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My cat likes pH adjusted water


Now in technicolor
My cats always drink from the coco soaking water or my nute water, and they'll sneak around and come up with elaborate ways to get to these sources of water if I try to block them.

What is it that keeps them off tap water? mine has a pH of 7 and ppm of 35. I noticed water that has ANYTHING in it (crumbs, grease, soil, etc) is preferred to tap or fresh water.


Smokes, lets go
i dunno but someones dog died on here about a year back, frm drinking nute run off so i wouldn't let them drink it - you shouldn't let your cats in the grow room it leaves hair in buds.

also , dont let them drink nute or ph'ed water not good for them they could get sick or die


We are Farmers
just buy clean purified water ...they like the best.

I am not sure about that. I had started letting the cats water sit out for 24 hours to let the chlorine evap, I know I like tap water a lot more once it has sat out.

So I used two bowls, one on the floor where their water always sits and one I would put on the kitchen window sill and I would swap them every day.

One of our cats, Scout, started drinking out of the one I would put on the floor right away when I changed it for about a week and then one day he noticed me filling the bowl from the floor and he had to check it out.

After that he would always jump on the counter to drink out of the bowl in the window and stopped using the floor bowl.

I stopped doing this and just fill it out of the tap like before.

One of my other cats likes to drink water from the hose off of the patio, he will literally drink it off the patio next to a bowl of fresh water.


cant stop wont stop
my dog, when she was just a pupp drank some runn off from a tray - ended up puking and pissing out her ass every twenty minutes.. had to take her to the emergency room. ruined my newyears eve and cost me about 300 bucks.. glad shes alright tho
worst part is she hadnt learned her lesson so i had to watch her close anytime i was watering gotta be something sweet in them nutes


its the fish emulsion or ? Cats need nutes also . Make sure the ppm is tageted to your feline species .J/K

edit , wow sorry to hear about the pets getting sick on the run off. Could be all sorts of bacteria etc in the runoff . I would not want to drink old fermented tea made from bat droppings , old fish meal tea and all the other crap thats in the ferts .

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I don't mean to be a complete bitch !!!....but what the f*ck is wrong with you? You have a responsibility to your animals...protect them from shit they're little asses can die from.

Come on!

Buy a drinkwell 360 or something for god's sake...something that gives them filtered, running water. Cats have shitty depth perception....learn about your pets....please. They can't see the damn water and they don't like it stagnant. If your cats won't drink water...they can be victims of early renal disease. It's a nasty, slow death sometimes....no animal deserves it. Please be an aware pet owner or surrender your cats to someone that can take care of them. Cats are really hard...I have 5 and the vet bills, food, water bills.....are insane.


Now in technicolor
I never said I let them drink bad water. I don't - except toilet water.

(not my pic)


weed fiend
...After that he would always jump on the counter to drink out of the bowl in the window and stopped using the floor bowl.

I stopped doing this and just fill it out of the tap like before.

One of my other cats likes to drink water from the hose off of the patio, he will literally drink it off the patio next to a bowl of fresh water.

Sounds like my cat. Wouldn't sleep in the nice wicker sleeper I paid $40 for, he slept (and "hunted" from) the dirty clothes basket.

I never saw him drink from a water dish in 13 years. One day I noticed he didn't come back from the road where he'd drink from the storm drain regularly. Sure enough, there he was deader than hell, a victim of a drive by "drive by" at the side of the road. He liked the toilet too, lol.