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Strains in Jeopardy

The hermie trait is not a desirable one, I don't own any of Soma's work, although unimpressed with end result, Lavender-average,oooh it's purple. Rockbud was so-so, Somativa and Somango, average at best. Kushadelic, ah, the only one I've appreciated. I won't buy the fem'd version, though. Problem being he used OG Kush, which I liked anyway, he wasn't responsible for that though. I don't want a girl that stresses and flips at the drop of a hat. I want the true breeding female, enter Cinderella 99, good luck S1ing her without using chemicals, I don't want S1's, natural or not, a male donor that gets cubed out is a much better solution, if I'm looking for consistent results, I would learn to selectively breed...Why shortcut? Why don't you care about quality genetics, a hermie trait is not quality.

Ruderalis is great for making pants and rope, but not for consuming. Auto-flowering is valuable in the Arctic Cirlce...why is mediocrity okay? For me, it's not an option.

I grow organically, I refuse to stress my girls, they are my children, I don't believe in selling a potential problematic plant. If a hermie hit my room... I would seriously be fucking over sick people, as soon as a female starts producing seed, It loses half the yield and potency suffers. I don't believe a breeder should introduce something that can flip, not cool....So, no I don't worship him, I like him approaching his craft holistically. I refuse to worry about sub-par genes. I would rather the fem process fall to the wayside and the auto craze to disappear completely, but I'm not restricted to a closet or cubbie, Soma maintains a 51 mother room, and my own experiences prove he knows his gear intimately, and sees genetic expressions from across the room and can visually identify them. I love my work. I've been told by to many people that this is my gift, I keep an entire strainguide in my head. Males contribute valuable genetic coding, "this is Sparta" 'tards die on the hill from exposure. Champions live on, and get the privilege of passing on their genes. It's not worth the negative consequences to pass trash.
Mr. Soul was wrong? NO, I call BS! It is the holy grail of cannabis!

Mr. Soul was wrong? NO, I call BS! It is the holy grail of cannabis!

if all people are worried about is C99 then our grankid's childrens grows are allready ruined..:nono:
How many examples have you tried? What breeder? What filial generation? Which phenotype?

Lets see, almost stress proof, immediate cerebral crunch like Jack Herer, wide genetic expression from having Skunk-Haze-NL, .....um desirable traits breed true, mostly sativa, short flowering period, Indica structure..great flavors, Pink Candy Grapefruit to Pineapple Funk.

Please say Genetic Bottlenecking, so your ignorance will be on display for all to see...I need a good laugh.

Real Quick, share with everyone how I, me who has 7 different C99's, is going to ruin our childrens and grandchildrens future harvest....

You have my attention, you picked a great cultivar for me to break down and explain why that statement is incorrect, unfounded and unresearched by you! I will explain in great detail! Let's hear this!!! I'll play nice...promise.


Active member
okay, these plants have original lowryder#1 and sensis ruderalis indica in the heritage. otherwise it's made of finnish and danish "old school" sativas.

i grow outside at northern latitude 60-62 and i'm getting over 300g of very decent dry marijuana from some of these plants.

genetically they are all over the place but they grow and flower very vigorously and what's important they all flower for me here close to the arctic circle.

soooo, do these look polluted to you? would you say i'm doing ann ill-favor to cannabis culture by breeding there strains for my self and fellow northeners so we dont have to smoke soap-bar all the time?

Genetically all over the place...like you said. I would say move south and grow something even better! I like cannabis that has a punch behind it, and yeah ARCTIC CIRCLE...you don't have many options do you?? A solid haze would never finish.
You make due with what works, I don't have that problem, and yeah they're genetic potential isn't worth my time, since I live in a much more normal climate, and indoor I have no limitations? Have you ever grown Malawi? NOPE! I have, and I know it would bury that ruderalis trash in potency, yield, taste, structure...Keep going, ok...more stable, better buzz, more playful...oh and its not glorified hemp. There aren't reindeer where I live, the sun rises and sets everyday, I don't have to own a snowmobile to survive...ruderalis works for you, not the majority of us though, it's a waste of space and nutrients.
I just cut down a SSH outdoor today and an outdoor Kandy Kush.
Which would not survive the harsh weather you have to deal with...but the quality of what I grow undoubtedly is superior to any ruderalis, heirloom or improved....Move to Spain and buy some Neville's haze seeds, it'll change your life. Nice pics, yes, but I'm sure it wouldn't pass my quality assurance...I have never been impressed by any hempy cultivar that starts with auto.


Active member
no pure haze doesn't grow outside here but it does grow inside in my vertical setup, tom's pure haze that is. actually you cound't get c99 to finnish here properly even in a greenhouse. and african landraces, no they don't flower here outside but yes i've grown it inside, decent sativa stuff, much better than any c99 i've experienced (must have lucked out on the phenos, i'm sure it's good when you find your thing).

ISS: it's cool. don't need a snowmobile, just some heating in the winters. :) i guess we have a similar weather to northern canada. but we're far more north, it's the golf-stream that makes things possible around here.

also generally the goverment, police and society represses ganja pretty hard and growers get hassled and charged too much. at the same time the consumers money goes to russian mob and their sub-quality soap-bar which is being sold at the street price of 12e. so you see this aint actually the cannabis wonderland but we're working on it.

bringing large crops and quality seeds for people to starth growing their own outdoor here could make a huge different in the culture and would stop the russian mob shit flowing in.

although you possibly can't relate the strains i've shown are far from ruderalis. but how could you actually compare, have you smoked the real russian ruderalis, you know the shit that grows wild in the ditch? naah, me neither. mine don't have anything like that in their heritage, these are drug cultivars. mostly sativa heritage prolly does the small trichome thing but there's plenty of it, and it's the real thing.

smoking some right now and you are right they are not punchers like kushes or diesels or sorts. but there's plenty of resemblance to some more subtle highs some people prefer. also what's important is that the seiling is high. these are sativa plants and you can keep smoking and getting higher. haven't really tested the seiling properly cause i dont like smoking myself totally out that much. i like smoking through the day and keep functioning both in the head and body, that is these strains provide very nicely.

just saying, don't let that ruderalis-fear get most of you. some of my genes are very old school and there's a reason people have kept them around for over 30 years here in the north.

i might grow more south some day but first gotta do some damage here in the reindeerland! ;)

oh yeah and gotta add. i've been working with johnny blaze from legends for a couple of years and it containing both original nevilles haze AND original blueberry sativa HAS changed my life. all i can think about growing inside nowadays is blue and haze x's. there's place for both; indoor treats and outdoor ganja which comes in large amounts and can also be made in to a lot of other goodies as bubble, bho etc!
I'm not trying to disrespect, but those are realities of your location, and I live in Midwest USA, non med state, bible belt shit, all these fucking jesus freaks....talk about being an outcast! I'm a "druggie", except I know more about botany than professors teaching it. I am sure your Ruderalis/"Sativa with autoflowering traits" is valuable to YOU, WHERE YOU GROW!
I am able to grow hazes, kushes, chem, but did you look at my albums, have you seen my Brothers Grimm Cinderella, because I don't spend money for the sake of stimulating our economy, I spend my money on the BEST, because I research tirelessly and I have an above average IQ, and I have the greenest fucking thumb east of the Mississippi. You maybe should take a step back and look at it from my point of view...why would I include those genes in my pool when I have done the research and have experience in my field, I think you're elevating what you have when compared side by side with what I can use here.


Active member
sure, i get your point. bible belt huh, that sounds serious! we have one too. glad i'm not there though.

i wouldn't grow these in the mid west us neither, but in the alaska i would. i bet these would do great there. at the first place i wasnt trying to get you to grow these. just to broaden up your views a bit! ;)

i did look at your galleries, impressive stuff. that cindy looks special too. i am sure it rocks your world. you seem to have a lot of seeds too, looks like you got it all covered.

maybe it's just me but you come off a bit pompous though, there's a lot of crazy ass growers with much more humble attitudes here in IC. we are all looking for that one girl that's gonna rock our world but for most there will prolly never be just one.

btw, did you already try tom's pure haze inside? maybe we could compare our thumbs greennes in a couple of monts? mine is just about ready flipped! ;)
did u see the osj I just added??
I am just passionate, and very stoned, felt a lil bit personal...
Bygones are just that...I've got a Grail x SSH on the burner....Its my cross..I'm using that..I'm 6 months away from having a comparable sample...but no I want to try his haze, I've only had 2 Deep Chunk crosses to try, I had Jamaican Jam years and years ago...


Active member
cool man, i truly dig your stuff. been watching a while, gonna continue in the future! old school jam looks very dank, waiting for a descrip.

take care!


Active member
well the blues and hazes have are what i've liked to grow and smoke the most. johnny blaze from legends has been the most interesting thing so far. the two cuts of dj's f-13 are something that i'd hate to lose. both being 'strains in jeopardy' like the thread topic suggest in a sense that the b130 daddy is a goner.

tom's haze x something freaky out of dj's trueblueberry selection is a dream i fall asleep into most of the nights! :laughing:
I miss Heavenly from Master Thai, I don't know the politics behind it but is no longer on here, I got it as a freebie from seedbay, I germ'd them all an I got this monster plant, of the most flavor and extreme potency I've ever had, I broke up with my girlfriend, and had to disassemble, I gave 2 clones of my faves away. Heavenly and Mental Floss 1 each to 2 growers this was spring 2007 MF in my album) Both people couldn't use heavenly because of its size....but somehow both kept Mental Floss...I knew Heavenly is ({Romulan x C99} x {Romulan x C99}), I am back with my chick, 18 month break, I found Master Thai online, but now his site is gone, and I dont have a dispensary that carries his gear I picked up Space Queen from Tga to see if its close...I want heavenly back....all-time favorite...beautiful bright orange Cindy hair...TTYS...My eyes are slamming shut. Stay cool, bro...Nice Meeting you and I sincerely mean it...h_s_s

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
How many examples have you tried? What breeder? What filial generation? Which phenotype?

Lets see, almost stress proof, immediate cerebral crunch like Jack Herer, wide genetic expression from having Skunk-Haze-NL, .....um desirable traits breed true, mostly sativa, short flowering period, Indica structure..great flavors, Pink Candy Grapefruit to Pineapple Funk.

Please say Genetic Bottlenecking, so your ignorance will be on display for all to see...I need a good laugh.

Real Quick, share with everyone how I, me who has 7 different C99's, is going to ruin our childrens and grandchildrens future harvest....

You have my attention, you picked a great cultivar for me to break down and explain why that statement is incorrect, unfounded and unresearched by you! I will explain in great detail! Let's hear this!!! I'll play nice...promise.

Yes, we all get that you love your C99... as many do, rightfully so.

However, have you noticed the amount of crosses that are being put out by breeders with C99 in it?

Sorry not EVERY cross needs C99... anybody who believes that is right along with watering down genetics. I do mean that in the derogatory sense.

Ruderalis is great for making pants and rope, but not for consuming. Auto-flowering is valuable in the Arctic Cirlce...why is mediocrity okay? For me, it's not an option.

Honestly, I don't think you've ever smoked an autoflower (could be wrong). But the ones I've grown and smoked are just as potent, if not sometimes more potent, then 'normal' weed.

Current autoflowers don't even resemble Ruderalis... so I don't know where you're getting this. They took the autoflower gene... THATS IT.

Why would I want 3-4 harvests a year outdoors in Nor Cal? IDK, maybe I don't have to grow as much indoors... the sun is free ya know? Maybe their low profile makes them more stealth? Maybe its fun breeding autoflowers? Lots of reasons to grow them.
Lowryder 1, lowryder 2, ak47 ryder, diesel ryder, sensi ruderalis indica, ruderlis skunk, fruit auto, white dwarf, quicksilver, roadrunner... all those are auto's correct, I've smoked these from my own stock and other people who I know that they know what they're doing...autos suck-I've given them a chance...I have. I see the Cindy hybrids from people, I also see that it contains the same 3 strains that almost everything else is comprised of. I'll hide in my basement growing the best, rather than hide from nazis in helicopters in my auto field. My electric bill is worth the quality I can achieve indoor. Sun is free, but I prefer resin coverage, high calyx to leaf ratios from indoor, and then I don't worry about cops and rippers. a better, even lower profile.
Also, if you could compose a thread how you achieve better quality with an auto flower, than with a regular "designer Cindy" hybrid, I would love to read it. Love to...post count means nothing, pictures...show me...I'm not in Missouri, but f*cking show me!!!! I would rather smoke an unstable breeding hybrid, than a worked auto...so what auto did I not try? I'm missing it somehow...Which Auto is going to rip my face off??? Which Auto is better than SSH, Jack Herer or Cindy99???


poppin' outta control
I miss Federation Seed companies Cottoncandy Romulan. One of the best tasting herbs i have ever had..


Active member
actually the diesel ryder's i grew this summer we're more potent smoke than the cindy i grew last winter inside. would've picked the diesel ryder everytime.

there's no way for me to prove this, you just gonna have to take my word on it.

but i do believe my cindy being a bad example, so maybe all the autos you tried were bad phenos, badly grown etc.

just saying from my experience a good example of od diesel ryder competes very nicely with the modern indy hybrids. actually was more potent than most indys i've grown in the recent times.

diesel ryder

joey weed cindy99 f3

just saying... :wave:

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