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Still Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Part Five.


They flew over that re-veg grow I had while I sat on my deck watching them maybe 100 yards away. There was no way they could have missed them and circled twice, even stopped right over them for a sec. Maybe they gave me the sympathy thing; I can’t see them missing them in the clearing they were in, no damn way. So I’m thinking it had to be it, I got no luck and in this case I had to take it.

Oh well, great looking clones OH

Keeper green man:biggrin:


Well-known member
Well that was quick.

A small area of wet moved thru the state the past couple of days. That was my cue to pull the tops of big Jack, and the four Alien Dog girls. It didn't rain much, but the three cloudy days would have brought on the mold...


Now that Jack is on her way out, and there's only ten clones working out in the garden....part five of Another Crappy Day...is almost in the record books. I'd like to say the gap in ...what would you call it? Say clone production. I'd like to say the upcomming gap in clone production is my own idea...but it's not...I messed up. I have nothing ready to plant now. Next batch is still a ways out.

This last batch I pushed. Up potted them quickly, soon as they touched the lights ....out they went. Wanted to see how fast it could be done, and what they yielded. Add that and a week of down time thanks to GH...and I'm behind schedule....

Wasting sunshine.

A Skunkdog plant given an extra ten days of 24 hour light gave two ozs more. This pushed batch yielded in the six oz range. So clipping off those ten days of veg cost me a little more than I though it would.

The plants I dug up came thru just fine. I'll pay the price in lost yield down the road though.


Went out and took the overflow patches. Didn't work out well....Those were built to take advantage of the summer sun. They all wound up in the shade...We're gonna have to make new holes on the other side when the next batch is ready.

Grey has his list of favorites...I have mine.

1. Skunkdog
2. Aliendog
3. Valley OG
4. Chem D
5. Sourdouble.

Off the list is;

2.The strain that must not be named.

Speaking of the strain that must not be named....

Messed up again. Due to poor record keeping I cloned more of her when I thought I was cloning Chem D plants. So I'm stuck with her for one more run.


The Daywrecker is inground now. Managed to salvage her. Also Legand OG, and another Unknown OG are growing too...the're in the bag. Comming soon to a garden near you.

Also the Midnight Madness...got three more girls out of that batch. Of 8 of 10 that popped, so far two undeclared, four girls,and only two boys. I was thinking of just letting them do their thing, but decided against it....so I'll put them under lights each night to put some size on. In a week or two into the garden they will go.

And that's about it.

Next up is trimming....I'd estimate about a week of that.

Totals, Mess ups, Things learned, a few more housekeeping details and we put this log to sleep.

Grey...Only a Quad. And Skunkdog gave six. Not the best numbers this go round. Webb is down the road after this run.

Dirtboy...no borer beetles up here. Seen a couple in the cane...but very few. That main branch had stemrot in two places...it went into the toilet quickly...

Lightweight...you said it.
It's like a lottery, some of the cops are cool and won't mess with you and some of them will try to find anyway they can to bust you, whether you're legal or not.

Very true. Last year GH flew last right before Christmas, and didn't fly again until mid April. But past performance is no guarantee how they do things this year.

Rusty...I took the shitty pics at dusk and tried to lighten them up...failing badly. Depending on the warning time...yes it is like you say. One year back when it was totaly illegal GH came right as wifey went to work. She got out there in her uniform, did the plant toss just before they came within sight. She had to huddle under the tree while they looked. That was ten years ago and I still hear about it to this day.

The losses and mistakes get eaten by my patient...so nothing goes to waste. This year she made out pretty well. Still...I barely made my three ozs...It wasn't the best of seasons.

LSY... plants are not easy to see from the air. GH has flown over my overflow patch many times...and kept on going. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that was after your caretaker ripped you off? That may have had something to do with it. Your plants didn't look right.


OH, some of the big plant guys on the mainland suspend small lights on wires over their plants early on to extend outdoor veg. Since the extra 10 days helped so much, perhaps you can augment your natural growth, or at least interrupt the flowering cycle.
When I was reading through this journal and you were talking about defoliating the plants it reminded me of something that one of my old bosses told me. He lived in Turkey for 10 years or so and said the guys who would tend the hash plant fields would wear leather jackets while they worked. When they were done they would use a knife to scrape off all the trichomes. He told me that that was the best hash you could get in Turkey. I mostly mention it because it's a pretty cool story, but maybe you could get some jacket hash while your working in your garden. That is if you could keep a leather jacket from molding in you closet also.

Also, thanks for breaking down the seasons in good detail and times to plant. All of that makes a lot more sense now. So I was thinking if I was working with a strain that took up to 20 weeks to flower probably the only time of year that it would really work out to plant it would be at the beginning of long season, yeah? Any other time of year it would probably just keep revegging until the end of long season, yeah? Does that sound right to you?
There was a PBS show a few years ago (I think it was PBS) about the hashish trade in Afghanistan. They harvest and thoroughly dry-out the stalks, then, they have a screen covering a large (8 liter or larger) bowl and tied-on with a string. Then, they beat the stalks (full of buds) on that screen like a drum, to dislodge the trichomes. Collect 'em and press 'em. Dirty job, but someone's gotta do it. Said it's been done that way for many, many generations, if memory serves me.

Nice story about the jackets, but that would be a pretty inefficient way of collecting the trichomes. I love the version I was told many years ago. Somewhat the same as the jackets...but they were naked virgins, lol.

Mmm...ArmPit Hash... Or how about...Hairy-Back Hash, lol...? Thank goodness they didn't think of using leather chaps...


Well-known member
It's been an interesting week.

My best wishes go out to the victims of Sandy. It sucks getting hit by a hurricane. At very least it shows that a Dem. and a Rep. can work together. And it hands O the top job. Now I hope they get it fixed fast.

We had another tsunami scare...Didn't effect us up here on the hill... but it was neat to bust the binoculars out and watch the flatlanders scurry to safety.

Then gather around the TV to watch nothing....just small ripples washing ashore on Waikiki Beach. I'm still waiting for the big one. You know...the one that scrubs off all those beachfront houses that never should have been built.

Until then...I'll just grow some more pakalolo...while I wait.

Big plant is done. Have yet to take the leftovers....soon...very soon. Here's the last shot of her...then it's over.



Half of the gulch is shut down. This week I'll fertilize each planter...Turn the soil....And then forget about 'em until March. Keep watering the shit out of the empty holes.


The first Alien Dog yielded a hair over five. Still have three more to take off the stem, but it looks like all of 'em will be in that range. I pushed those out early too. The extra ten days under light makes a big difference at harvest. Won't do that again.

Short season is a great time to chuck pollen....but I doubt I'll be doing much of that. I'm gonna be dialing the clones in the next few months. In previous post I mentioned monocropping. The Alien Dog was my first shot at that. Next wave is almost all Skunkdog....

If I wanted to look like I know what I'm doing...I'd say it's all planned that way and shut up now.


Messed up again. The Valley OG and the Skunkdog look alot alike young. Took what I thought were OG clones...but they were all Skunkdog. Sometimes an error works in your favor. Now I have a Sourdouble, a couple of the strain that must not be named, an Alien Dog....and five Skunkdogs...bummer huh?

This is as good as time as any to bring in some new blood and work out the kinks....lots of kinks this year. Here's what the Daywrecker looks like....not my pic.


Mr Sterling...This place is very dark at night. Lighting up the gulch, however faintly will be noticed. I can give the clones those extra days by simply by putting the bigger plants at an angle. They'll fit in under the lights.

Lightweight...If you want to run a 20 week strain...the only time to pull it off is April. The winter photoperiod will force the same plant to bud early and small. If you want to make crosses though, this is the time to do that.

Jacket hash? Not gonna happen. Virgin Hash?...Hmmm.

Rusty...Don't mind that hair...it only stinks for a second. If you know any naked virgins willing to run thru the plants...that can be aranged....hold on....gotta make that female naked virgins. And they have to be good looking....no whales need apply.

My plants have standards...after all.

Now that I've managed to alienate all the women that read this....maybe all two of them.

Let me know what strain they prefer....I'll get right on it.

Allow me to end this post by being cryptic for someone.

You all have noticed that the bottom fell out of the market? Midway thru October? Harvest is here. Don't fight it. Grow two grades. Undercut on the mids, load up and hoard the top drawer. The time for that will come. This happens every year, you should have a layer of fat ready.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
daywrecker ftw!!!!!
gonna be killing it dude
keeeeeeling it
You've led us through some interesting outdoor stories. Definately an adventure worth following every year. Thank you.

But any chance there's going to be an indoor grow log, to show your processes there? I've seen you're deck before...but I don't remember you takin' us all the way inside. One of these day's you're going to have to invite us in. (I promise to wipe my feet BEFORE going in...)

We never hear about the pigs, either. You say you have pig dogs...but they're just plain old dogs if there's no pigs, aren't they?

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Undercut on the mids, load up and hoard the top drawer. The time for that will come. This happens every year, you should have a layer of fat ready.

Awesome advice OH - timing the market is a lot easier when you control the supply.


My brain tells me they'd gather more hash though, due to increased surface area, though I suppose this may be negated by decreased locomotion rate ;)

Don't forget the added difficulty of scraping out all the folds and valleys, I can see that turning into a major operation.


Well-known member
Well today wasn't boring...not by a long shot.

This afternoon I was was working in the garden. I heard a bang, the sound of crunching metal, a pause then another bang, followed by the sound of a horn.

Uh oh....car wreck on the road. Hop in the car, fly down and see what's happening. An older lady....all jag, had hit the guardrail, bounced off into the other lane sideways, climbed the bank...about ten feet up, bounced off another rock wall, and launched off the bank, falling ten feet flipping on the truck's roof.

My neighbor and I were the first on the scene. We were expecting to find a corpse. Instead we found a lady...reeking of beer...very much alive on the floorboard of the truck. The only place she could have survived, because the roof was to the seats. If she had been belted in....she'd be dead. Fire Department showed up shortly after this pic was taken and had her out ten minutes later.

Totaled hubbys truck and he has to bail her out too. Ain't life grand?


On less crashing fronts....that sunny period I've been promising for the last three months is here. It has been wonderful. Sunny day after sunny day. I'm loving this. And so are the plants...Here's a Skunkdog digging the afternoon sun....probably just jinxed myself.


Now that short season is here...it's time to try some other strains. I keep them in pots on the deck, so when it rains, they can come inside. Here is a Northern Skunk that was gifted....she looks good....smells great....but good enough to add to the line up? More testing is needed. I have a clone of her in the ground. See what happens.


The midnight madness have all grown up. All have showed sex. Out of ten seeds, eight grew, two males, six girls. All are in pots. There seem to be two, maybe three phenotypes showing. Most, I will put in pots, a couple go outside inground. All will go under the lights until they touch them at two feet.

So far I have had to spray once. WPM seems to like them. Nothing can't be controled...just don't let it get established.

The big Jack plant has been taken, and wifey has fallen on it. Madly trimming before she wilted....the plant, not wifey...Wifey never wilts....much to my dismay...long story...never mind.

The next wave is a week or two away. The small break I took the last few weeks served its purpose. I now have a 40 day seperation between harvests. Nine plants should be ready every 40 days.

Grey...here's your Daywrecker. First cut is yours.


Milde....thanks for taking my thought to a higher plain.

Elsweeto....thanks for taking my though, that Milde took to a higher plain....to it's logical conclusion...and there goes my dinner.

Dawn....I get preachy about this. Begging your indulgence.

Without ruffling too many feathers...theres a time to push and a time to lay back. I'd much rather wait until conditions favor me. Ya never gonna get anywhere fighting the crowd. Right now there is a crowd. Elbows are sharp. That will change after Christmas. Until then...produce and stockpile.

Don't quit your day job....not yet at least

It's always struck me as incredably stupid to dump product into a flooded market. Then come January...your paying top dollar for weed shittier than what you gave away a month ago. I've watched many people do this....and they never learn.

Rusty....There is not much to my indoor trip. Three shelves, the cheapest shoplight ballast I can find, and T8s. The lights are spaced so that when the clone reaches the lights I transplant and it goes on the next shelf. I haul all the plants in at night, put them under the lights, and haul them out each morning. Like a small assembly line.

The lights are fixed in place, and I raise the plants to reach them. Strictly a Mickey Mouse operation.


Not exactly Hi tec....just enough to do the job. In all fairness it is incredably easy to make keikis here. When the plant is in flower the problems begin.

Since I have no desire to chase my dogs through the weeds...I don't hunt my dogs. These dogs are bred to find, chase down, and hold pigs. They hunt as a pack, one tracks, the rest grab...Three of my outside dogs are retired pig dogs. The three pups would love to go. Should I choose to....these dogs will hunt. So in answer to your question...The're pig dogs.

They also make good watchdogs. And there is a certain intimidation factor involved. I can put them outside, and I know my plants will be where I left them in the morning.

Hawaii has very strict gun laws. It's not like I can pull out the shotgun and blast a thief....even rocksalt is a no no. But I can simply let the dogs do their thing. Then kick back and relax until the screaming stops....not that I would....kinda picky about what my dogs eat.

Technicly...since big Jack is done, so should this log...also be done....


We have the Midnight Madness is running. Makes no sense to cut it halfway. After the MM is done...Then we'll call it a season.

So your stuck with this until the end of the year. Then we'll put the fork in it.
So it looks like you encourage vertical growth in veg instead of bushing 'em out? No topping 'em? No training? Is that a humidity-based thing, or does it cost ya in yields when you play around with training?

Anyway...Congrats on another series of successful runs. Great job, and thanks for sharing with us lowly mainlanders stuck indoors, lol. I won't sleep till I figure-out how to pull your yields from an indoor plant, with a (single source) 1000w HPS, lol. I'm sure there's got to be some spells, incantations or potions I can use to increase my odds...Perhaps some humid conditions and some Don Ho in the background...? You don't wear a grass skirt when gardening, do ya? (I hope not...I've got bony knees)
Perhaps doin' my own thing would be best, lol.


passing the gas
sweet! glad it ain't over yet, OH... you keepin' me warm while the snow flies here!
more pics of that truck...passed out drunk is the best way to be in an accident.

enjoy your dogs, sunshine, and fine herb brother...


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
i think i am gonna go get a hunting license
homies down the way are talking about going into the valley...

sounds like fun

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Dawn....I get preachy about this. Begging your indulgence.

No indulgence needed, perhaps you mistook my tone for sarcasm, it certainly wasn't meant that way. Most folks around here have growing skills, not a lot have business sense and you gave some great advice.

It's always struck me as incredably stupid to dump product into a flooded market. Then come January...your paying top dollar for weed shittier than what you gave away a month ago. I've watched many people do this....and they never learn.

Aaaannnnd some more good nugs of knowledge.


Well-known member
Another sunny day. The perfect weather is suppose to last all next week. A strong high sits 1000 miles North of us. The trades are cranking. We have an El Nino pattern setting itself up this year...and showing itself already. The normal storm track has moved further North.

With the storm track shifted, the fronts that would normaly reach us won't get close. Long story short....after a relativly wet summer....

It's gonna be a dry winter.

A dry year you attack differently than a wet one. If you plant a few on the side you are gonna have to haul water. The cane is out, far too dry. The jungle is in. North side guys have a great year. I'd bet Red Dirt and the BI crew have a bumper crop.

Keeping it in perspective...great for growing pakalolo...but the island's gonna suffer. The Water Department has already asked for a five percent cutback. Soon it will be a ten percent manditory.

The wet summer kept the coffee producing. Must have picked a dozen times this season....then took a month off to harvest and trim the MJ. That's done, so I finished picking today. This is the last of the ripe cherries, and already the new plants are flowering.


I won't have to worry about that for another six months.

Here are five of the six Midnight Madness. One has already been planted. One of the taller ones. Seems we have three of the bushier, smaller phenotypes, and three of the taller versions. The white hair on one of the bushier plants fold out while the other two grow normaly.


One of each type will be heading down to my partner's house. See how they do in a warmer climate.

Rusty....I push my starts pretty hard. From solo cups, to four inch square pots, to gallon pots, to three gallon pots, to the ground in a little more than thirty days. I don't top them, or mess with their natural shape. That indeed does take time. I figure nature has had an eternity to get it right....who am I to rethink the wheel? The goal is to get them in the ground as quickly as possible, clear the room, and take another turn.

Stop loosing sleep. Inside makes up about ten percent of this. All the action happens outside. The lights at night just keep the plant from flowering. Outside I have a gigantic nuclear fusion engine... that's the puppy does the real work.

One problem pushing starts like I do is weak stems. You have seen how well my clones hold up to a good rain. Even dry, my plants have supports holding the bottom branches off the dirt. Believe it or not this is one of the Skunkdog plants I dug up last month....


Ya want a surefire way to to increase your odds?

I betch you know what I'm gonna say....

Flights leave daily.

Chunky....You ever saw a brake rotor busted in half? She did it. Very lucky. Figure I might as well ride this log for a little while longer.
Thanks for sticking with me.

Grey, Grey, Grey...what we gonna do with you? Pig hunting? Bradda...have fun. Gonna take your dog?...That's a joke. Don't take him. Whatever you do.

Nothing like chasing your dogs up a hill in knee deep mud...then sliding down through blackberry on other side...all to realize your dogs are another two ridges over....and their barks are getting softer because they are moving way faster than you.

Your young....might as well do it while you can. Though I'd much rather go fishing....that's what us old farts do.

Canni....you back in business yet? This log is missing your bud porn.

Speaking of bud porn Grey has one of the prettiest Chem D plants going...Come on....show her off.

Dawn....Its all good. Used too many words...bad habit I have. "Begging your indulgance?" WTF? That was my poor choice of words. No sarcasam was meant. None was received.

We added more new blood to test over short season. Growing we have C99 and L.A. Confidential. Grey replaced the Chem D I lost... and the Valley OG that I thought was Skunkdog. Tomorrow .... firing up the EZ cloner again. We have so many new strains to fuck with it's starting to get crazy. Here comes the point where we throw it all at the wall and see what sticks.

And finally for my friends in cold places....have a sunset.



Well-known member
Love the last picture, real mood conveyed in that one. New blood sounds tasty, both of those strains are excellent under the big hps outside. C99 is always a favorite! The LA's I've seen are wide (6-10ft), don't want to grow more than 4-5 feet up though, takes a little longer to veg to size but the smoke is worth it!


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
by request....
i went into the cold just because conditions were perfect for the horrible photographer in me....

actually i was awake played just saw your post and went ahhh shit i need to hook a brother up!!!

thanks for the kind words. means a lot to me man. :respect:



and dont worry, my dog isnt going out of the yard to chase some stupid pig. thats what the boyz' pits and catahoulas are for.

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