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Strain for fighting depression


Active member
BUBBA KUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I just harvested my first Super Silver Haze and I have to say what a joy it was growing it, very easy to grow. The High (although NOT yet fully cured) was a very pleasant up high, and it helped with the pain and appetite too. I would NOT call it a good tasteing strain , but the results were worth it. Pain relief lasted 3 hours but it did not take all the pain away. Definitely a mood altering strain.
Take care


I think the bud father has some valid points, no need to come down so hard on him or her. Some depression can be controlled to a certain extent, I have done this my self, so don't spout a bunch of shit at me. I think that one of the more antidepresent strains that I have smoked was Burmaberry from Reeferman. It is a nice pick me up clear headed high, but I only have experienced one female so far. The burmese seems very dominant in the high. A good night time antidepressent is Deep Chunk.
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Jam Master Jaco

The Budfather said:
dont use mj as a crutch, although i have done alot of reflectin while im stoned....... but the bestway to get rid of your depression is to sit down and think about what is making you upset reflect. depression cannot be conquered thru mj and usin it as suh is bad and can leave you feeling worse. dont smoke to much either that at times can leave people feeling empty and truth be tol your not even fully enjoying your mj if your using it asa crutch for an emotional problem. mj isnt addicting but usin it to compensate makes you an addict. please dont do this try to work out your problems sober with a 100% clear mind then enjoy your mj occasionally i see way to much mj abuse on this site and it doesnt make thecause any better. enjoy it like you would enjoy a drink, OCCASIONALLY. i see people on this site say that mj is better than alchol but using as such doesnt make it better at all. please do not resort to using it as an anti deppresant as anti- depressants canbe bad. just try to be strong thru the good times and the bad.

EXACTLY!! I can't believe people disagreed with this post, it is right on the money. Weed is a damn plant...don't expect it to jump up, give you compassion, a backrub, then ask you how your day went.

Wanna fight depression? Then you have to stand up to your problem and fix it. Weed is just gonna get you high, not answer all your questions. The question is not "what strain do you need to fight depression", the question is "what is making me depressed?". If the answer is "a lack of weed" then you've got yourself a problem buddy. :wave:

*edit* whether any of you weed addicts want to admit it or not, there are negative side effects to getting high all the time. Lack of motivation is the biggest one that I saw affecting me. I had this same problem, I thought I was depressed, so I'd smoke more...and more...and more. Turns out that if you want to enjoy a good joint you've got to have your life priorities in line. If you are depressed, then your priority should be to fix the depression first, then get high AFTER you have fixed the problem. Sorry to sound like such a dick, but sometimes we all need to be told things straight up.
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Jam Master Jaco

RogueDude said:
This is obviously written by so meone who has absolutely NO UNDERSTANDING of depression whatsoever. You cannot just sit down and think about it, it is a verifiable clinical medical condition resulting from chemical imbalances in the brain. Mood is directly connected to the chemical receptors in your brain, this is obvious when people take "mood altering" substances and drugs in order to feel happy. Cannabis is not like those drugs for the most part, cannabis works differently in the brain and serves not as a crutch, like you suggest, but a "normalizing" agent and the THC and 50+ cannabanoids you get when you vaporize or smoke or eat it go to work instantly to even out the chemical processes of the brain, thus relieving the symptoms of true clinical depression, especially for long time sufferers like MY WIFE and MYSELF who have been battling clinical depression for over 20 years SUCCESSFULLY with NOTHING BUT CANNABIS - PURE ORGANIC CANNABIS SATIVA's or a really good hybrid. It is irresponsible to tell someone to not use cannabis as a crutch and that they are doing harm to themselves by using it everyday or several times per day. It is people like you who push your misinformation that the fucked up federeal government counts on to continue the hysteria they are using to keep it illegal under federal law. For God's sake, LEARN about the subject you are giving advice on BEFORE you open your mouth and possibly screw someone up or possibly KILL SOMEONE with your irresponsible and ignorant remarks. If cannabis sativa has been working for this guy in his fight against his depression then more power to him, use it as much as your body and mind tell you to use it. I would find a good strain that is uplifting and cerebral and makes you feel like your able to overcome your feeling of doom and dread that all people with depression feel. I recomend the "GARLIC" strain, it is the best strain I have ever used for depression. It gives you the most uplifting feeling with a very clear head and a creative spiritual awareness that I have yet to find in another strain. Unfortunately, it is a unique strain found ONLY in Santa Barbara,CA at Hortipharm, as far as I know that is. I know the owner who told me that the grower grows it for Hortipharm exclusively and doesnt let clones or seeds out to anyone, kinda lame I know, but try Hortipharm, they may have some Garlic in stock right now. Good luck and I will be praying that your depression will get better. Mywife and I totallyunderstand what depression is and what it can do to you if untreated.

Much love and peace from your brother and sister in cyberpotland,


Bro...I thought doctors had to do research on a patient before prescribing them drugs. Perhaps there is something going on in his life that weed is not going to solve eh? Hows about asking "why are you depressed" before saying "although I have no idea what is specifically going on in your life, you should smoke this, it WILL help"?
Yeah...it'll help get him high so he can forget about his problem...but that doesn't make the problem go away.


Jam Master Jaco said:
EXACTLY!! I can't believe people disagreed with this post, it is right on the money. Weed is a damn plant...don't expect it to jump up, give you compassion, a backrub, then ask you how your day went.

Wanna fight depression? Then you have to stand up to your problem and fix it. Weed is just gonna get you high, not answer all your questions. The question is not "what strain do you need to fight depression", the question is "what is making me depressed?". If the answer is "a lack of weed" then you've got yourself a problem buddy. :wave:

*edit* whether any of you weed addicts want to admit it or not, there are negative side effects to getting high all the time. Lack of motivation is the biggest one that I saw affecting me. I had this same problem, I thought I was depressed, so I'd smoke more...and more...and more. Turns out that if you want to enjoy a good joint you've got to have your life priorities in line. If you are depressed, then your priority should be to fix the depression first, then get high AFTER you have fixed the problem. Sorry to sound like such a dick, but sometimes we all need to be told things straight up.

These are the type of people that can cure Diarrhea with willpower. Duh

The Budfather

Active member
to not label Mj as a drug is just ignorance it may have better side effects than alcohol but still smoking it habitualy will just drive you further into your problems rather than standing up as a person u yourself to correct it if you cant realize this then you do have a problem that you need to correct. i dont believe in anti depressants which includes mj. try working out your problems by going to therapy i kno it has helped me muh more than a DRUG which is exactly what your doing. Try working out it helps trust me but by smoking your not helping yourself your making it worse.

to all of those who wish to flame......flame on but your more harmful to this persons health than you think. Mj can and will lead to depression if your prone to it.

Jam Master Jaco

bobbyp said:
These are the type of people that can cure Diarrhea with willpower. Duh

Please stay on topic. We are discussing the ability of marijuana to cure depression, not diarrhea. :wave:

*edit* Depression, unlike diarrhea, is not something that you wake up with one day from eating too much fast food. Here's how dictionary.com defines it:

Depression (Psychiatry). a condition of general emotional dejection and withdrawal; sadness greater and more prolonged than that warranted by any objective reason.


Depression (Pathology). a low state of vital powers or functional activity.

Do you think that getting high will help get a person out of a state of low functional activity? I think not. (and just so we're all clear, I only quoted dictionary.com so that we can all be clear on what depression is. My point is, depression is not a video game that is more fun when you're high, depression is a state of mind)
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I have had severe clinical depression for 10 years. I know what I'm talking about you don't. I don't think cannabis is a long time cure for depression but it is very helpful in the short term. You cannot think your depression away, it is a certified medical diseae. Please do not give advice to people when you know nothing about it.


I think there are different types of "depression" and this could be the reason for the different posts. There is definitely the type of depression where you need to sit and think about your life, and you won't feel better until you change it. But there are other types that have to do with physical symptoms and such. The probem is depression is too much of a blanket word, being used to describe way too much types of disorders.

Its a confusing topic really. I have researched it for 7 years probably. I used to be suicidal for at least 5 years. Everyday thinking of death. I've been on meds. I actually used to believe I had a genetic depression. And yes I did use sativas too at one point.

But now I don't use anything, except a little bit of red panax ginseng every morning. I feel pretty good. This last week especially, I've been putting candles on at night to allow myself to fall asleep when my body feels tired, and waking up early. I have more energy, am productive, more social, etc etc. Getting a job helped, and now I have a physical job, which is good for me since I"m a physical person.

I also went through CBT, and that helped alot. That was a few years ago. I think that helped more with the mental aspect of depression, but I still had the physical symptoms.

I will say though, that without ginseng, I seem to drag. At least thats my experience. It seems I drag in my body and mind. Maybe getting adequate sleep is the ticket though, and now that I'm doing this I don't need the ginseng. I just haven't wanted to really test this out yet. So in that case its the modern world and the artificial light that are contributors to our mental problems.

But as of right now I would say that people that have "depression" could have problems with energy...real physical chemical problems, where they will feel sluggish, and low, all the time. So using drugs to combat this can help. Sativas too...

You just have to know yourself. If you know its a personal life thing that needs to be resolved then definitely resolve it. If its a body thing where you need sativa to get you moving, then I don't think its bad. At least thats my opinion right now. Jamaicans smoke sativas to work in the fields... americans drink coffee to boost themselves... russians take rhodiola and siberian ginseng...chinese use ginseng... every culture has found plants and medicinals to give them more energy. I think some people just don't have as much energy as others, and living in this fast-paced modern world that can come across as "depression" too...

So its just a confusing topic.


By the way, the OP was just asking for a strain that would give him energy and make him more creative for his work. Hell, if he stopped smoking the sleepy indicas I bet he would have more energy and creativity...

It doesn't even sound like he really has depression...but just wants a stimulant for a boost.

The Budfather

Active member
ok i have been "happy" for two years, and was in a very bad depression for 6 i used pot heavily for 4 of those i didnt get better until i limited my use and found other postivie ways to vent my emotional problem, jam knows what hes talking about and so do i. sure its a great escape for temporary but its making the long term go further and further away. you know what im talkin about im positive just to afraid to admit that your vice is a vice

Jam Master Jaco

That is a very valid point Indicad2006. But still, no one wakes up one morning with depression like they do if they woke up with the flu. It's not a virus that can be caught. And therefore, it is NOT a disease! Cancer is a disease. Depression, just like alcoholism, is a self controlled mindset. I'm sorry that some of you don't have the self motivation to sit down and THINK about what is making you depressed....but maybe that's because you are smoking too much weed?

Jam Master Jaco

Indicad2006 said:
It doesn't even sound like he really has depression...but just wants a stimulant for a boost.

Again, good point. To which I would recommend either some coffee or an energy drink.


Why are yall so anti-pot? Are the thousans of Medical MJs just idiots . I don't think we are talking about the same thing. I am not talking about the depression you have after the death of a loved one or losing a job. I am talking about waking day after day , week after week and month after month wanting to die , unable to function, losing interest in the things that used to be a joy in your life.. And I did not tell anyone to shut up or flame anyone we are havingt a discussion with different opinions.

Jam Master Jaco

But weed is obviously NOT helping your depression! If when you're sober you still feel depressed.....then you are still suffering from depression!


Yes you are right, as I stated before I think pot is fine for the short term but not for the long term. What I'm trying to say is when depressed you can't think or reason your way out, when depressed your brain can't function normally and simple thought process are a real chore. There are a lot of people that die from depression due to suicides. I think if it can save one life it should be considered.

The Budfather

Active member
i see werecoming from bobby were not anti pot were anti excessive use for things that do not need the involvement of drugs to get better

and if it does save onelife sure but its not making the goal anymore attainable that takes years of therapy among other positive things

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