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Strain varieties being lost in California, because of "Kush" craze??


New member
Strains are getting lost in one way or another. A good example is the akrid, musky, skunk piss in the mouth, skunk funk that was around years ago and no one seems to have now. Many claim to have it but many also continue to search. Makes me wonder if the smell and taste were due to strain or more to growing condiitions as well. Seems like some get a pheno from time to time, from many different strains, that is skunky. But I see no one who has a true breeding skunk from the ole school says.


Sam the skunkman discusses the decline of RKS and his development of Skunk#1 in that sticky thread.


Peeps get lost...not plant genetics. Not unless...we are talking total eradication...which we are not...so...nothing is lost.

I wish peeps would stop their worry...such a waste of energy. Stress is a killer....and it seems a lot of us...seek it.

I bet if "RKS" (even that is totally silly) were in every other growers garden....it would become not so desirable. If it was that fucking great...why did it go off the map (which...of course...it did not)?

I want I want I want...or more like....I think I want I think I want I think I want

Be happy...stop wanting so much...find some happiness in what's now. If you can't do that...your problems are much deeper than pot strains.


Out of all my work here I have only met one person who is on ICMAG and that wasn't even directly. I met him through his friend that was selling him my cutz he was getting off CL for twice the price :D and he wanted to get a batch cheaper. If I start talking growing with someone in a club/growstore I will ask if they are on ICMAG and every time the answer is no. The same holds true for GSC, every person I ask have you heard of/tried the GSC again the answer is always no. So what seems like is a complete representation of what is happening in CA on this forum is not.

I also miss that acrid, push you back in your seat, making your unworn clothes in the closets of the house stink, skunk also. That is what I cut my teeth on when I first started indoor in FL around '86. Although as others have stated it's not gone it's just in fewer well respecting hands :rasta:


Pablos, Sadhu Sam brought that up himself as well! When he had Roadkill Skunk no one wanted the damn thing, but now everyone wants it! People always want what they can't have.

I'm interested in this beautiful plant, and sharing knowledge with others. A lot of the behavior here on ic is childish bullshit. I'm sick of my time being wasted having to go through a bunch of arguing and trash talk just to get to the posts that matter. Makes me wish ic was a little more aggressive in its modding. I don't like dictatorship "stay on topic!" forums, but things get ridiculous around here.


Also, how big is ic compared to other grow forums? I assumed ic was the biggest now that Overgrow is gone.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
basically the hype word "kush" doing it all as well,, great weed but they arent kushes,, anyone whose smoked hindu kush can see that,,[/quo

Wow I couldn't agree more with this statement most of the kushes from the clubs are NOT KUSHES but some weak water down vartion of I'm not sure what lol.. Hindu kush I have not had for a long time ,,nore am I a big fan .. But the clubs or atleast the clubs in BC have some very weak kushes on the menu if you can call them KUSH.. I would rather not thanks Headband 707

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Peeps get lost...not plant genetics. Not unless...we are talking total eradication...which we are not...so...nothing is lost.

I wish peeps would stop their worry...such a waste of energy. Stress is a killer....and it seems a lot of us...seek it.

I bet if "RKS" (even that is totally silly) were in every other growers garden....it would become not so desirable. If it was that fucking great...why did it go off the map (which...of course...it did not)?

I want I want I want...or more like....I think I want I think I want I think I want

Be happy...stop wanting so much...find some happiness in what's now. If you can't do that...your problems are much deeper than pot strains.

I want it because it used to be good if I don't get it I will live lol,, but it would be nice to see it again.. Although I have not smelt that smell in a very long time I must admit .. Am I a person who looks for great weed ?? you bet your ass .. peace out headband 707:dance013:


I want it because it used to be good if I don't get it I will live lol,, but it would be nice to see it again.. Although I have not smelt that smell in a very long time I must admit .. Am I a person who looks for great weed ?? you bet your ass .. peace out headband 707:dance013:

Cool runnings. I remember '80s skunky skunk. Nothing wrong with questing for great weed. The 80s were a long time ago now. I was a much younger man...my memory may well be compromised by years gone by and a lot of herb smoked.

In no way...do I think that skunk was any better than what I create now. It was an era. Hardcore punk....fat pig boards...and skunk...and acid. All this stuff still exists....what's old is what's new...with a pinch of evolution.


Golden Coast
i have the original pre amsterdam SK#1 ive ran quite a few beans of it and it's not quite road kill as we think, Trinity is way more stinky , and 91ChemSKVA is pretty close as well

there are Many Many cats that dont even own computers that have the Goods spread all over US.....
most "main" stream cuts are trickle downs


In no way...do I think that skunk (the RKS) was any better than what I create now.

Having run the man's gear, I heartily second that. Feeling the same way about my Powerplant IBL x Tribal Vision that I'm puffing on now (that several of the clubs I visited once again would barely even look at because it wasn't 'Kush, brah!'... "Durban/Malawi/Congo/Nepal/'96 Blueberry" doesn't mean shit to them). Still just a one cough ticket straight to ToonTown after smoking it daily for 6 weeks now. Cuts directly through any other herb straight to the dome like a frickin' shark with a frickin' laser beam, every time without fail. Best medicine I've had in a long, long time. Very subtle flavors and aromas, with notes of fresh-sawn black walnut, a little bit of 'metalshop' and dried fruits, a tiny bit of shit, with a background of 'The Freshness' - just smells clean and fresh behind, like a Spring day. Tastes like raisins, prunes and hardwood on the exhale. It's become The Jar that I reach for.

Dried/cured sample:

Personally, this is the very part of my younger-days herb experiences I've been trying to recapture this whole time - the high. I remember the thick, acrid smell of RKS vividly, but what I really remember about the era was getting high as a kite and laughing, having extended conversations and making music, discussing and working out the flood of ideas we were all experiencing. Then at some point in the 90's that began to change. Flavor seemed to become the #1 selection criteria. All kinds of amazing flavors started to show up, but the amazing highs became harder to find, and we spent more and more time completely couched.

This last trip I took to my local med clubs scared me. I've never seen it so homogenous. One place did have some nice Jack Herer, but that was it. They all had the same boring Purples and endless 'Kushes' on their shelves. Tried something called "Green Ribbon" that they said was their best Sativa that was hammer-strong but had one of the most useless 'hybrid fuckup' highs I remember in recent times. They had the same 3 or 4 mersh bullshit clones available. The word 'Kush' splayed all over everything. Because that's what 'the people' want. It made me literally shudder to think that if I couldn't grow my own, this is what I'd have to choose from. One decent Jack and a flotilla of pumped-up kiddie weed. Great. And you're totally going to lowball me on my best work, aren't you? Of course you are...

I'm all about flavor in my herb, don't get me wrong. But for me, it will always be secondary to the effect. Smoking herb primarily for the flavor is like having sex primarily to smell your own finger when you're done. I want it to do something useful, memorable, weird, amazing inside my head. I want it to give me new perspectives on life, my inner world and the world around me. I want it to chip away at the artificial barriers between human souls and foster true and honest communication and understanding. Because truly good herb CAN and DOES do that. Plus, it can't weigh me down, and I need it to continue to work when I smoke it repeatedly, and not drop 10 tons of tolerance on me. When I have that, I have Medicinal Cannabis. A wellness tonic that makes my life (and the lives of those around me by extension) a better place to be. I truly thank God I can take care of my own needs in this regard. I'm very blessed.

I fear that even with the state being flooded with cannabis, few people in California who haven't already now have the ability to experience a good, clear-headed Sativa high for the first time. Sure, anyone can send away to the 'Bou for beans, get some lights and do it themselves. But will they? Why would someone go looking for something 'different' if they've never even tried it in the first place? If they don't even know 'different' exists? When "Charlie Sheen Kush" (yes, seriously) is available as a cutting down the street? When Green Ribbon is touted as 'the best Sativa' and nobody says otherwise?

I almost had to bribe a friend of mine to run a cut of ThePablos' "Odessa" (Casey Jones x [Casey x C99]) outdoors next to his mersh strains last season. Out of 20+ strains it turned out to be one of his best yielders and (IMO) the best smoke he produced last year. That shit was amazing. But because it didn't have some stupid name that people were asking for (guess "Casey x C99" wasn't good enough), he had a much harder time moving it than his other stuff. And he doesn't want to run anything even slightly 'different' this year, simply because of that.

And that in a nutshell is the problem with the current California cannabis 'scene'. We have the climate, the resources and the freedom to be producing varieties of cannabis for every possible taste, but few people want to do anything different than the status quo for fear of not being able to squeeze every last dollar out of a plant that was never meant to be a commodity in the first place. And the over-commoditization of the plant will eventually kill the freedom that currently makes it possible.

But I also know this - there are plenty of people like myself and ThePablos out there, not just in California but all around the world, who are working with, preserving and producing herb for their own tastes and understand the importance of their efforts. The strains everybody wants are there. People just need to make certain sacrifices and put in a lot of work to get it/make it happen.

When you stop thinking about it solely as a money tree, the cannabis plant opens up and reveals it's higher nature to you, and will go in pretty much any direction you want it to. It wants to please Man. It's there for us. It will make itself an obedient and plentiful commodity for us if that's what we ask of it. Or it can help us transcend the very idea of that even being necessary.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I had a friend a while back tell me that all the new strains such as PK, BK and many others lack 'activity'. I didn't know what he mean't until reading your post PondeLftHndSide - makes sense and thanks, great post!



Off-topic probaby: Speaking on the line of "Kush, Brah!". Apologies in full before hand, I mean no offense with this, but this question has been stuck in my head for a year. When did smoking culture among young white guys turn into an emulation of the rap scene aesthetic? Every time I go into a head shop or watch a smoke video on YouTube it's some young white guy blasting bad modern rap dressing in that MTV hip-hop style. I'm decidedly anti-racist, it's not that I see anything wrong with it, it's just that most of the time these white kids look ridiculous and out of place with their oversized caps and clothes. It seems to bleed into their smoking culture too. Everything has to be super potent oil out of thousand dollar glass for those kids. Maybe I'm just getting older and scratching my head as to where the hippies went; I should take a lesson from myself that times change probably.


Active member
before the KUSH craze, solid strains from the 80's and the 90's were more available....and there was also a fraction of the # of growers around

nowdays, I can't find a good cut of Jack Herer, Black Domina, etc. if my life depended on it. But I can easily find 35 different OG's.

I would do anything for a solid cut of Jack or Domina


The revolution will not be televised.....
Agreed MrD.!! Where is the super Black D from back in the day!!?