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Stealthdragon's vertical adventures with lightmovers!


Recovering UO addict.
EDIT: F*#% it! let's just make this my vert grow thread thingie.

--->>>> skip to the start of the good stuff. <<<-----

Hi. I'm planning on setting up a lightmover in a vertical setup...probably 2k staked and inverted to each other...are there any setups on here where people are doing this?

I searched and couldn't find anything. thanks.

:thank you:

F'ing spelling. sorry.

Skunk Kid

i looked into the idea i while back but ended up just going with ''normal'' reflectors on movers when i made my new room. I saw someone do it be for on one of these sights i'll try and find it again.


ICMag Donor
i have a spare light mover right now that i'm thinking of running over top of my vertical setup with a 400 watt MH or CMH, giving the plants a bit of UV. see if the top plants are different from the ones not getting any.

this one is big, 6 ft. i think. i imagine one could also hang 2-3 vert lamps hung off it in a colosseum room. i wonder how much weight it supports?

you were thinking stacked lights? explain for me please.


passing the gas
I've used one, me. I used to reach in there every few hours and move my single 1000k up or down on the jack chain. I've intended to rig up a mechanized one in the future. I have a 5x5 tent and keeping the bulb roughly centered in the canopy of the nicest plants seem to work fine with out the added complexity of something else moving around in the tent besides the fan. the fall off now that I'm mostly keeping it right at the ceiling in still supporting great growth in the younger plants as I move plants in and remove buds.

if you want to rig one up you can try hanging the cordset with twisted wire cable with a pulley above then across the ceiling to a pulley at the wall, then attach it to a lightmover mounted vertically on the wall or to the edge of a slow rotating disc. ( think of how a crank moves a piston up and down and you have it ). I've found a couple of people with similar set ups online.

nice way to move it shown here: http://robives.com/mechanisms/recip
I'd love to see what you come up with please post it.
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anyone using a lightmover in a vert set up?

anyone using a lightmover in a vert set up?

like a yo-yo? i'd give it a dip in my crop circles!


Recovering UO addict.
Thanks alot for the replies. I was planning 2 1k bulbs stacked in a tomato cage on a mover. I wanted to have the tips of the bulbs pointing each other, and just moving back and forth in a stadium.

I'm also working on a second vert grow with a single 1k bulb and hoping to "yo-yo" it with a lightmover as well....that's a separate room and stuff but I'd love to discuss it here.

I was just hoping to find a grower here who is using a lightmover in a vert setup. either normal or yoyo style..here's what I was thinking:

and here's a link to a pic on icmag with the same idea....I'm not trying to say this is my idea...I've just never seen it in use.

chunkypigs, thanks for the idea about the twisted cord..and that link is pretty cool...made me think of bolting a christmas tree mover/spinner on the wall and sawing a bunch of gears into it. :thinking: hmmm....

Edit: I'm starting to think moving a 3-4' double bulbed tomato cage pendulum wouldn't work out...even with the slowness of the mover. what do you guys think?


Linear actuator.
Look hard enough and you can even find one that has switches at the stops to reverse direction. I haven't tried it yet, but probably will some day. The other way would be using a cam. Unless you have a horizontal light mover already it doesn't seem like the best way.


New member
Hi. I'm planning on setting up a lightmover in a vertical setup...probably 2k staked and inverted to each other...are there any setups on here where people are doing this?

I searched and couldn't find anything. thanks.

:thank you:

F'ing spelling. sorry.

Haha this is crazy. i posted this exact thing a while back on opengrow.com and said the same thing. i searched everywhere and couldnt find a thread about it. But the idea of improving yields on a vert set up is pretty insane.


Recovering UO addict.
Still haven't seen any grows with a lightmover and vert :confused:

I sort of have my vert setup running now...plants are tiny though and stressed from transplant. As soon as they perk up and start taking off I'll switch from a 400w to a 1k...and possibly incorporate a up/down mover. Also I'm still planning on converting another room to that 2k vert stacked on a mover...just haven't had time to do the remod.

When I do either of these (which ever comes first ;) ) I'll post some pics 'n stuff here on how I set it up. I think I finally figured how to hang my bottom light pointing up while hanging so I'll get on that in the next few days probably.

I love those linear actuators btw gardenbug...I need to research those more.

:thank you:


Active member
I was just hoping to find a grower here who is using a lightmover in a vert setup. either normal or yoyo style..here's what I was thinking:

I use a Light Rail. Think it is the 10rpm model but I don't think that part really matters -- any would work. Pretty much like your diagram, but I'm moving 4 1Ks yoyo style. The travel is about 3.5 to 4ft. 2 go up while 2 are going down. Alot of advantages with the biggest being how close the light can be to the plants. Have 20" wind tunnel fans laying on their back blowing up. Canopy heat has never been a problem. It is a simple solution to get different light angles to all of the plant. I believe you'll be pleased w/ your results. CB

EDIT: took another look at the pic. You don't need the weight to hold the mover. tie your line to where you have tied the weight. I used vinyl coated clothes lines w/ 1.5" pulleys.


Recovering UO addict.
thanks alot for the response carboy, have you run into any problems with your setup? Do you have any pics?

Zen Master

I'm doing this right now with a 1000w 2/3 gal smart pots arranged sort of in a coliseum style around the light.

got a bunch of different OG's, some Sour Diesel, a couple test plants from seed. I'm only on day 27 so we're just now starting to get some pic worthy buds.

this is Valley OG Kush on day 27, doing a side by side with some nutes and this one is on some MaxiBloom.


Zen Master

I'll take a pic of the mover and pulley setup I'm using. I had the parts laying around and it works like a charm.

oh I use about 2 1/4 - 2 1/2 feet worth of travel with my 1000w bulb, I think anything past that and you're pushin it with intensity, with stacked bulbs you shouldn't need to go past that distance really anyways.

super simple to set up, I figure if vert grows can get 1 gpw fairly regularly, why not put the bulb on a mover and, pending ample intensity across the board, increase the yield hopefully. we'll see soon.

oh and I have the 6 rpm model intellirail 3.5. holds the weight just fine and has enough torque to not have me worried about slippage even though its only got weight on one side (socket/bulb)


Recovering UO addict.
excellent info zen master thanks alot. Good to know about the pulley not slipping on the track, that was my biggest concern although still a minor concern. I look forward to those pics, the budshot looks great! :)


Recovering UO addict.
:dance013: :wave:


^^sorry for the crappy pics, always forgetting my camera :hide: just rigged it up with some tomato cages and those wire clamp thingies. Kinda ghetto but whatever works right? I thought I had it worked out with the "L" brackets but the wire bending worked much easier. I also made a wire arm to keep the cord further away from the cage which will be foiltaped to try to keep some heat off.

Kinda hard to see in these shitty pics (it was a long nite)...This is a 6x8 room with a 7 foot ceiling but the light is currently on a 2.5' run stopping a little less then 3' from each wall. There's a clamp on the track that allows the light to go all the way to the wall on the right and be stopped so there's room to tend to plants. I'm going to make a sort of shield made of sheetmetal or something to just set over the light so it doesn't need to be turned off, just stopped on the mover and covered.

Only had time to throw together one shelf and stuff...I still have a few things to do like paint the floor, arrange some outlets/powerstrips/fans fun stuff like that :) The room's kinda empty right now too..but about to be packed in about a week.

thanks for the help everyone...much to aerohead for the idea of hanging that bottom bulb right side up ....I have a really great light spread in there I'm very excited to see what this room can do.
here she is fired up and purring:

sorry bout the lines.

here's the room before with a 3x7' light footprint:

about 21 square feet...and now I think it's gonna be close to 75. I dunno I'm tired n baked. That was when we had 1800w; 1k in the middle and a 400w cmh on either side. Right before I remodeled we had just 2 ss2 hoods with 1k hps in each(couldn't find a recent pic).....now that I think about it I think I'm gonna squeeze a 400w cmh in the middle in a few weeks. I'll have a spare ballast to use soon too, just need to order a shiny new vert bulb. whew. fin.


Recovering UO addict.
Ok I guess I'll just make this my vert grow thread thing. So here's my other project I just got up and running as well. Just switched last nite to the vert 400w hps instead of the hooded horzontal cmh. Enjoy.

dual 3/4" return lines, 4 separate "manifolds", 2 drains per bucket going to different drain lines:

individual 1/4" feedlines, split in 2 at the bucket, waterfalling inside. (should have used larger lines):

airlines fed by 2 x dual diaphragm gh airpumps. 1 line to each bucket to a "medium" cheapo gray hydro store airstone. 2 lines to rez. One pump is in the room to the right and 4 lines come through the wall. >cooler temps in there and less noise. I definitely need more air in the buckets, I'll double it up soon:

some pipe insulating and the rest of the airlines:

bout 3 hours of foiltaping and 100 bongrips later:

little reflectix for good measure (and for fred):

lil more reflectix:

caveman style temperature testing:

edit:back from break!

and here's where we're sitting now:

^^that's the 400w hps, I'd rather veg under a cmh but all I have is a horizontal bulb. I'm going to swith out to a 1k and probably yo-yo it up and down with a mover...but I need to let these girls fill in a little first. I noticed a difference overnight switching from the hooded light. The whole thing is designed to open up kinda like a clam shell or something...the buckets are hooked together in 2 sets of 3 that can be pulled open as they grow. There's actually an opening between the buckets in the bottom right corner so that when it starts to open up that will be my "easy" entrance with no tubes n shit to stumble over.

here's the feedline manifold:

^^ lol kinda rigged it up a little weird, but again..whatever works right? I ran around looking for a manifold all over but this was all I could come up with :shrug: the 5/8" line or w/e size..the one pointing down, goes to a tube for draining. Color coded for convenience as are all the airlines and power cords. Also has those thingies that turn the lines on and off and adjust the flow...wtf can't remember what they're called! anyways....hmm oh yeh the 3/4 drainlines are all done with bulkheads..and it worked into a pretty cool unintended feature...since there's thread on the inside of the drains in the buckets I figure I can isolate buckets by screwing plugs into the drains a turning off the feed lines and just running a dwc bucket.

holy crap I'm getting burnt out on typing...here's the left side:

rocking a sweet tapestry! :) it's more to dampen noise/echo. That's a 6" x 24" phresh filter recirculated by a 150 cfm panasonic whisper fan.. (tube blowing down) Also where you can see the filter material hanging on the ceiling is a 110 cfm whisperfan exhausting. I have a bunch of controllers n stuff....not really using any yet cuz I'll just have to redial everything when I switch to the 1k I think. I'm gonna get a humidifier in the meantime though....it's only at ~30% with the exhaust off :(
(edit from the future! I never got a humidifier and now halfway through flower I need a DEhumidifier cuz my humidity is at like 60)
ummm hmm...that's all I can think of for now....OH YEH! 5 super lemon haze and a strawberry haze on 24/7 right now. getting about 50% lucas formula at 5.6-6.0 (PH was a little high and slow to dial in at first so there's a few burns and twists here and there) :comfort: PH is now stable and I think they're about to blow up. whew. fin.


Recovering UO addict.
dude thanks alot marlo! welcome to my new show. that's actually kinda copy of someone else's pic but at least I necro'd it for ya!


Feeling good is good enough.
Very nice and detailed work SD !

It reminds me of how I wrapped my Prelude's cold air intake to keep air temps down... do you like to mess with cars as well... ? :)

Please keep us posted.


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