Urkle!!
Damn I'm sorry to hear that Suby I'm glad your pulling through tho, you've always seem helpful in the Organics forums so my blessings are being sent your way... I've been scared I may have something wrong with me, every 2 weeks or so I get deathly ill at 3am puking and shaking till 6-10am and I have have lower back pain so your story kinda scared me... Bless You buddy and good luck on the book I've wanted to put one together also


Just Call me Urkle!!
BBing I am not suggesting MJ caused my cancer, none of the docs even dared imply it.
It has been suggested my one or two peeps that the condition might have been keeping at bay because of my MJ use, just on the fringe of manifesting itself.
A 15cm mediastinal mass is morethan even MJ can mask, LL is an agressive cancer and genetics appear to play a part.
Out of 15 patients in this ward 5 come from a 20 minute radius from my home, thee is an investigation being opened with the minister of environment as the hospital covers a 1 radius and statistically it's almost impossible to be a coincidence.
This whole thing stinks of weirdness.

Wow bro that does stink of weirdness I hope for the most part it is and you get compensated for this along with the other people.. Are they thinking something being sprayed in the area caused it or in the water maybe?? I don't know much about it but I'm very compassionate person for sick people cuz my Mom works in nursing homes and I've seen some bad things. If I can do anything for you let me know as I don't go out much with my hurt knee so I'd feel good to put my time to good use helping someone like you :joint:


Suby, our prayers are with you and yours. I just wanted to say that a positive attitude can very much help your condition. As I saw you said earlier, "gotta stay focused", yeep, stay focused, stay positive and remember that you have folks at home that need ya and members here that are pullin' fer ya. Here's a link to a thread I created, all based on tha work of Dr. Fry, regarding oral cannabis. I appoligize 'bout tha graphs (haven't gotten around to fixing 'em), but I'm sure you'll git tha gist of it.....

I sincerely hope to continue seein' ya on tha boards, (though I have never addressed ya)
Stay healthy, positive


**AWD** Aficianado
Thanks every one of you for the support.

Today sucked, headaches and pucking, they`ve been trying different meds for both but so far no good.
No MJ pills today but I think tomorrow I will use them again, it can`t make me worse than I was today.

Steele thanks for that link, it confirms my feeling that using a faster acting tincture a few times daily could alleviate the nausea, I just don`t know if it will help or worsen my headaches, I've rarely gotten relief from headaches from MJ.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Don't want to be 'sorry' for you Suby, you don't need that negative 'poor guy' thing.

Stay strong, fight, well you are...

You're only 30, in your prime. Be glad you're not going through this when you're 10, or 60.

This is a turning point in your life, a lot of things will be and look different once you're through this.

It's also a lifetime opportunity for you to set a new course, make a new life for yourself.

I'll coach you if you need it.

A good CBD strain is Salmon Creek Big Bud.


Oh, wow, what a coincidence; I was just reading a journal about how THC causes apoptosis in malignant tumor cells, specifically lymphoblastic cancer.


I'd read many journals and studies suggesting that cannabis can cure cancer, but this one includes graphs, which show a significant effect from the concentrated THC solution.

If you have some extra hemp oil lying around, maybe it's worth a shot?


Suby...he who has brought so much to us....we shall strive to return to him the same joy. May health, happiness and harmony enter your soul suby....soon enuff this will be behind you, and another lesson will be gained.

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ICMag Donor
Suby my friend, I just caught this thread. I'm going to shoot you a PM in the next day or so after this settles in.

I do want to say negative thoughts are not an option. You keep that attitude you have now no matter what. I wish you were growing these under diffrent circumstances. This will be the first time this one has been grown. I pray it works well for you. The grapefruit gives me an energetic high, but the skunk will knock me on the couch. Make sure not to cut them to early my friend. Keep your head high and we'll be praying for you.

I'll be in touch.....


**AWD** Aficianado
I have a heavy heart as I write, you guys have been an inspiation for me along with my friends and family.
The help and links and prayers and well wishes make every post, PM, troll and educated argument and every inch of bandwith fee more than worth it.
This thread makes me feel that we can win this Canna fight, that we can change things forever, I had lost the feeling as of recently.

N. Accumens you really touched my with you generosity and good will, know that I am in execellent care and my immediate family lives within 10 minutes of me and plan to camp out and help both my wife and I until I kick them out :).
Despite having said I would not BLOG my cancer it makes me feel connected to talk to you guys about it.

Now for something I think is a vital turning point in my fight with this cancer, the article posted by A-9, I cannot ignore the content and timing of that article, it specifies my cancer by name and testing.
Everyone should read it, I'm taking my care into my own hands for bit.

Today I was sick, headache, vomiting, nausea, I popped 2 weed pills and by 10pm I had eaten a bowl of popcorn and a plate of spaghetti, no headache and no nausea.

They cocktailed me full of meds all day to help and none of it did, within 45min of the pills I feel exceptionall every though I feel very little body buzz.

Somehow it seems ignorant of me to want to turrn my back on MJ now that it actually holds the potential of doing so much for my health.

I have Green Dragon along the way so dosage might be quicker and more precise as well as sterile.
I will post the recipe I found,, any comment welcome.

JJScorpio I'm glad your there dude, talk to you soon.

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natural medicator
suby: just stopping in to say you're in my prayers.
Stay strong and fight hard friend.
may you be blessed


Suby, happy to hear your getting some relief. Tha link we sent ya is based on a butter or canna oil basis. Try baked goods, making sure you don't over do it, as edibles are significantly more powerful than toking.

Hope that helps,


Sorry to hear about your situation Suby, you just have to maintain a positive line of thinking and never give up. My thoughts will be with you, and may your recovery be a speedy one.

Best Wishes,


Now for something I think is a vital turning point in my fight with this cancer, the article posted by A-9, I cannot ignore the content and timing of that article, it specifies my cancer by name and testing.
Everyone should read it, I'm taking my care into my own hands for bit.


Rick Simpson describes how to make and use hemp oil to cure cancer. Apparently 2 ounces of oil should do the trick.


Sorry to hear Suby. Great to see your doing well with the new pills. Keep up the good spirits. My best wishes go out to ya :)


Active member
wow suby that last post of delta 9's really has got me thinking ..... can it be so simple ? usually it is the simplest things we find the most outrageous . especially with the beginning of the chemo treatment already begun .what to do ? stop the chemo and be looked upon as the family lunatic? use it in combination? boy you have it tougher than any decision i have ever had to make . may all be well suby . may this health issue come to pass and you be reunited with whole good health . all is well . and will be . many blessings suby , remember , all is well .
regards, hidingtree
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