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state of the union adress 2010. look how many questions are still about weed.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor

This is a link to watch the speech live right now. Even if you dont make it still check the link. Click the ask a question box. 4 out of the top 10 voted on questions are saying why havnt you legalized pot yet.

This is a great chance to speak up. Sign up and vote. Out of everything that is going on in America right now. 4 or 5 of the top ten questions are about pot legalization. This is the second time this has happened. When will they listen? How have they not seen the size of the issue.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
ok so some folks are answering questions right now, and obama will answer questions next week.

Edit: those pricks straight up ignored all the questions about pot, even though they were voted on the most. What a bunch a fucking pussies. Fucking pathetic bull shit. I am a little pissed if you cant tell. Lets hope Obama will answer one next week.

It would be great to fill the air duct intake with weed vapor from a giant vaporizer, next week at the presidential FAQ. Then no one would know how hight they are getting, because their is no smoke. lol
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Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
so its now 12 of the top 50 questions were about pot, and the number one question was again about pot. It was covered by all the news networks, I watched the clips on you tube. even crazy ass glen beck thinks its time to legalize. The one decent thing that tool has ever said.

He better fucking do it if he knows what is good for him politically. This is the perfect time to do it. He can to it right under the right wingers noses too because they are distracted by the healthcare debate. It would be funny if that has been his plan all along. lol


America prides itself on democratic principles. Of course, this in itself is ironic because we are a republic (we elect people to represent us in government... just like Rome). Either way, it's also ironic that we ignore both the philosophies behind democracy and republic on certain issues. Marijuana is one of them. Depending on the poll, 80-95% of America approves of medical marijuana, but only like 25% of the states have medical marijuana laws (and I don't really think Virginia's is a competent enough law to consider it a true mmj law).

The system we have is a problem. We have people sticking to one of two traditional parties, and seldom are the lines crossed in any major way. Republicans believe government should play a strong role in moral values (which are pretty much those laid out in the Christian churches), and democrats think government should play a strong role in our monetary affairs (high taxes, etc).

The problem is that it's pretty clear the intervening government doesn't work out in either case. Our morals haven't changed from president to president, and we've had a relatively normal ebb and flow in our economy since the Great Depression (which was caused by major oversights in contract enforcement). Still, we have congressmen and presidents that fits one of these parties, and we blame them when things go wrong. However, if a candidate wants to be libertarian (like Thomas Jefferson, a government that doesn't play a strong role in either moral or monetary affairs), we won't vote for him!

As a nation, America has, at differing times, embraced philosophies of John Locke (we have the right to overthrow an unjust government), classical antiquity (democracy/republic government structure, equality of people... a government "of the people, by the people, for the people"), and Martin Luther King Jr. (non-violent protests against injustice). However, these philosophies are thrown out the window and history repeats itself. It's almost scary how gaping these holes in logic are. I know how Arthur Miller felt when he wrote The Crucible (if you didn't know, it's about the Salem Witch Trials and how McCarthyism was exactly like that and we didn't learn from history).

Yeah, I totally went on a rant. I don't want to sound like the typical, paranoid rebel, but I mean I really think this government structure does not work correctly. I'm not going to say it's a failure, but in certain areas, we should just be able to directly vote on issues. We should incorporate the voting polls more often. Maybe on a quarterly basis, and the people can vote on issues. It's clear that congress does not properly represent its constituents. And by "its constituents," I mean the fucking people that are paying their salaries and giving them power.

The Greeks had it right. Socrates wasn't murdered for his thinking. He was murdered solely because he had too much power, and wouldn't leave Greece. The Greeks were scared of an emperor. Democracy does not work if the people just follow suit and agree with everything one person says (solely because it is this person saying it). The Greeks understood that power corrupts. Not only that, but the people that we elect are not true representatives of who we are. Most of them were born wealthy and lived pristine lives. Then, once they gain the power from being a major part of government, the power corrupts and they become even further removed from us. They don't vote on what their constituents want. They vote on what they want. In their minds, if they keep getting elected, they must know what's best.

I'm gonna cut myself off here because I'm sure it's more than anyone wants to read (including myself), but I mean it just baffles me how we have such a fundamental problem with our government structure. I think marijuana is a microcosm of this.

In closing... no matter what you might think, we have power in numbers. We have to unite. There are probably more people on this forum than there are in congress. We have to organize and find a way to, within the legal system that has been set, show to congress that they have no other choice but to legalize marijuana. That is, if they believe in democratic (or even republican [which is much of the same basic philosophy]) philosophy. We have to get it across to them that by criminalizing marijuana, they are rejecting the will of the nation, and making themselves enemies of democracy.

Edit (oh god he isn't finished?!):

And I don't want to sound too pessimistic. I'm generally optimistic. I'm even optimistic about the government we have. There are senators and representatives willing to take a stand on this controversial issue for the first time in awhile in such numbers. However, we have to take note of those who stand on the wrong side of this issue (and yes, it truly is the WRONG side to be against marijuana's legalization in my opinion). We have to ensure that they change their stance, and if they are unwilling we must make them stand on the sidelines and realize that they are going to be remembered for being on the wrong side of history. They are the ones holding the hoses in Birmingham. The number of such people is diminishing. We must ensure that this number continues to dwindle.

Keep up the good work, guys. The more they ignore the flame, the larger the fire gets. A dream deferred will not dry up like a raisin in the sun.


It will be interesting to see if he actually answers the questions about MJ legalization. This youtube thing alone makes it pretty obvious that the people of america want it legalized. Imagine if the general populus was actually well informed instead of being fed so many1/2 truths and lies over the years!



It will be interesting to see if he actually answers the questions about MJ legalization. This youtube thing alone makes it pretty obvious that the people of america want it legalized. Imagine if the general populus was actually well informed instead of being fed so many1/2 truths and lies over the years!


He won't because as he said before, something along the lines of he doesn't think the "internet population" reflects the real population's wishes.

To him it isn't the US that want's it legalized, it is those stoner kids who just spam the internet all day.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
If people would have the balls, unlike me, to write letters as a group and send copies of voter registration cards with them in mass amounts we might get somewhere...

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
If people would have the balls, unlike me, to write letters as a group and send copies of voter registration cards with them in mass amounts we might get somewhere...

Good idea we should just start that on IC since there's pretty much 99.99999% pro-MMJ(exception to YummyB) As long as we don't tell them its from an internet website:hide:


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
i tried to ask a question, but google signed me out, then asked me to sign back in...fuck that! you thought you were sneaky, didn't you? silly secret service agents :joint:



don't worry about writing a quwestion just vote on the top one about mj.

I bet he doesn't think it is all kids... CNN did an interview with Barney Frank a while back about decrim, and the email responses cnn got were overwhelmingly in favor of legalization. Stoned teenagers don't watch cnn...



Patient Grower
If people would have the balls, unlike me, to write letters as a group and send copies of voter registration cards with them in mass amounts we might get somewhere...

Not everyone can be a he-man with big balls. We do need people to make fun of and belittle you know, so you're filling an important need in society.

Then again, how hard is it to steal someone else's voter registration card and sign their name to the letters you write? There's no shame in being a wuss if you use some creativity in life.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
We do need people to make fun of and belittle you know, so you're filling an important need in society.

Funny cause I don't see anybody belittling anyone here but you...dick. Move to D.C and shut the fuck up already.


Patient Grower
Wow, can't even detect humor when he sees it...sheesh can I take back the thumbs up I gave your post?


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Please, feel free. We've never gotten along...except on hating Blue Dot. Why would I take that as humor now?


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Do you know how many times you've neg repped me in the past?


I know I'm new here, but I don't understand how this arguing will help anything. I think that our goals of legalization should be more important than any minor differences we have with each other.

I'm glad these disagreements are rather infrequent on these kinds of boards. I've been surprised how able most people in the marijuana community are really a community and look to benefit one another.

Just go to the norml.org website, go to 'contact officials' and it'll lay out the stuff for you. Just type in your name, email, and address, and hit submit. Full emails will be sent.


Active member
The 2010 State of the Union Address was clearly targeted towards a lesser educated audience than previous SOTU's by other Presidents.

Text of Obama's Address has a readability score for an average 8th grader - two grades lower than George W. Bush's Addresses and the historical average for modern presidents.

a Smart Politics analysis of nearly 70 oral State of the Union Addresses since the mid-1930s finds the text of Obama's speech on Wednesday evening to have one of the lowest scores on the Flesch-Kincaid readability test ever recorded by a U.S. President.





It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
i take that as a good thing :joint: the average person is really really dumb lol



The 2010 State of the Union Address was clearly targeted towards a lesser educated audience than previous SOTU's by other Presidents.

Text of Obama's Address has a readability score for an average 8th grader - two grades lower than George W. Bush's Addresses and the historical average for modern presidents.

a Smart Politics analysis of nearly 70 oral State of the Union Addresses since the mid-1930s finds the text of Obama's speech on Wednesday evening to have one of the lowest scores on the Flesch-Kincaid readability test ever recorded by a U.S. President.



When you get to the point where you have to debunk death panels because they're actually being taken seriously I think you get pessimistic about the average American intelligence.