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Steve Cooley !?!??? Say it ain't so!!!!


Active member


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
Cooley's still up 45.9 % to Harris' 45.7 % a difference of almost 20k votes. When will it end?!?!?!


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
i don't think there's any way to get factual patient number data JJ....
because we don't have to register with the state once we get the dr's recommendation...

btw i'm sooooo glad i've never registered with the state right now....


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor

the state has record of a person being a registered medical marijuana patient... thats fish in a barrell for cooley. less resources to spend hunting the bad guy... "it says right here where he lives"

i know a few LARGE growers that are registered with the state... paid the fee to the county and got their pictures taken and everything.

the plain ole doctors recommendation is protected by doctor/patient confidentiality. as far as i understand.


StormTrooper law enforcement that likes to go SWAT in the night.

It can go backwards, its easy really. ( If Cooley and friends gets his way, just watch)
Especially with the publics silent or vocal support.
I mean who is going to do anything about the police busting "Fake Med" patients?
If you don't look like a dying person don't expect much sympathy from the non smokers.

Hope I am wrong, but I don't think so.


Active member
StormTrooper law enforcement that likes to go SWAT in the night.

It can go backwards, its easy really. ( If Cooley and friends gets his way, just watch)
Especially with the publics silent or vocal support.
I mean who is going to do anything about the police busting "Fake Med" patients?
If you don't look like a dying person don't expect much sympathy from the non smokers.

Hope I am wrong, but I don't think so.

Well, I for sure see your points. Though, Cooley and friends could just as easily (or easier) raid a MMJ doctor's premise. Confiscate all the files and ..... bam! A list of MMJ patients to go cowboy on.

From the California state FAQ for the MMIC:

What happens to my application and other private health information after I give it to my county’s MMICP? Your application will be kept confidential and secure. The only release of your application will be with your written permission. This includes appeals of denied applications to the state MMP. (The Appeals Form contains a declaration and signature block regarding this release.)

I would think that a civilian that had their personal medical records accessed by Cooley and Friends would have a fantastic case in court to sue them to the sky. I am not an attorney though. Who knows.


Bong Smoking News Hound
Well, I for sure see your points. Though, Cooley and friends could just as easily (or easier) raid a MMJ doctor's premise. Confiscate all the files and ..... bam! A list of MMJ patients to go cowboy on.

From the California state FAQ for the MMIC:

I would think that a civilian that had their personal medical records accessed by Cooley and Friends would have a fantastic case in court to sue them to the sky. I am not an attorney though. Who knows.

I am pretty sure, early on, they tried going after the doctors, and it was ruled by supreme court, that doctors can not be held responsible. this was back in 01 or 02


Overkill is under-rated.

my MMJ attorney told me the state card is pretty good protection from state prosection.

Any other paperwork is helpful for state cases, but any recs, contracts, agreements etc will BURN you if the case gets picked up the feds. his recommendation is to have as little paperwork as possible, since it could go either way (I'm always over 99 plants.)

rick shaw

December 3rd is the day they will certify the results of the election.Parties are being planned.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
Kamala D. Harris 4,083,742

Steve Cooley 4,069,699

UP 14k!!!!!! keep it going Kamala!