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Still Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Part Five.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
'twas an F6 from ******'s in Amsterdam.
U.S. Customs swiped my second set from this vendor.
I sent him a copy of the "you lose" letter from Customs and he replaced the order, or tried to.
They screwed up and sent the list from the first order which had arrived safely, so I ended up with a second pack of the Jack Herrer F6.
Jus' sent 'em where I knew they would do the most good, yah?:biggrin:



Well-known member
OK...wifey is asleep...house is quiet...let's finish this off.

Canni. The plant you asking about... That's a new strain I just perfected. Don't know what I'm gonna name it....though I an leaning toward calling it a young rose bush. :moon:

There is a planter behind the rose bush, and room for another to the far left of the shot....not built yet....but soon. Gotta get rid of some of the other budded plants before we plant those new holes.

Not back yet?....Key word yet. But since you aren't doing anything "yet" a single cracked seed just breaking dirt would be crushing you.
Besides giving you a hard time....I've said this before.

I'm given everything needed to grow. Given. You indoor guys have a far harder time growing than I. You are given nothing. You have to create it all from scratch. That's a much harder task then slapping a plant in the dirt. I've seen pics of your work...You are by far the better grower...that is of course when you are growing. :comfort:

I sold out when I went to the clones. The trees are so much more fun....boy does it piss the cops off. Look them square in the eye and say "All I'll get is one oz off that 12 ft tree, I only smoke kief.
Once I get my oz I'm gonna get compost the other 6 pounds"

Last GH I went out with a shovel, and dug up a couple that we would have disagreed over about their maturity. Hid them in pots inside.

It worked too. The Alien in the pic above was dug up and put back...none the worse for wear.

All that work....and they never visited.

Legality takes the "Fuck You" out of it....No Chineese fire drill....no tossing potted plants under the tree to sort out later, while GH works a half mile away. No 400 dollar ozs. No screaming thru the canefields with security eating your dust and a couple of lbs on your back. No Oahu trips with an obscene quanities. No class A fellonies. Now...it's like....wait for it....

a Job....

OH well. Enough, I'm getting to old for that shit anyway....where the hell did I leave my walker? :biggrin:

Veg... Downwind of the volcano...I'd guess the effects would be the same. Like a fire, the further away, the less damage done. It doen't hurt crops here on Maui. We are to far away. It does mess crops up downwind of the plume on the BI especialy when the winds are slack.
Mix the crud from the volcano with rainwater and you get Sulferic Acid.

Your right. Monocropping is boring. I don't get how it makes harvest hard. But it is the way to get the largest yield from the limited plant count. I could see doing it with Skunkdog. I'm testing Alien Dog now. Check the average of those four plants against the yield from four Skunkdog....look at the numbers.

I do like the variety many different strains provide. But that takes a lot of moms. And I have a bunch of new blood to try out over winter. So, I don't see it happening anytime soon. I do like your idea of monocropping individual patches...that makes sense. I'll just have to start planting more overflow patches in the cane....Just make sure I have the overflow.

Hey Weez. Can't thank you enough for those Jack seeds. Those were the best plants for here....right out of the box.

No matter how the clones go...we'll plant more in Part Six. It wouldn't be a grow without at least a few trees.:woohoo:


Those were S@nnie's Jack eh? Good to hear, I've been researching his gear lately and frankly it seems great. Shame we can't even type his name properly here still.


ICMag Donor
My buddy asked me to help sex a couple of plants yesterday. He's got 2 lovely little branching beauties that have been outside for 3 weeks and no preflowers yet. So I'm thinking he's got an aclimated strain. Asked him what it was and to my delight he told me it was Dawg! I fucking love this sativa leaning hybrid because it's extremely motivating, you smoke a bowl of dawg and you just can't sit still!

Now I've got to convince him to pinch off a clone or three for me...


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
So is he runngin seeds that have Dawg in them or is it the real classic dawg I hear so much about?

LETS SMOKE!!!!!!!!!!!


ICMag Donor
It must be seeds if my bro was having trouble sexing, but isn't dawg a clone only?

Howzit? Sorry if this is a duplicate post. I'm new here. The thread is great. I'll take some time to introduce myself later whet I'm not working. And FYI, GH is flying right now in Haiku. Talk to you guys bumbye.


ICMag Donor
Yeah, Monday at around 10:30am there were 3 helicopters on the pads at the Armory. Two yellow and one silver. Looks like the push is on...


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
apparently they will be here all week

from what i heard tonight this push is strictly state funded no feds flying this round
I haven't had any computer time the past couple, but since you seen to like the GH updates I thought I'd let you know one me the big choppers rap just headed toward south Maui.
T9word kind of screwed that last post up, but you probably get what I meant. Also I just saw one of the little ones heading from west Maui mountain area going toward the central valley, but I didn't see past that. I'm rooting for ya OH. Fight corrupt prohibition 44lbs at a time. Too bad all the rest of that weight that you can't make into a few ounces of concentrate has to go into the compost pile :)
Ah, I finally get some computer time. I just moved back to Maui from the Big Island. I was living in upper Puna and now I'm back Upcountry. Big Island was cool, but it's nice to be back on Maui too. Anyway, I usually check out a Hawaii growers thread on another forum and after Oldhaole getting mentioned a few times over there (probably 5 times in the past year and a half to be specific) and one of the members over there posting a link to this thread, I thought I'd check it out. I would guess the member on the other forum is a member on here too, because he posted the link to the Revival of the Ultimate Sativa Thread also.

I'm really enjoying this thread. Great stuff over here and everybody's real chill and encouraging; that's not always common on some of these forums. There's a good group of guys that are regulars on your grow diaries.

I'm reading up on your (OH) part three season now; so much good info. And I'll be reading through your short season grow too. With short season right around the corner, it would be good to have as many tips as possible. Thanks for sharing all your years of experience with us. I really appreciate it. I'll keep checking in. Aloha bruddahs.


Well-known member
Yes indeedy...Green Harvest did ...or is still doing...their appointed rounds. The silver one flew over me once, but kept on going.

Wifey tells me...and it's true...that I freak out every time they fly. Alot of that is leftover from the old days. This time I suspected they'd be at it again. Went thru everything over the weekend, thinking like a cop...what's mature...what's not....

What's the plan? Stan.

Half of the Big Jack and another Skunkdog were waiting for either GH or rain. Turns out we had both...but GH came first. Got the call kinda late. As in they just got airborne and are heading your way.

Change gears....

In the previous post I was bemoaning the loss of the Chineese fire drill...That was not a very well thought out statement. A Chineese fire drill is when GH is in the area, or on top of you...and you have to make stuff disappear...fast. Chineese fire drills suck. Never want to do it again. Not fun.

I'm under my limit....why the hell should this be necessary? Because the powers that be, would say that there are two mature Chem D plants here.


Now you and I have eyes. We can plainly see these are no where near mature...but, in copland these are ready to smoke....no wonder cops make shitty growers...They take everything too young....that and they can take what they need...

Enough of that...where was I?

Oh yea...the fire drill...all planned out...a few slightly more than mature. Harvest the tree....that's first. Grab the Skunkdog...done.

Now I have to make three of the clones planted inground...go away....but not for long....because I need them to return too.

So I dug them up. Could have harvested three of the Alien Dog instead....be way easier. The're ready....but barely. The second pic is the same plant. This plant is 78 days old....I've been counting.



Digging a plant up. This is not smart. Not an easy task when done quickly. Did the best job I could, maybe not good enough... enough roots?...we will see. Turns out I could have taken my sweet time, because GH didn't show up until a couple hours later...and pppfffttt they was gone.

Now that was ok. We've just had a streak of ... fine weather. I was so happy I wet myself. Those two were ready...sorry, I was in a hurry, so no pics....gotta take my word for it.

Tuesday the weather shifted...clouds and rain. Looks like it's gonna stay cloudy for a while, so I replanted the girls I dug up earlier. Put'em out in the rain. Best time to do that. Watered the hell out of them too and plucked many of the shade leaves. Now we wait and see how badly I fucked up.


Wifey is right...I do freak out, and do stupid, unnecessary shit.

This year the Jack Herrer has been a flop. Check this out.


The tallest branch has stem rot. That scinches it. The Jack crosses I made and ran last year didn't have that problem. Only the pure Jack....I made them....It's a good strain...I don't know if this problem is mine or theirs....but....It's gotta go...

The Midnight Madness is starting to declare. Running them all outside, this time of year... they won't get big. So far yanked two males and repotted a girl.

The Webb yielded small. Four ozs. Could be she got the crap knocked out of her from the rain. Gonna give her another run to make sure. Sourdouble was the same story. Try them again.

We have some new blood incomming. Must be good....Grey told me so. Daywrecker looks to be putting out roots....not in the bag yet...but close. With all these moms comming in we're gonna have to find a place to keep them all.

Or get rid of a few....Naaaaa.

Milde, Mr Sterling...best of luck. Let me know how it goes.

Festivus...My definition of an aclimated strain is one that comes from the mainland, and has been here long enough that it adjusts to our photoperiod. An acclimated strain can be planted early and doesn't go into flower. The true test is over long season.

Dawg has been here awhile. I haven't seen it in forever. It's been here long enough to acclimate. Grab a clone, do your trips to it and get me a seed...so easy for me to say....Happily test it for you.

Shit....just wet myself again.

Lightweight....Welcome back to Maui. Any questions you have about growing on the islands, and growing in general...someone or two will answer your question. We all want you to suceed. That said....

Dude...Didn't anybody tell you? There was a memo sent out.

Ya must have missed it.

This log is all bullshit. I make it up as I go. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you that. None of this stuff is real....yea....I tell a story...that's all.

Everybody....Thanks for the GH warning.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Youre counting now whoa holy shit!!!!

Webb didnt rock you out this time huh? Only a quad? Mustve been the rain...

Now i say that and the 2 webbs im gonna start saturday in 7gs will squeeze out 2 zips when alls said n done
Thanks hahaha
(OH)"Wifey tells me...and it's true...that I freak out every time they fly. Alot of that is leftover from the old days. This time I suspected they'd be at it again. Went thru everything over the weekend, thinking like a cop...what's mature...what's not...."

It's too bad that the state and feds suck so bad with MMJ here. Even on the BI, I used to freak out whenever GH was flying even though I know they won't mess with you if you have less than 25 plants. I know at least one guy over there who listens to the GH radio conversations and told me that they won't drop for 24 or less plants and he hears them doing counts on the radio to make sure it's less than 25. But it wouldn't keep me from running outside whenever I heard them to throw all the smaller plants in the bushes though. On the other hand, I know guys with medical cards who have gotten pulled over sober and the cops searched their car and bust them for DUI because they found a single joint. Stuff like that keeps me a little paranoid. It's like a lottery, some of the cops are cool and won't mess with you and some of them will try to find anyway they can to bust you, whether you're legal or not.

(OH)"Dude...Didn't anybody tell you? There was a memo sent out.

Ya must have missed it.

This log is all bullshit. I make it up as I go. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you that. None of this stuff is real....yea....I tell a story...that's all."

Got it loud and clear. Great story. You're definitely a great fictional writer.
I love the realistic 'color-by-numbers' pictures. Almost looks real.

Bummer about the losses. At least the discards pile doesn't outweigh the harvest pile. Looks like you're starting to get the hang of this gardening thing. :biggrin: Good job, lol.

Kinda gives ya a better opinion of Barney Fife, with copters buzzing about. I could imagine Barney trying to hide his closet grow from Andy, lol. But DAMN, I'll bet a joint would do him good. Anyway...is it anything like that with GH flyin' around??