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Strains in Jeopardy

waiting for an answer...

waiting for an answer...

almost 12 hours later, no pms or post....hmm. I will go ahead and abandon hope of an articulate comeback. Thanks, 1 serving 0.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Lowryder 1, lowryder 2, ak47 ryder, diesel ryder, sensi ruderalis indica, ruderlis skunk, fruit auto, white dwarf, quicksilver, roadrunner... all those are auto's correct, I've smoked these from my own stock and other people who I know that they know what they're doing...autos suck-I've given them a chance...I have. I see the Cindy hybrids from people, I also see that it contains the same 3 strains that almost everything else is comprised of. I'll hide in my basement growing the best, rather than hide from nazis in helicopters in my auto field. My electric bill is worth the quality I can achieve indoor. Sun is free, but I prefer resin coverage, high calyx to leaf ratios from indoor, and then I don't worry about cops and rippers. a better, even lower profile.
Also, if you could compose a thread how you achieve better quality with an auto flower, than with a regular "designer Cindy" hybrid, I would love to read it. Love to...post count means nothing, pictures...show me...I'm not in Missouri, but f*cking show me!!!! I would rather smoke an unstable breeding hybrid, than a worked auto...so what auto did I not try? I'm missing it somehow...Which Auto is going to rip my face off??? Which Auto is better than SSH, Jack Herer or Cindy99???

I was wrong, and prefaced that i might be wrong, about you smoking autoflowers... there's nothing more I can say. Mostly because you don't like them. I'm not going to force a cow to eat meat ;)

Idk man... I live in the land of 'elites'. Maybe my sense of good pot is all outta whack.

Its funny, I honestly don't really like C99 as much as everyone totes it as the best strain ever. So to each his own, eh?

With that said, I like to let people make their own choices and not hate on stuff, possibly turning them away.

Where you live you have 'nazi' helicopters... where I live its basically legal... idk what to say about that.

My post count does not mean I'm credible or an authority on something. That would be an ignorant thing to assume. I don't have any pictures for you, sorry.
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a patient's perspective...

a patient's perspective...

the real fear that threatens marijuana diversity is the breeding for traits that fatten the pocket

bigger faster most stealth plants that auto flower and auto sex and have muted attributes to avoid detection, the dominance of these traits in breeding selection usually comes at the cost of other desirable traits

Word... selected for a market that seems to value any and every trait above the uniqueness of the cannabinoid profile and overall effect. "Stoned" is, IMO, the easiest 'head' characteristic to identify, and is increasingly becoming the only thing many newer cannabis users I meet can identify about the head of a particular sample, because one-toke modern dank is all they've ever been exposed to. Not many people seem to appreciate subtleties in their cannabis experience anymore. Let's just get faded.

As a medical user in California, this has made it next to impossible for me and others like me to find a suitable, functional sample of medicine offered at any med club. This may seem an absurd statement with the sheer amount and variety of cannabis being grown and sold in California. But typically, everything on the menu is flavor-of-the-month dank, increasingly hybridized with whatever is most popular, because that's what the market demands. "Great for pain!", they always say. But I'm not in physical pain, I have a wicked case of bipolar disorder, and if I smoke almost anything that the market is into these days, I'm fucking useless and my day is over. I can't function with limbs full of hot sand and a head full of foam rubber.

Learned this the hard way when I started growing my own meds again about 6 years ago and filled my whole garden with purple clone-only bullshit because I didn't know any better, and spent the next 3 months of my life depressed on my couch in a fog. I'll never get those 3 months back.

Right around then I seemed to remember that the 'schwag' we lived on when I was coming up used to make me feel 'good'. We'd laugh and frolic and want to go out and do stuff. It wasn't until I did a few years of research and soaked up stuff like Clarke's MJ Botany and Short's Exceptional Cannabis and read/conversed with many knowledgeable heads here on IC that I began to realize that something had definitely been lost. The descriptions of the 'heritage strains' in both books began to remind me why I started using cannabis in the first place - it was mind-expanding, complex and fun. What really got me were R's 'Connoisseur' articles in the old High Times where you can basically see him chart the Indica takeover, from fascination and wonder at the Haze Bros. early Indi/Sat hybrid experiments, to wondering if things were going in the right direction when selections tended toward the commercial Indica side, then eventually to anger and disgust at the glut of sticky, photogenic narco-weed that pushed his beloved old head-tingling Sativas right out of the market. My favorite R quote - "When was the last time you had an original idea on an Indica?". (BTW, If you want to see someone wax rhapsodic about cannabis, look for the article where he sampled the Chateau Forcade gold Columbian with the rich lady. Awesome.).

So I began to search out pure strains, landraces, IBL's and true F1 hybrids made with landrace stock, with an emphasis on African and Mexican lines, because I remember Mex being 'fun', and I had heard much talk of Africans being energetic, profound and spiritual. And I continue to be amazed at the variety of experiences they produce once finished. With each subsequent experiment, I get told by more and more people "this is the best herb I have ever had", and when I ask for details, they are always about the qualities and subtleties in the head, which is my main selection criteria. But the current market could give a fuck about such things.

I'll share my latest example. My latest finished crop was a clone grow of my selected Guerreroberry, a Chimera-selected 1972 Highland Guerreran female crossed with DJ's B130 Blueberry male that yielded enough to try for some much-needed cost recovery at a med club. It is truly some of the finest smoke I've ever experienced on several levels, the main characteristics being a massive, clear and expansive headspace, a thoughtful, intelligent euphoria and an incredibly long-lasting high. I've written several detailed reports here on it already. It also has more distinct flavor notes than almost anything I've ever smoked, but they're very subtle and make you look for them. But oh, are they there!

Being a mostly Sativa hybrid, and an unworked landrace Sativa at that, the structure of the floral clusters was loose and foxtailed, the resin glands, while extremely prodigious, were very small, and the aroma was a subtle blend of woods, spices and florals instead of a fruity/skunky slap in the olfactories.

Nobody at the clubs wanted to even look at it. Most took one look at the jars and said 'no thanks' without even so much as a sniff, let alone a bioassay to determine if what I said was true. The same thing that happened with my super-trippy 16 week Africans. Never mind the full pedigree, the joint effort of two of the most respected cannabis breeders of our time, the 3 week flush, the 8 week cure, the full photojournal of the grow, the Pic of the Month nomination, the silvery-blue hue, the aroma of Raisinettes, and this loquacious fellow trying to communicate how well it mitigates his vexing symptoms. Fuck that, we want what the kids will buy for $20/g. That's the market at large. And that's how it's going to continue to be.

Once my patients toked on it they snapped it up like it was going out of style, which according to this thread it apparently did many years ago anyway. I've never seen some of them stock up like that. Funny how the stuff the clubs wouldn't even look at is what everybody wants in my world. Small fucking world, though. Mostly artists, musicians and people almost as crazy as me. But they love the old Sativas. And they constantly thank me for making them available.

The herb I now grow has been responsible for many people I know reintroducing cannabis into their lives, because over the past 10 years all they could get was one-hit dank and they stopped enjoying the experience. This is not to hype my own skills as a grower in any way, rather to hype the life that still exists in many older lines of cannabis.

It all comes down to one factor - money. You can make a shit-ton of money growing big-yielding dank. I know plenty who do, and more power to them. I'm barely scraping by working these often difficult genetics. Barely scraping by. They take longer, they yield less. They require different growing strategies. To most, it's a fool's errand. But the finished product makes it all worth it. I have medicine that actually works for me, and so do my patients.

With few exceptions, new-school hybrids all tend to smother my vital energies with their overpowering stone, and with consistent use will generally push me deep into depression, which in a few extreme cases has left me suicidal. Anything with a 'Cali Kush' or newfangled mersh purple in the makeup drags me down. Old-world Sativa genetics gave me my life back. Call it hyperbole if you wish, but I know my life was saved by skipping back over decades of selections to the older lines that still had what has been ignored. One current exception is the ubiquitous Blue Dream. I'm even growing a few right now. But for me it still leaves a bit to be desired.

I shudder to think of how many effective medicinal lines of cannabis are being tossed to the side in favor of lines that favor aesthetic/market factors like color and flavor, size and stature over what happens to you once you smoke it.

Remember the uproar when people found out McDonald's was using GMO potatoes in their fries? It made it easier for the grower, but provided no real benefit to the consumer. I see a similar thing happening with modern cannabis, but instead of an uproar there is a clamor for more. Everyone wants it easier and quicker. But ease and quickness come at a cost. And while most might be fine with that cost, I personally cannot abide it. It will eventually kill me. And I know there are others like me out there, struggling with similar symptoms, unable to find anything that relieves them without unwanted negative side effects.

It breaks my heart that the comparatively permissive medical cannabis laws we have here in CA have led to a situation where instead of providing a range of truly effective medicines for a variety of conditions, certain types of 'medicine' are consistently favored over another because of strictly financial factors, almost always in the seller's favor. Kind of like the pharmaceutical industry, yeah?

I used to think that once people tried a real Sativa, they wouldn't go back. Kind of like how once you skateboard in an empty pool and get some coping on roundwall, a red curb just doesn't cut it anymore. But I don't think that anymore. Some people just don't want their consciousness expanded. As for me, I'm going to preserve every unique genetic line I've been entrusted and keep looking for what works for me, and not worry about the market at large. Maybe someday my work will be of value to someone, maybe it won't. But right now, for me, with my bipolar becoming more and more tricky over time, the question of "what do I grow?" is literally a life or death decision.


The Hummus Monk

Active member
Fucking Great Post! ^


Keep it going with your sativa loving...I hear ya all the way!

I was gifted some F2's of hmex x bb...should be some goodies to be had.

Hope you stay on top of your bipolar.


3rd-Eye Jedi
i think at this point most human beings are very base and very numb

add lifestyle factors like pharmaceuticals and processed foods and the full character of sativa cannot be realized

sativa's stimulate the part of the brain american chemicals turn off

most people dont live holistic enough of a life to be moral let alone spiritual

in essence the parts of the brain that allow us to access the conscience are muted by our environmental factors

magnifying a muted condition gets muted results

that said i manage my bipolar (diagnosed pre drugs pre teen) medicinally only with pot

took me decades of failed treatment and life to realize my body knew what it needed i just had to listen

that said i need my sativas and sat hybrids and i have been blessed to have found many good ones at my disposal

i think the neurological stimulation by sats lets people with bipolar and other disorders to process in other regions of the brain which in turn are not effected by the said disorder thus providing FUNCTIONAL relief

once you find the right meds you need to reach out to the right community of people

i found alot of good people here and the chanting growers thread has helped me tremendously

first and foremost by showing me that there are collections of people with similar issue who have a overwhelming passion to grow and have found the relationship with the plant to be healing in every sense of the word

it seems the community could use a therapeutic cannabis users support group to accomplish this very service

a place where people with similar issues problems can share experience and enco encouragement

prohibition is very much to blame for the weak homogeneous marijuana that is prevalent in the market

its also kept us disconnected and clandestine so little of this real information is available

pot is a miracle medicine in many ways, just not one that is easily contained and controlled


Well-known member
When will the current Spice of Life beans (BS, Blubonic, Donk, etc) go extinct? Blockhead is apparently extinct in the wild, how did that end up happening? There seems to be plenty of B.S. and BluB.


Well-known member
This is just my observation of the marijuana seed industry..OUR beloved plant is being watered down...I;ll explain..

I just went on seedbay as i usually do to peruse the strains and see if i want to spend my hard earned money..Well guess what..I DON'T and you wanna know WHY..

Cause all of the available seeds or most not all are watered down genetics...Chem this and OG that...I am just as quilty, I just did a pollen chuck if those 2 exact strains lol

BUT I think this community needs more breeders like ACE,TOM HILL and Cannabiogenn and MR.NICE not more guys like Rez and DG and Connoisseur Genetics...thay are just watering down things..I LOVE the time and effort they put in I just wish it was towards the good of the plant not the deterioration of the genetics...

Seriously when is the last time you grew a plant out that wasn't hybridized a million times over..I know I haven;t...We are all guilty..

LETS TRY AND PRESERVE some of these old genetics so we don't lose them forever..
Just my thoughts..thanks

I have thought for a long time that strains should have their seedbank in the name behind it in brackets. For instance: Blueberry (Dutch Passion), White Widow (Greenhouse) versus White Widow (Nirvana).

That way, you know what you get, no matter what extra strains the seedbanks added.

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