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Steele's Surprise :-)


Guest 16149

Will be taking cuts off them real soon now :)
Then I will throw the original into flower and keep the clones

Guest 16149

Heres a update, will be taking clones soon and throwing these into flower also.

I transplanted them both into bigger containers right after the pics :)

SMM 1, it was the mutant, seems to be coming out of it :)


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Yeep , nice an' healthy . Keep at it Blaner , lookin' good .

I was fixin to start my Steele's Surprise seeds and I finally did. I scuffed the seeds and soaked them for 12 hours. They all sank and popped then they went in the dirt Friday. Two of them are emerging from the ground. Hopefully they all will have their heads out and looking at the flouros soon.
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Guest 16149

Great Tarzan, glad you started your surprise beans also, please feel free to post up pics and info here if you wish :)
Let us know how it goes, good luck :)


Guest 16149

Hi all
Here is the first one into flower, it has been in 12/12 since Feb 5, so it is 5 days into flower now.



How they doin Blaner ? Been a little bit since your last update !


Guest 16149

Steele, Thats what I call timing, you asked as I was uploading :)
Here is SMM 3, 8 days into flower now and its a Girl :)

Will be giving you some pics of SMM #1 as soon as I find it again LOL the garden is a little tough to move around in, still thinning it out, almost done with the Pink Kush, maybe another day or two and I will have more room to spread them, sorry Steele, I will make them shine once I take more clones and put them into hydro, then you will see the true potential.


They're lookin' good Blaner . Looks like they have a good amount of height . Get those Pinks outta there an' put that girl under some light . I didn't think they were as large and healthy as they are ... Good lookin' ! Can't wait to see 'em in full bloom .


Guest 16149

Steele here is SMM #1, found it :) about 7 days into flower now, cannot sex it yet but we will know soon, I notice that both of the Mystery Plants have very large and broad leaves, so a indica or indica hybrid I think, cannot wait till they get big enough to start stinking , that should help me figure them out



Wow Blaner , that thing is large an' in charge . You takin' a slip off that girl (trimmed leaves off shoot) ? Wondering if you rub stems to detect scents and stickiness ? If so , what aroma's are comin' thru ?

All 4 of mine came otta the ground. At about 2 weeks old I lost 1 of them to stupidity. I have 3 nice seedlings out of 4 seeds I started.

I had one that had one leaf that had the same leaf mutation that Blaner's mutated plant had. I had one "normal" plant and I had 1 that was kinda a small one. It is vegging but just slower. It seems short and bushy. Like maybe if this was a Bubba Kush x Blue Sonja cross this one might be a Bubba pheno. Or if this was a Sour Bubble x Blue Sonja cross this is a SB pheno. It actually makes more sense for this mystery cross to be SB x BS because that is the 2 main ones Steele had for sale that we won. But I did see a thread where a guy mentions Bubba Kush x Blue Sonja that he got from Steele.

Hey part of the solving of this mystery involves growing, observing and smoking. The other part involves thread searching.

I say it is either Bubba Kush x Blue Sonja or Sour Bubble x Blue Sonja. Either one would be sweet as will whatever it turns out to be, you know it is potentially a keeper. I am going with BK x BS as my final answer.

I transplanted the 3 from 16 ounce cups to 1 gallon pots today. They just had roots touching the bottom of the cups. They could have stayed in cups longer but now they can take off some. I will get some pics in a day or so.

Steele will you please explain what you mean when you said...takin' a slip off that girl (trimmed leaves off shoot) Are you just talking taking cutting and rooting them or some kinda special cutting technique?
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Tarzan , stoked to hear you pulled tha trigger . I know alot of fellas that have a VAST bean collection and find it hard to decide what to germ next , thanks fer putting ours in tha line-up . I'm sure you'll have a killer experience , based on tha reports I've received . A shame you lost 1 of 'em but what tha hell ... Yeep , part of tha fun with these is growing 'em out and sharing your experience .
Got some good thinkin' , goin' on there , who says stoners are stupid ? Can't wait to see some pics Tarzan . On tha "takin' a slip" tip , yes , I was askin' if he had prepped for takin' clones .

Blaner , how they doin buddy ? Regardless of sex , I would highly recommend in crossing it for future use of beans . Based on reports I've received , these are not a good idea to just grow an' throw . Keep 'em around .....

Stay safe an' grow HARD
Your 4 mystery beans kept calling me steele. They were up against stiff competition and just kept calling me. Then I saw blaner growing his out and I had to start them.

Guest 16149

Hi all
Yes I took slips (clones) off of both SMM #1 and #3, SMM #1 clones are having some rooting issues, SMM #3 clones were taken earlier and are already almost a foot tall (I only took 2 clones off of each to make future mothers out of :)

Wish I had gotten all 4 beans this far :), But I do have 2 beautiful females.

Tarzan I think you are on the right track, the leaves seem to have that turn down on the end of them like my Bubba Kush S1's

Steele, cannot make out the odor yet but on SMM#3 it is definitely sweet, not skunky.

Here are my 2 girls
SMM#1 at 2 weeks into flower, 23 inches tall now

and SMM #3 at 3 weeks into flower, 28 inches tall now


Guest 16149

Here is the new pics

SMM #1 at 3 weeks

SMM #3 at 4 weeks

SMM #3 is starting to get a piney kinda smell to me now


ICMag Donor
Looking great!

3 weeks like starting (day 15) or ending (day 21)?