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Strain for fighting depression

Can anyone suggest a strain for fighting depression? Perferably something I can grow from seed. I do some creative work with machinery. Safety's not the issue but my attitude is. My current smoke just makes me tired and want to go home and go to bed. I remember the smoke I had when I was a kid (20+ years ago) used to insire me to work. I assume I was getting some mexican or columbian sativas (Brick weed) maybe even thai. I grow indoor in a cabinet and outdoor at about 45N lat.


Yep, get yourself some old school happy hippy weed. Mother's finest, Mendicino madness, Big Sur Holy Weed, stuff like that. Also I agree on the skunk #1.

Trainwreck and NYC Diesel are a bit too strong and may leave you a tad confused at work.


You could always just try vaporizing. I have heard it makes most indicas sativa in effect. Seems to be my experience too, but I haven't been able to really test it for sure.


Big Sur Holy Weed...grown organically with love.

Flo (but I haven't seen that around for a while)
I'll agree with Dopey as to NYC Diesel
Juicy Fruit (thai)
Try vaporizing instead of smoking, the high will be clearer.
SK#1? I might give that a try. I remember the roadkill would do it for me. I haven't seen that in a while though. You know that stuff you'd have to triple bag and you could still smell it in your pocket.
Is old school happy hippy weed a strain? I guess I am an old school hippy anyways. Big sur holy weed, jucy fruit, flo. I'll look into those. Mendicina madness and Mothers finest also.
Thanks guys for the help. I'm feelin better already.


Sativas for the most part have the mood altering effects. All strains are differant. However Sativas have an up high, clear on the head. Most Indicas have a down, or couch potato effect. I care for patients with high anxiety. They Love my Kalimist, but she is old now and am switching to another mostly Sativa plant. Presently concidering "Mental Floss"
I've been hearing alot of good things about the Kalimist. I was concidering kali-most. It seems like all the good ones are clone only, outrageously priced or non-exisitant anymore.

The Budfather

Active member
dont use mj as a crutch, although i have done alot of reflectin while im stoned....... but the bestway to get rid of your depression is to sit down and think about what is making you upset reflect. depression cannot be conquered thru mj and usin it as suh is bad and can leave you feeling worse. dont smoke to much either that at times can leave people feeling empty and truth be tol your not even fully enjoying your mj if your using it asa crutch for an emotional problem. mj isnt addicting but usin it to compensate makes you an addict. please dont do this try to work out your problems sober with a 100% clear mind then enjoy your mj occasionally i see way to much mj abuse on this site and it doesnt make thecause any better. enjoy it like you would enjoy a drink, OCCASIONALLY. i see people on this site say that mj is better than alchol but using as such doesnt make it better at all. please do not resort to using it as an anti deppresant as anti- depressants canbe bad. just try to be strong thru the good times and the bad.


The Budfather said:
dont use mj as a crutch, although i have done alot of reflectin while im stoned....... but the bestway to get rid of your depression is to sit down and think about what is making you upset reflect. depression cannot be conquered thru mj and usin it as suh is bad and can leave you feeling worse. dont smoke to much either that at times can leave people feeling empty and truth be tol your not even fully enjoying your mj if your using it asa crutch for an emotional problem. mj isnt addicting but usin it to compensate makes you an addict. please dont do this try to work out your problems sober with a 100% clear mind then enjoy your mj occasionally i see way to much mj abuse on this site and it doesnt make thecause any better. enjoy it like you would enjoy a drink, OCCASIONALLY. i see people on this site say that mj is better than alchol but using as such doesnt make it better at all. please do not resort to using it as an anti deppresant as anti- depressants canbe bad. just try to be strong thru the good times and the bad.

thats like telling someone with a broken leg to just get over it. they will, but it takes time, and sometimes you just DO need crutches! (so to speak :wave:) definitely taking the time to find a strain that works would be a HIGH :yummy: priority. definitely not a couch strain, except maybe for sleep.
A good 100% Sativa like Thai will do great for depression, I could recommend these:

Dutch Passion Voodoo (Thai), Flo (Thai hybrid), Mandala#1, any hazes like Caribe or, Juicy Fruit Thai, Skunk #1, Mixed Sativas from Sativa Seeds, Skunkmans Thai-Haze, SK#1x Durban Poison (freebies), Kali Mist, or anything Sativa to mostly Sativa. Just don't harvest them late because they will make you sleepy then. Let us not forget the therapeutic value of cannabis. With some of these strains having high ceilings, anyone saying they won't pick you up has no idea of what real depression is or what a good Sativa is. And as with any medication, yes, a stable dosage is the same, in and out as the cycling of medication. The cycles are therapeutic and work on the bodily level as well as the mind where stimulations are positively sensed.

And for the up and down nay sayers, nobody who is up, is trying to get low or depressed, everyone would like to feel good always, the goal is to feel better and less depresed. To have more up, but still be able to maintain a healthy ability to sleep on time. So judge less, help more, and smoke Sativas for depression. You could even try an early harvest on a full Sativa or hybrid for something later in the day that is a hybrid, yet still great for depression.
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The Budfather said:
dont use mj as a crutch, although i have done alot of reflectin while im stoned....... but the bestway to get rid of your depression is to sit down and think about what is making you upset reflect. depression cannot be conquered thru mj and usin it as suh is bad and can leave you feeling worse. dont smoke to much either that at times can leave people feeling empty and truth be tol your not even fully enjoying your mj if your using it asa crutch for an emotional problem. mj isnt addicting but usin it to compensate makes you an addict. please dont do this try to work out your problems sober with a 100% clear mind then enjoy your mj occasionally i see way to much mj abuse on this site and it doesnt make thecause any better. enjoy it like you would enjoy a drink, OCCASIONALLY. i see people on this site say that mj is better than alchol but using as such doesnt make it better at all. please do not resort to using it as an anti deppresant as anti- depressants canbe bad. just try to be strong thru the good times and the bad.

This is obviously written by so meone who has absolutely NO UNDERSTANDING of depression whatsoever. You cannot just sit down and think about it, it is a verifiable clinical medical condition resulting from chemical imbalances in the brain. Mood is directly connected to the chemical receptors in your brain, this is obvious when people take "mood altering" substances and drugs in order to feel happy. Cannabis is not like those drugs for the most part, cannabis works differently in the brain and serves not as a crutch, like you suggest, but a "normalizing" agent and the THC and 50+ cannabanoids you get when you vaporize or smoke or eat it go to work instantly to even out the chemical processes of the brain, thus relieving the symptoms of true clinical depression, especially for long time sufferers like MY WIFE and MYSELF who have been battling clinical depression for over 20 years SUCCESSFULLY with NOTHING BUT CANNABIS - PURE ORGANIC CANNABIS SATIVA's or a really good hybrid. It is irresponsible to tell someone to not use cannabis as a crutch and that they are doing harm to themselves by using it everyday or several times per day. It is people like you who push your misinformation that the fucked up federeal government counts on to continue the hysteria they are using to keep it illegal under federal law. For God's sake, LEARN about the subject you are giving advice on BEFORE you open your mouth and possibly screw someone up or possibly KILL SOMEONE with your irresponsible and ignorant remarks. If cannabis sativa has been working for this guy in his fight against his depression then more power to him, use it as much as your body and mind tell you to use it. I would find a good strain that is uplifting and cerebral and makes you feel like your able to overcome your feeling of doom and dread that all people with depression feel. I recomend the "GARLIC" strain, it is the best strain I have ever used for depression. It gives you the most uplifting feeling with a very clear head and a creative spiritual awareness that I have yet to find in another strain. Unfortunately, it is a unique strain found ONLY in Santa Barbara,CA at Hortipharm, as far as I know that is. I know the owner who told me that the grower grows it for Hortipharm exclusively and doesnt let clones or seeds out to anyone, kinda lame I know, but try Hortipharm, they may have some Garlic in stock right now. Good luck and I will be praying that your depression will get better. Mywife and I totallyunderstand what depression is and what it can do to you if untreated.

Much love and peace from your brother and sister in cyberpotland,



Originally Posted by The Budfather
dont use mj as a crutch, although i have done alot of reflectin while im stoned....... but the bestway to get rid of your depression is to sit down and think about what is making you upset reflect. depression cannot be conquered thru mj and usin it as suh is bad and can leave you feeling worse. dont smoke to much either that at times can leave people feeling empty and truth be tol your not even fully enjoying your mj if your using it asa crutch for an emotional problem. mj isnt addicting but usin it to compensate makes you an addict. please dont do this try to work out your problems sober with a 100% clear mind then enjoy your mj occasionally i see way to much mj abuse on this site and it doesnt make thecause any better. enjoy it like you would enjoy a drink, OCCASIONALLY. i see people on this site say that mj is better than alchol but using as such doesnt make it better at all. please do not resort to using it as an anti deppresant as anti- depressants canbe bad. just try to be strong thru the good times and the bad."

After reading what this obvious moron is saying again, I felt compelled to add to my earlier comments. I am so disgusted by "the budfather"who has obviously done no research of his own, especially recent studies which indicate that cannabis is a POWERFUL ANTI-DEPRESSANT, which is opposite of what the gevernment has been saying all these years that is it a central nervous system depressant, which just is not true at all. The potential for actuall abuse is quite limited and resides purely with the person using it, such a person with a violently addictive personality will find and use virtually anything to satiate their desire to have an altered consciousness, but the root of those problems , over time is actually helped by the use of cannabis for many reasons. Most people who use cannabis in excess will come to a point that they voluntarily use less or moderate their dosage to fit their specific needs. Telling someone who has an obvious depression problem to stop taking a natural remedy they find effective and to even suggest that they take an occasional drink is ignoratn and irresponsible and further more telling people that they are an addict for using cannabis to compensate for their depression makes me very angry and goes to expose you as an imbecile. Please keep your harmful comments to yourself, especially where the medical problems of others are concerned.


The Budfather said:
dont use mj as a crutch, although i have done alot of reflectin while im stoned....... but the bestway to get rid of your depression is to sit down and think about what is making you upset reflect. depression cannot be conquered thru mj and usin it as suh is bad and can leave you feeling worse. dont smoke to much either that at times can leave people feeling empty and truth be tol your not even fully enjoying your mj if your using it asa crutch for an emotional problem. mj isnt addicting but usin it to compensate makes you an addict. please dont do this try to work out your problems sober with a 100% clear mind then enjoy your mj occasionally i see way to much mj abuse on this site and it doesnt make thecause any better. enjoy it like you would enjoy a drink, OCCASIONALLY. i see people on this site say that mj is better than alchol but using as such doesnt make it better at all. please do not resort to using it as an anti deppresant as anti- depressants canbe bad. just try to be strong thru the good times and the bad.

Marijuana can be a wonderful Anti-Depressant!!

Trainwreck works wonders!!!!

I could write pages explaining why I think you are an idiot!!!

...But I'd be wasting my time :wallbash: :asskick:


Resident pissy old man
As all the others have stated, a sativa dominant plant works best for depression. Trainwreck, AK-47 and C-99 are all 75% sativa. C-99 and trainwreck can be a little trippy, depending on the phenotype, so try it a little at a time to find out the dose that you need. These 3 varieties are more common than some of the others mentioned, and may be easier for you to get. Good luck treating the depression.


sorry my friend there is little or no physical evidence linking marijuana to the relief of any depression symptoms...........that being said, a powerful hybrid of the mostly sativa type will do the trick, make sure theres a little indica in there 10-15% at most just to give some mellowing effects, 100% sativas can be too overpowering for the mind and can sometimes put you in a state of semi-paranoia in my smoking experience. Good luck with your hard times, remember to find time to think deeply about what might be the root of your depression, if you are able to pinpoint the antagonist you will be able to improve your life.

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