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Strains that can reach 5-10lb's


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
biggest tip that i can't emphasize enough is transplant established seedlings ( cs females for me) with a deep root-ball at the earliest time possible without inducing premature flowering. this requires some experience to get the timing down.

Couldn't agree more... The right size seedling stripped of most leaves and buried up to its neck at the start of the season is key for the extra vegging you want to occur to support a massive bud growth come the end of the season. I think the only way to achieve the big results on the east coast is to make big holes and plant well rooted seedlings/cuttings at the exact right moment in the season. I had one plant start to flower when it was only planted 5 days ahead of another, which took off into veg mode without any stress.


Hey guys -alot of great advice-I'm really stuck on the Blue Dream with all its great reviews, even though i can't get it! But soon enough i'll be out West retreiving some little virgins to bring home. For now though its store seeds. Idiit-i never grew Warlock but heard shes a real Stinky bitch. Also, alot of other strains mentioned that i also like -Jack Herer-and got going right now! I like to be prepared as much as possible before doing something and this is why i started this thread.


Well-known member

Here's a cute little Jack Herrer plant that gave over 10 lbs


And if you do it right....you get something that looks like this. The three down by the ladder are Jack Herrer. The rest were home crosses. Like this one.


Here's Jack crossed with Ganesville green. The green as a rule won't do five....but the cross did 6 half.

Timing these for max yield will take some dialing in. Plant too late ...less yield. Plant buds early and you lose even more yield.

Also I prepare my soil and plant many seeds directly inground. That can be done in Hawaii. Its a weed. Cull out the smaller ones. Only keep the biggest and best.

Delicious is fishing in the right spot. I have yet to spend a red cent on a seed. Most Mainland seeds don't get as big as local sativas. If possible breed your own. Little of this, little of that, and if the gods smile on you...a keeper is born. Work with it. perfect it.

It's kinda cool when someone asks "What is this?" and you answer, "Oh, just something I threw together.

As for clones...seldom had one get over four. The're not really built to get big like seeds are. The root system isn't built for giants and you waste too much time getting them to the size to plant in the garden.


Professor Organic Psychology
To get big plants you need a super hyper vegging regime. You can't just plant a seed outside and expect that. Ideally you will have clones started inside and they will be four feet tall once you bring them out. Then you have to have an aggressive feeding program. You have to push the envelope and over feed them. All the whilr you need to provide lighting so they don't stop growing and go into flower. All this is assuming you provided some soil and an air pot big enough to support this massive growth. Once to get a plant that is like a 15 foot ball you need to drape the netting over them to keep them from falling in the. Mud. Now throw them into flower and make sure no stray light gets im


Professor Organic Psychology
This can work with most available hybrids as long as it isn't some thing intentionally bred to be small


Check the "growing large trees outdoors thread" in the Tom Hill breeders forum if you have not already. Delicious is pretty right on.

I don't veg my plants to four feet indoors, that would mean taking cuts earlier than I like. I plant seeds mid march or take cuttings april 1st and plants go outside late may, early june @ around 2-3 ft tall. Younger plants are more efficient and produce better quality buds in my experience.

I would say most strains can do 5+, as long as it's a good pheno. Fast flowering Sativa is the name of the game. The Blue Dream cut I run finishes Oct 5-10 @ 42 degrees north (Southern Oregon) and has no problem hitting 7 or so in a 200 gallon pot as long as I do my job. An indica like purple kush or an OG cross does about 3 for me in the same size pot but a bigger pot and longer veg time I have no doubt I could hit 5. Would probably be battling much more pests and diseases though with an older plant and losing buds or even whole plants to stem rot and botrytis is very possible, especially trying Indica doms in my location, so to me it's not really worth it.

Kant C Shyt

Active member
This is a nice topic but I think some of the answers are gonna be off for various reasons, let me explain. Some of ya'll have named off some clone only strains, not everyone has access to clones. Also when were those clones started (have you been growing them indoors all winter and thats how you got 5-10 or did you start in Feb or sometime earlier than normal, things like that need to be stated). Same thing goes for strains from seed, like when did you start to get that massive harvest. Watering is also a factor. Who didn't or doesn't water and still gets multiple lbs harvest or how often did you have to water to get that weight (everyday, 3x a week, 4x a month, again info. that needs to be stated). You running organic or chemical ferts also? Here's a good ? that I think people will have an easier time answering. What strains (whether started from seed or clones with no veg. time) can be started at the beginning of your OD season and can still reach a mulitple lb harvest given moderate waterings and training? I just think people give too broad of answers for ?s like the OPs. DeliciousBuds hit on another good point which was phenos (the right 1 can make or break you). I do hope you find what you are looking for and I hope you also enjoy growing outdoors as much or even more then indoors. GL and take care 1


Thanx Kant and everyone -I'm estatic to be growing OD for the first time, now that i got the opportunity! Only-you guys out West have access to WAY more strains than here-(Clones ). For now, i have to get and grow whats available -Not too much, mostly what breeders have available to purchase-this sucks! I keep hearing you guys talking about how great this strain is and that one, but I can't get them here. I don't what to sound like a little kid crying, but the right strain is another factor needed in the equation of growing these HUGE MONSTERS. In the near future-I'm going to update some of the strains (clones) available from the West to the East-hehe! Pursistance is everything!!


Im in the UK, this is my first proper GG grow, id be interested to know what the best yeilds people over here have had, and from what, the thought of a monster plant like that over here, im on 50 degrees here so about the best it can get for the UK.




very good thread. and plenty of different opinons.

what I'm interested in a lot is planting time. usually one would expect when planting early (March) more growth more bud. I've read that it is not true in most cases. even in this thread there are different views about this. from my experience plants that were planted in may can easily reach those planted in april. especially if the weather is not the best. but that's just size I'm talking about. on the other side many people and guides claim that when planting later (June 1) you'll get smaller plants but much more bud.

I guess there are many factors influencing best time to plant. my guess is that early finishing strains don't need as much veg as late flowering. plant might easily get confused reaching sexual maturity, ready to flower but days still getting longer.

lattitude and flowering is where things get complicated for me. I understand it is a genetical code in plants to trigger the flowering hormones at optimum time for their latitude and climate. and I know that I cannot grow tropical sativa in 40 N. so I guess I should choose the most apropriate strain for my latitude and climate, which will be able to finsh there. the bigger the better.
Every plant can reach those weights with the right environment and conditions, I'd suggest finding other attributes you find as important and go from there.

That is not true. Aside from the obvious autoflowers that cannot do that, many phenos, of many strains will not perform to that standard even in a "perfect" situation. My sensi star, for example, if kept in perfect health and started in January wont hit above 3 full season. No way, no how.

I would say that most strains have that potential though. :tiphat:


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ICMag Donor
Bet i'll get 5 out of your Sensi star palomine, I'll make her shine like the NorCal Star!


New member
silver sure agree with you for any of you who are thinking of doing these 10lb beasts there is some key info to know and use when running these ladies. And there is most def some of the best outdoor icmagg members giving you all the info to a T besides feeding that is.


Fraggle Rock grows like crazy. It grows over, in and around any other strain next to it. Kind of annoying. But it yields huge.


100 plants should do good for 1000 lbs, 10lbs each, I expect you have to have a fucking uhaul or some shit to get that much weed back to your moms basement. lol jk. I would dry all that in a well ventilated greenhouse with humidity and temperature control with fans to speed them buds up. set up some hanging racks in the greenhouse. theres tons of space in there uhhhhhh space bomb, best strain ever! literally I think 1000 lbs is actually a metric ton but im not sure. I like to use 200 and 500 gallon pots. transporting soil to the guerilla gardens is a bitch. go big or go home. 10 plants in each spot 10 spots 100 plants 10 lbs 1000 lbs and Im as golden as kaya gold. Top and bend the mother load outta her for months until august and veg the fuck till October. aint no rain where I live so im good. peace brothers. keep tokin this shit. all I gotta worry about is mold, between 8pm and 1am when ive already chopped it off trimming from 5am to 7pm in the grow spot the previous day, and its waiting there for me in the middle of the night, wanting to be picked up and smoked at 1 am. lol that's how I do it up here by the bay. one man show. the lone survivor. the lone ranger. brown dirt. whatever this guerilla war faces us, its me against the dea, so fuck them. we're too smart to fuck up on this bruh. talk to much shit, shit, maybe im stoned and just a dreamer. -_-


Active member
"SourPower" feedback we received from Santa Cruz. Plants grown from seed in 300-400 gallon smart pots.


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