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Steve Cooley !?!??? Say it ain't so!!!!


Freedom Fighter
According to SOS there are 300,000 votes left with Dec 3rd as final day to certify the count.

It makes me wonder what happened to all those uncounted votes for/against Prop 19...after they decided it had lost--
Seriously-- Is there a final tally that will come out Dec 3rd, or what??


Active member
We should be more organized in 2-4 years. If she doesn't realize MMJ patients elected her we will kick her out of office. BUT, what worries me is the possibility she has higher ambitions and that being voted out of office won't concern her if she knows she's on her way to something bigger, perhaps on the Federal level. If that's her ambition, she might thrash state law to look like a player to the Feds.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
We should be more organized in 2-4 years. If she doesn't realize MMJ patients elected her we will kick her out of office. BUT, what worries me is the possibility she has higher ambitions and that being voted out of office won't concern her if she knows she's on her way to something bigger, perhaps on the Federal level. If that's her ambition, she might thrash state law to look like a player to the Feds.

If anyones looking to get into bed with the feds its Cooley....


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
Kamala is just looking to get in bed with anything that will further her career. She's not particular. Right now she's tooting the medical cannabis horn in her bid for CA AG. If the feds and prohibition will make her US AG she will side with them when the time is right. Believe that.
bterzz has some noteworthy links....

rick shaw

Steve Cooley concedes Kamala Harris is the Attorney General Elect.I'm heading out right now to get her some flowers.If you want to send her congratulations her office address is 850 Bryant St. San Francisco,Ca.94103:dance013:

rick shaw

Humbel one you could not be further off of base about Kamala. She isn't US Atty material and she knows it.Your thinking about Cooley with his father a career FBI agent. Kamala has sights on Governor,4 out of 5 of California last governors have been Attorney General.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
I'm not saying that's the job she's angling for, just that she's power hungry and doesn't care one way or the other about medical cannabis. If the right carrot were dangled over her nose she would jump for it.

rick shaw

Wrong again she is one of the few good politicians. She has strength of her convictions. As a SF bike messenger I work with a lot of attorneys that she works with. They all say good things about her character. So here is your chance to rebut. How do you know her to say those things? Do you not like Women or Black people? What has she done professionally to earn hate from you?


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
First, you take the word of attorneys who you do not know personally and only know you as a bike messenger. LOL
Then you accuse me of disliking women and black people. She's also Indian, why didn't you throw that in? There's a reason Ed has a very low opinion of her and you can check it out in the link that bterzz put up on the last page. Then do some follow up research. She is great at backtracking when it comes to medical cannabis, puts on a good show about caring for the cause, and that's because she is a politician first and foremost. If her lips are moving........


Active member
Kamala Harris Wins as CA Attorney General

One of the closest statewide races in California history has come to an end. Steve Cooley conceded defeat to Kamala Harris in the race for state attorney general. Cooley had declared victory on election night but woke up the next day to discover he was behind. The race went back and forth for weeks as votes were counted, but by last night Harris led Cooley by 53,000 votes and most of the remaining ballots came from counties that favored Harris. Harris’ victory gives Democrats total victory in all statewide California races.



FUCK. God damn republicans....
I know, right? Because the Democrats are fighting SO HARD to legalize, lol. If not for that evil Republican mind ray, the Dems would've legalized while they controlled the White House and Congress.

People who believe the Dems want to legalize probably believe the Republicans want to ban abortion too, lol. Sucker born every minute.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I know, right? Because the Democrats are fighting SO HARD to legalize, lol. If not for that evil Republican mind ray, the Dems would've legalized while they controlled the White House and Congress.

People who believe the Dems want to legalize probably believe the Republicans want to ban abortion too, lol. Sucker born every minute.

Yeah your right. Republicans are nothing but marijuana supporting patriots.

democrats are spineless liberal pussies and republicans are extreme Christian narcissistic crazies.

Can't we have a party who are moderates..


HAHAHAHAHA i hope he cried

and cried, and cried, and cried....hell, I hope he is still crying. :jump:

If you live in Cali and understand how important it is that Cooley lost and you voted for her, for goodness sake take a minute to send a letter or email to tell her how important mmj was in winning your vote.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I know, right? Because the Democrats are fighting SO HARD to legalize, lol. If not for that evil Republican mind ray, the Dems would've legalized while they controlled the White House and Congress.

People who believe the Dems want to legalize probably believe the Republicans want to ban abortion too, lol. Sucker born every minute.

Did someone say they believe dems will legalize it? They said "Yea" to the fact that we didn't get Cooley for our Attorney General. Nothing in life is perfect but we certainly got the better winner of the A.G. race.



ICMag Donor
Cooley has given up!! yeaaaa..thanks goodness. Politicians are all politicians, some are just less evil. I hope she leaves us the hell alone.

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