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Starke's Story: An LED Tale


Well-known member
Welcome aboard FSG. I've tied the branches to the buckets and will continue to wire, and pinch as needed. Going to have to let them veg for a bit to recover from how badly I mistreated them while building the new room. Then an initial defol and into flower. Will be posting plenty of pics when I do so I can get your opinion on whether I have removed enough.
Excellent bro , now that I have mildly attempted to defoil last time , did you still have as much popcorn as without the defol ??? Hopefully you saw some improvements, keep up the good work and keep us posted , tyvm. FSG.


Well-known member
Weekly Update

Weekly Update

The ladies continue to look like shit but are beginning to show a little improvement. I'm guessing another 10 days or so before I can flip to flower.

Finally got stuff moved into the new veg/clone/storage room. It measures 4.5' x 5.5 feet. It is really nice to have everything in one place instead of scattered about in four different parts of the house. Veg area under the homemade off the shelf LED fixture on the right. 30 gallon trash can as my feed rez with a sump pump, wand and short hose under the veg shelf. Wick cloner straight ahead with a couple of badly needed storage shelves above. Still working on some cord/hose organization. Wire shelving sucks but it's what I had on hand.

The Sad Looking Ladies:


Veg Room:




Well-known member
Weekly Update

Weekly Update

This is an update with no purpose other than to mark the passage of another week. The girls continue to look rough although some new growth has begun to appear. Didn't even bother taking a pic this week as I doubt there would be any visible difference from last week. So...just trucking along waiting (impatiently) for the girls to veg enough to be healthy for the flip. :chin:



Well-known member
Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Well the girls got defoliated some today...maybe a little too much, but they were already in such rough shape I figured what the hell. Hopefully there will be some noticeable improvement in the next week because I am flipping to flower one week from today come hell or high water.

Two Weeks Ago:


Juan Herer Before:


Juan Herer After:


Super Lemon Haze Before:


Super Lemon Haze After:


continued below


Well-known member
Update continued

Update continued

Liberty Haze Before:


Liberty Haze After:


And the girls back in the room together:




Knight of the BlackSvn
Hope things turn around for you, would love to see this new room full of big fat buds!


Well-known member
Thanks ReikoX. It's all good. Just a combination of neglected plants and trying to dial in a new room at the same time. I'll have it sorted out here shortly.

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
bro i think you got russet mites - they are reallly hard to see with a regular loupe - they are about a tenth the size of a spider mite

id take a real hard look cause your symptoms arent neglect, pot bounces back from that ion a week or two

my .02$


Well-known member
Thanks Boyd. Have never had mite or other pest problems so wasn't even thinking along those lines. I've got a digital microscope that goes to 100X, the problem is being steady enough at that magnification to see a flippin' thing. Think I'll break it out in the morning and have a look.


Well-known member
Well I have scoped and scoped and not found any sign of any pests,but... following up on Boyd's advice I spent last night reading up on russets. Looking at my plants they definitely exhibit some of the symptoms. I understand they are really adept at hiding and are extremely small so I am going to work off of the assumption I have them. Going to have a go with some No-Pest Strips for a couple of days and see what happens. No sense in messing around in case it is these little fuckers.

Big shout out to Boyd Crowder for pointing out something I had totally missed. Thanks!
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Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
hope you are clean- but do look especially on the leaves that are just starting to fade
nopset strips and i believe it was 2 sprays of floramite wiped these out in a week
i now quarantine my incoming clones and dip in the stuff for 2 weeks or more to make sure theyre pest free


Well-known member
Boyd: Thanks for the help. Have Floramite on order that should be here tomorrow and will use in conjunction with the NPS. Kind of strange since my seeds were all purchased from IC vendors in europe and I have made all of my own clones. I imagine I introduced them into the grow room from outside. This is Florida after all...the perfect climate for every bug in the known universe. :tiphat:
Kill am all and let God sort them out! All kidding aside, you got This! The plants should bounce back pretty quick once you nuke the bugs.


Bat Macumba
I was going to ask for a reminder on your ppm/ec but I'll keep an open mind to Boyd's theory. I thought maybe your transplanted core was interpreting nutrients differently than your new surrounding hydroton. Maybe making for some confused ass plants? Idk. Interested to see if the floramite will help and get some answers. Cheers!


Well-known member
Thanks for the input bsgospel. I'm currently running Jack's Pro Hydro/Calnit at the 1:67 ratio the PPK guys are using. Running between 600-700ppm/.5 scale at a ph of 5.9.

I really was thinking like you because I knew the girls were root bound even by Hempy standards and had been in the same containers without flush for about two months. Even two weeks after the flush and transplant they looked like shit but I just assumed it was going to take them a minute to recover. Funny thing is, I have seen noticeable improvement in leaf posture just 24 hours after the first NPS treatment. Since so many of the broad/russet symptoms mimic nute and ph issues I may never know. Could just be coincidence and the girls are finally hitting their stride in the new buckets, but I really believe Boyd is right and I'm going to continue treatment even though I have yet to see one of the little fuckers.

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
hey bud - just looked at my cabinet of death - floramite was the wrong shit - however it IS THE solution to spider mites - it didnt faze the russets
my mistake
what i used for the russtes was FORBID F4 and its fucking badass shit


Well-known member
I thought $90.00 was outrageous for 8 oz of Floramite...they want $224.00 for 8 oz of Forbid. :noway: That's nuts and I can't afford it right now. Going to have to put my faith in the No Pest Strips.