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Steve Cooley !?!??? Say it ain't so!!!!

Sounds like 2 assholes running for office....There's a shocker for everyone....Why can't we all have someone in office that represents US? Its really disturbing, and it happens all accross America, every 2 years....And if the right-wingers have been in power for 2 years, than expect the left-wingers to win the next elections, and vice-versa....Us,humans, maybe just Americans, have such short memories, it boggles my mind....Maybe its based more on hope, not sure...BUt it sucks....Republicans and Dems are in bed together, and we are left to deal with the consequences.....

SOMEONE ROLL ME A FUCKING DOOBER! Politics makes me want to get so high I forget what i was talking about, hopefully.


Crap, when do they get done counting? Harris was up a couple days ago, thought that shit was done. Mother F'er. No Bueno!


Rubbing my glands together
It's a shame they didn't use ranked voting. Look at all the wasted votes on third parties.

Wasted votes? Odd that you would think everything is just fine with 1 of the 2 major parties you apparently back that care more about their careers than you or the people they purport to represent.. If anything we need 3, 4 or 5 parties to keep politicians in check and on focus. Wasted votes, ha. Sad to see that you've swallowed the spoon fed bullshit. Guess they are still doing their job herding sheeple.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Wasted votes? Odd that you would think everything is just fine with 1 of the 2 major parties you apparently back that care more about their careers than you or the people they purport to represent.. If anything we need 3, 4 or 5 parties to keep politicians in check and on focus. Wasted votes, ha. Sad to see that you've swallowed the spoon fed bullshit. Guess they are still doing their job herding sheeple.

Rez i have to agree on both sides.

On one side, I hate that there are ANY parties. Candidates should be judged strictly on their politcal platform, rather than their party affiliation.

On the other side, the votes for all the other parties are so miniscual that they really just take away from the overall election. Specially when it is less than 22k vote difference between the two major candidates.

Ughh.... still cant believe Cooley will more than likely be the new AG in california. Prop 19 fails and Cooley is elected, what a disaster for the mj scene.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
wouldn't ranked voting be in the interest of third parties if they actually earned enough votes to make it to the top two?


Rubbing my glands together
Understand that my friend. I guess the alternative would be to make voting for any 3rd party illegal. That way the 2 parties could have a larger majority in their corner. Down side is that those that do vote for a 3rd just wouldn't vote at all. Who would win then?

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Understand that my friend. I guess the alternative would be to make voting for any 3rd party illegal. That way the 2 parties could have a larger majority in their corner. Down side is that those that do vote for a 3rd just wouldn't vote at all. Who would win then?

They should make all political parties illegal. Stop all the stupid infighting and blind voting that is responsible for party affiliation. Make politicians stand on their own beliefs, rather than what color of flag they fly...


Rubbing my glands together
Glad to see you guys in CA defeated Whitman, but will be real interesting to see how much deeper into debt you sink under Brown.


Rubbing my glands together
They should make all political parties illegal. Stop all the stupid infighting and blind voting that is responsible for party affiliation. Make politicians stand on their own beliefs, rather than what color of flag they fly...

Agreed 100% my friend. Can't even think of a rebuttal to that.
Man am I depressed, Like I woke up from a dream, I truly hope Cooley doesn't ruin the lives of so many people. Is it purely money, evil, conservative ignorance, religious zeal, what's on this guy's agenda?


Yeah, because Cooley would be so much worse than Holder.


rick shaw

Resin rider I gave my opinion of rank choice voting and gave a link to see results. Ranked choice voting is an instant runoff system used when no candidate receives 50% of the vote. If you don't agree you do not have to go into bitch mode and make personal attacks. Have you ever studied Political Science ,do you even live in California. I have and do. If your looking to make insipid turbo-rebuttals type away.


Rubbing my glands together
Wasn't bitch mode. You failed to see the point of the post. My post referred only to your comment of wasted votes. Seeing as you studied Political Science, you'd know that no vote is wasted and the concept of a wasted vote is one bounced around by both major parties. Especially when stated that, for example, a vote for candidate x takes away form candidate y, who is running race against candidate z. In this case a vote for candidate x is a wasted vote that could have gone to either candidate y or z. I'd rather waste a vote and vote my beliefs, or whatever you'd care to label it, than press the button for either of the others I don't agree with or feel represents my best interest.
As far a rank voting goes, why have a runoff system at all if 1 candidate has more votes than the others in the race? In a race where there are 3 people on the ballot, if 1 of the candidates acquires, say 45% of the vote, another with 38% and a 3rd with 17%, wouldn't it be safe/fair to say the guy with 45% won his race? Or would you prefer throwing out the will of those 45% of the voters and have a run off between the guy who got 45% verses the guy who got 38%. 1 vote is enough to determine the winner of any race. You support throwing out the Electoral College too? I'm guessing the answer is yes?

EDITED to answer your 2 questions'
I don't live in CA which is no big secret. And I haven't studied PS. Does that fall in the category of being uninformed enough to not have an opinion? If you think subverting the will of the voting public should be thrown out the window, in the form of runoffs, until 1 candidate or the other obtains above 50% to be declared the winner of any race, maybe you need to seek a refund for the courses you took. 1 person, 1 vote does not apply with rank voting. Doesn't it throw the will of the people out the window? If so, why not simply let the ones in charge simply appoint who they want and the rest of us just be glad they took that responsibility off our hands?
Last edited:


Cooley is going to focus on the low hanging fruit, make it sound like he is in a holy war and run again on all of the fake patients and facilities he was able to shut down.Until issues can be discussed and not just distilled into a sound bite sized box we will get the same type of officials.

This election cycle seemed the most vacuous public debate i have ever seen in my life on all fronts.

Huge issues being crammed into little phrases and or words. "Big Government" "Obama Care" "Deficit Reduction". No one wants to dig into these political labels in a meaningful way.

I for one have become a one issue voter, What is your posisiton on Marijuana decriminalization, legalization and rescheduling? If I dont get the right answer I will not vote for them and will write myself in if thats what it comes to.

How in the world can someone be trusted to legislate and represent if those issues are beyond basic understanding?

How can a single "Republican, Democrat, or Libertarian" not be completely outraged when asked to submit a pee test when there is no probable cause and not in a public safety role? Wish all members just elected had to give a sample... bastards

That is the problem,most do not even think about it as a complete violation of our 4th amendment rights. As time goes by the people keep accepting more and more invasion.

Facebook ... do I need to say more?

Good luck with Cooley CA :joint:

rick shaw

Resin rider you show your prejudice as well as your ignorance. Ranked voter choice is being used in several races. My District Supervisor is in a race with 14 candidates.Look up Bucklin Voting, it is a modification on the Condorcet Method. If you do not have the ability to learn I am not going to waste my time explaining to you. Your just a troll right now.


Rubbing my glands together
A troll. Got to be honest that's the first time ever to be labeled that, lol. Maybe it's an easy way to dance around the question I asked you? Seems as if you have already learned everything there is to know? I only referred to your wasted vote comment and here we are.
Prejudice? Ingorance?That's a really good one. Differing opinions and now I have some sort of imagined prejudice and am idiot simply because of difference in opinion. If you can't win on substance, attack em with name calling. Classic and closed minded.
As far as your district supervisor race goes, how much simpler would it be, how much less would be spent on advertising/turbo calls etc, how much easier would it be for voters, if the guy with the most votes won? Seems as if it's complicated the process. No?

rick shaw

Resin rider look up Bucklin Voting tell me your honest opinion.Don't go turbo post. Read,tell me what you think.

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