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stadium northern farmer style.

outgrew the system,

outgrew the system,


im gonna move these out to a buddies place and re start with the clones i cut and will cut again before they leave.

ill be building this weekend and buying supplies on monday and ill post with the reloaded systems.

im gonna do a oval stadium on a light mover. for comparision...

take care all...

plans change as always, so do my systems lol

plans change as always, so do my systems lol

my friend didnt take these nice plants so i moded my lastest stadium and decided to go completly vertical. first try at it.

heres pics.. not much to explain shelves are on like 15-17" rise and directly above each other with plants scatted on the ground below.

i am cutting more clones while i trim rear growth as i will not rotate these plants.. kinda pogo stick lollipop whatever, lots of different trim pruning techniques and different sizes of plants..
after i clone them i have to transplant into 8.5" pots and then flower them. ive said it often i know but with a new job sihts been different the past week n a half...




Looks good CC.........You only got 1-1000 MH in there ?........How many plants total .......I see what looks like 7 on how many levels plus the floor.......

Healthy lookin plants Bro.....Excellent way to adapt and add more yield with more plants........I`m not real fond of the open area behind the shelves where you`re losing all that light........

Lowes/Home Depot`s got rigid sheets of shiny shit/reflective insulation called "R" board or "Tuff R" that you can tack up on the outsides to seal the area more and bounce those lumens back on the plants and that`s a good thingy......

I used 3-600`s on top of each other and had angled corners with everything that wasn`t green covered in reflectix with only 4 plants on each level and none on the floor , but 64 plants did well in 6 x 6 flip rooms........My shelves/racks were angled with the plants pointed at the lights ..........

With the angled plants I didn`t have much dead area behind and haveta trim out the backs of the plants hardly at all , but I did trim and shape every plant all the way till the end of stretch for no overlap and enough environment for each plant to do their best.....

Your setup`s crazy killer simple ta put up and take down for ease of transport.....Excellent job Bro........Bigtime respect for showin the community howta do it.........

thanks dhf, i have 1" thick cardboard sheets 5'x7'. its was a huge box that people packed there shit in to move to canada from china. it was nailled to a pallet and the pieces made the wall and roof.. it works well sound dampening and i wrapped em in black n white and just lean those around the outside. pretty bs but its working for now... i just didnt close it up for the pictures
didnt think anyone would wanna see my shitty temp walls in my welfare setup lol...

after the switch to flowering ill be adding 2 1k hps lamps into the 5.5x5.5 box in cooltubes, inline one above the other... ill also be adding another shelf around the top after i complet the custom exaust im building for the ceiling and its installed.. ill have a complete kiss vertical build diy style that ill turn into a post over the the growroom build and equipment section for everyone to use and learn from.. but only when i believe that its almost as good as it can be without adding expensive shit to the system...

thanks again everyone for the ideas and tips along the way..

ANYONE EVER GROW WHITEBERRY? DOES IT always have red purple stems.. only strain in my garden with em and its not the ph and they arent lacking ferts or overferted either im thinking its in the genetics anyone know for sure???



I should`ve known you had those outsides covered with somethin......How many plants total are yas plannin on to make the most out of your shelves and sq/cu ftg ?......

Could be the whiteberry`s a cal/mag whore on the purple stem issue.......If you`re not usin it try 5 ml per gal on the wb`s and see what happens........

Usually they`ll get interveinal yellowing/chlorosis/leaf ribs showing and brown spots after the stems start purpling so maybe it is strain dependent.........

Plants look healthy from over here though so handle it my buddy...............



why not sit the plants in shallow trays for drainage catches?
there are narrow, shallow storage containers that would fit onto those levels.
kitty litter trays would also work, if not pond liner, vut to spec w/ 2x4 frames round shelves... w/ a 4-6' water-wand (can also be diy), never have to move the plants @ all...

nice set up.

w/ short plants, would keep the lights mh. maybe 2 sunmaster warm deluxes. hps will make them stretch & grow stem instead of fruit. the sm warm will keep them short, shout & bushy...

enjoy your garden!


New member
ANYONE EVER GROW WHITEBERRY? DOES IT always have red purple stems.. only strain in my garden with em and its not the ph and they arent lacking ferts or overferted either im thinking its in the genetics anyone know for sure???


Don't remember any purple stems, but I don't think it's anything to worry about. You seem to know what you're doing.

You're right about the transplant. They will get root bound in no time if you leave them there. I would flower ASAP also. They will stretch a bit after the switch.

Mine was also a heavy feeder. I read somewhere you had problems with your tap water being too hard? How are you measuring PH? PH of your solution and PH of the soil are two different things.

Gave mine 2tsp Flora Nova Blooom per gallon (tap) every feed almost till the end.
i posted up a thread asking about the purplered stems and was told that several starins of blueberry have the same color it's within it's genetic's, so there's nothing to worry about i'm sure..... just more pretty colors
I love this project, and commend your ability to roll with the punches and change plans on a dime. Your ingenuity is fabulous, another triumph of DIY hacking. Who says growing meds needs to be expensive and painful?!



any ideas for me throw em up. every plant is closer than 36 inches from the bulb and these white berries are still stretching. if i cooltube i also make the switch to hps. and either i cut a 6" hole in the drain table or i remove it for move fans whatever...

Hello CC and miss

Very very nice big grow show you two got going ill just :smokeit: n enjoy. First picture is awesome :thanks: 4 sharring
Stay safe n high


thank you's all again for all the kind words, thoughts and ideas.
well ill finally get to a long overdue update ill try n get up pics too but no promises.
the plants in the past pics are now huge between 12-30inches tall. i have 28 left. the others 62 i sent to another location.

i took a shit load of clones off them before the move. i have the same vert room rebuilt with 2 1k hps hortiliux bulbs in cooltubes. they go into flowering tomorrow.. i have a mix of m39, whiteberries, and sour diesel growing in there now. the plants in 1 gallon pots are 4 weeks since i cloned them and the ones in the stryofoam cups in the bottom were cut the 29november.
i have another 2.5 trays to transplant.

the ones in the 1 gallons are going into flowering tomorrow.
the ones in the stryofoams will be going 4-5 more days in the cups and then into 1 gallons for 2 days and into flowering.
tonight after work ill transplant the other 150 so into cups aswell for flowering after a week or so of veg.
and the 28 hugs whiteberry moms will be cut up till death.... i dont have space for huge plants... in figuring at least another 300 clones off em..

hope you enjoyed the update sorry with work and a grow like this and not to mention snow removal im running low on time....

take care all, happy holidays.. CC



i added the top shelf last night and almost finished tying down the bottom plants to make a sea of green or maybe even a scrog,. they are at day 8 of flowering now....

ill get more pics up tonight after the lights come on of the updates and mods i have done.

happy holidays everyone...


just curious...how do you get in there to water? Or do you water everything from the outside all the way around?
