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SR71 Strainguide and Clones

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Hi birdbrain,

Although in an enclosed, limited space, area, or square footage, won't change, the amount of light per square foot would increase with a 1000 watt light. For convenience, growers often measure available light from HID lights in watts per square foot. Many consider 50 watts per sq. ft. to provide a minimal grow light level.

Your 600 watt grow has 37.5 watts per square foot or less (assuming that the space is 4 x 4 or bigger), while a 1000 watt light would give 61.25 watts per square foot (with a 4 x 4 space) and undoubtedly improve your yield with most varieties (assuming adequate supplies of air, nutrients, etc.).


bopper, since on the subject, not very good with watts and square feet etc, was wondering if my grow room was 4Lx2Wx6Tall and have a 400W HPS, would it give 6p;ants the best light or would 4-5 be better, or should i bump it up too 6ooW, and do 6 plants for better light and yeild. thanks for any info in advance.

20kw dreams

What's the latest word on the Bubblegum? I've got to put an order in here soon from my cloner friend. Anything stackin up to be better or as good as the HS?

Neptune - Where does the HS rate on the 1 - 10 scale you rated the Shiva's with?

So far(only 3 weeks in) the Big Shiva is stackin up fatter then the HS, with the HS close behind. The HS is showing trichomes first out of the shiva's. I didn't get to checking the BG's, or the AK's for comparison.

Hey, if anyone knows of a club that does NOT do consignment, can you PM me? Thanx

Here's a Big Shiva at 16 days +- a day
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Neptune said:
If you want to get the most out of a strain, generally any cut works the same way.

veg 14-21 days(10-15"), make sure you root out a portion of it's final pot.
prune a few lower branches/budsites just before flip.
then prune again around day 10-13, removing all lower budsites that won't get light.

I recomend 9 plants per 600w, and 16 per 1000w for a nice canopy, and one should expect 1.5z per plant, but should strive for 2z per plant. All nutes are essentially the same, your growing environment is the only thing that matters.. GH, Botanicare PBP, AN, H&G, Canna.. etc. It's all NPK. Get over the whole nutrients and additives 'pothole' and move on to the more challanging aspects of growing, like growroom management: Temps, Humidity, co2, Irrigation, Pruning, Air circulation.

The only thing i would add is the one thing we all skimp on which is the amount of media & space for the root~zone . Grew out those monster HS's in those 5gal w/coco which were the happiest plants to date (@ 9/lite) but when going with smaller containers one has to pay more strict attention to nute regime & proper flushing . Plants can get very unhappy pretty quick in smaller pots , especially using 1000's and lots of air circulation which speeds up all growth rates, metabolism & water/nute needs ....so aggravating any problems faster too .

Many are doing less plants down to 6/lite in larger 5gals & pulling/shooting for /achieving that 4zips per plant.... so hitting that 1.5lb/lite milestone with fewer babies . I'm still experimenting & keeping an open mind trying to dial in Coco/perlite mix which encourages very fast rooting & growth but needs more irrigations and lighter nute approach . next round will go with more straight Coco and will try the "Promix" that Mr "K" uses .

However its done, hitting 1.5 per lite would be just fine with me ;o)

* simon's BubbleGum over @ serious, looks pretty serious .... just wonder what SR71's genteics are from (?)
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I actually hope it is THseeds bubblegum, as most BG gurus will tell you it is the origional and best version--this is THseeds one and only good strain, most of their seedstock is utter bullcrap. At least it was that way in ovegrow days, the strainguide was "bigups" for THseeds BG. Serious has some standup seedstock though, and all of their strains are quality.. so I'd not be unhappy if it were the case. And BOG's bubblegum work was done with White Label's Bubblegum, which I think is a Sensi Seeds spinoff company.

My Bubbgums are looking good after a rocky start, very stout stocky plants. Good branching so far at day 20 veg... having to veg much longer on this round as I have some lockout problems that need to be resolved before blooming. Very hardy plants and I have nothing but GREAT vibes from them at this point... going to be sitting at the right hand of the Hindu Skunk god if all goes well... ;)

20kw, I'd rate Hindu Skunk a 9.5+, right up their with CARE's POG from back a few years ago. Excellent in every category... Hindu Kush and skunk#1 hybrids are a growers dream... candy coated spicy resin bombs that yeild buckets of herb in 8 weeks... booyahkashaw!
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600 vs 1000 for my P.K.

600 vs 1000 for my P.K.

bopper said:
Hi birdbrain,

Although in an enclosed, limited space, area, or square footage, won't change, the amount of light per square foot would increase with a 1000 watt light. For convenience, growers often measure available light from HID lights in watts per square foot. Many consider 50 watts per sq. ft. to provide a minimal grow light level.

Your 600 watt grow has 37.5 watts per square foot or less (assuming that the space is 4 x 4 or bigger), while a 1000 watt light would give 61.25 watts per square foot (with a 4 x 4 space) and undoubtedly improve your yield with most varieties (assuming adequate supplies of air, nutrients, etc.).



Thanks Bopper, I guess it is now pretty obvious I can almost double my wattage/sq. ft.
Since my grow is in an open room and not an enclosed closet I hope that the extra 4oo watts won't give too much more heat, but there is plenty of ventilation.
I would also hope for a possible 40% increase in yield

In Vino Veritas

birdbrain said:
Thanks Bopper, I guess it is now pretty obvious I can almost double my wattage/sq. ft.
Since my grow is in an open room and not an enclosed closet I hope that the extra 4oo watts won't give too much more heat, but there is plenty of ventilation.
I would also hope for a possible 40% increase in yield

Just butting in here, but I run 2K in a 7x6 closet. Central AC feeds into the room, and everything (lights, ballasts, room) is exhausted through a 640CFM fan.. At night its always a degree cooler than the central a/c setting (70F) and during the days it runs at 2-3 above the central ac.. so its always under 80 in there. Just so you have some numbers to play with.. outside around here its 85F+ this time of year..


budluver said:
Gorgeous plants Terran

Well there's nothing like throwing a little NL into any mix & wanted to preserve that SR71 PK in some form seedwise . That particular NL/BB i used to cross with the PK is strictly an outdoor/green house strain & is a "brick~house" momma that roots like badger and very stout indestructable structure .

Not quite the NL/BB or the Blueberry i've been searching for or found yet , but know is out there . I want one that grows to 8ft , yields like crazy & smells like daNK sweet muffins...that's not asking too much is it ? lol

The PK is showing thru in the cross and will back cross again to the PK to lean more heavily to its side on the next round of seeds ...but here's what that NL/BB looked like grown OD from this summer...was a very "strong lass" to say the least that produced a couple of good phenos .

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Whussup' Sr/Bluesky growers, just wanted to give my report about the, "HynduSkunk". It's turning out just how everyone is explaining it to be high vigor fast grower etc... I got my HK's under 2 1000's 16 pleezy's perlite, 6L. square white pots on a 4x8 black growtech table(pretty flimzee if you ask me... compared to the Botanicare white tables!) The only reason I used the black table was cuzz the white Botan. table wouldn’t fit in a Hydro hut! but from what I heard Botanicare is coming out with a 4x8 table that fits right in the hut perfect,thats just what I heard? Well anywho I’m using Gh's Flornova bloom on them 8ml per gal. with Hydrologic Ro water10ppm/6.0 starting, there currently 18 dayz old into bloom and there now at around 1400 to 1600ppm/5.8 on a Hanna Hi9813 .7 conversion meter and still really green and healthy. I got a 115 gal rez and the ph is always dead on 5.8 it will probably move 1 down but seldom does it move even after topping up the water after evaporation and adding nutrients it hardly moves! I'm gassing them right now with co2 every 2hours for 15min. There irrigated via drip lines once after 1hr. of lights on has accured another feeding 4hrs. from that and so on it gets fed once while in the dark stage plus the res stays aerated. You know whats a trip? is that I’m using this medium called Fossil Rock(like Hygromite and dyno Rock) I filled the pots and miscalculated the amount of rock needed, well to make a all ready long thread and story short I bought the Dyno-Rock cuzz they were out of the FR I ended up using the dyno-rock side by side with the FR and the Fr is kicking the dynorocks ass!! An accidental test medium grow. For those of u thinking of going with the Fossil Rock get it! it's worth it! Well that’s it for now see u guys later.
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Here go’s some pictures of the Hyndu’s pertaining to my previous post

Here go's my 2 Hydro hut rooms

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Here gos my home made co2 regulator i made from parts i found all at the scuba diving store

and heres my Hydrologic ro unit

it has i 1/4" line that gos inside these 2 40gal tubs, seurculates in here then topped up when needed

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Well there gos' the Hk's.... i will be updating the grow here as this is where i gained most of my info on the Hynduskunk and all the other Bkuesky strains.

Pvc net inspired by the grower Pico whos how to of the pvc net diy thread , Thanks dude!

and thanks to Neptune for staring the thread and the what i call, " the motavational HynduSkunk thread" AKA "Neptunes breakdown" Rideon'!


drymouth said:
Well there gos' the Hk's.... i will be updating the grow here as this is where i gained most of my info on the Hynduskunk and all the other Bkuesky strains.

Pvc net inspired by the grower Pico whos how to of the pvc net diy thread , Thanks dude!

and thanks to Neptune for staring the thread and the what i call, " the motavational HynduSkunk thread" AKA "Neptunes breakdown" Rideon'!

ya , Pico came up with some handy lil inventive tricks n treats as he problem solved his set-ups . Anyone like to check out some of his PVC dripper manifold solutions just go here :

One very nice thing about the HK is she doesn't need netting usually given enough lite & supports her own weight all the way . But hope you find you need netting in the end , lol. So you're doing 2 water/feedings /day plus one wetting during sleepytime ? I'm using Coco /perlite & essentially watering twice during light period only though some say once a day is enough ....but with added perlite seems to take it well .

What a nice clean n' tight couple of spaces ya have there for moms & babies and those white 6L square pots are nice dripped with those Dyno-rocks (come from riverbeds in aussy land? ) . Looks like they're on fire now and couldn't be more spoiled keep the updates coming , know you'll be smiling soon . :wave:
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ViktorVaughn said:
When I ran the PK my max EC was 1.2, so I would say it likes the nutes really light. Hope this helps,
by the way I was growing in coco with house and garden nutrients

Have had some problems dialing in the PK recently though really haven't spent that much time paying as close attention to them since growing out 16 in 5gal 3mos ago (and they turned out terrific ). Try to keep her going but have seen this tendency ately after that 1rst great round for mine to sometimes get this "crinkling" look in the leaves as they get more advanced into 12/12 . Maybe something to do with my tendency to water them too much ...or my medium /nute approach but was wondering if anyone else has noticed this crinkling leaf syndrome happening with their PK's ?

*I had some PK moms that got pretty advanced and looked great but after some longer time in the pots they both got into this crazy crinkled leaf state and had to just toss them . Mothering plants is not really my forte and would love to learn more of the nuances of longer term maintenance of healthy mother plants .


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In Vino Veritas

damn drymouth, how big are those things? are they totally light proof? looks great!

anyone have anything on the AK47? Mainly wondering about plant care, and quality of smoke?


Whussup' terran2 thanks for the comments i hope your pk's come together i think i'll be giving her a run on my next grow so i'll be watching yours.

Hey, In Vino Veritas!i think there about 1' to 2' tall and yeah the hut's are light proof the only thing there not is airtight they have passiv intakes that i have to shut when i run my co2 plus when you got air comming in via hurricain 600cfm fan you don't need them.

In one of the pic's you could see how the cannopy is at a slant thats cuzz the right side of the cannopy is, dyno-rock the other side is fossil rock they look alike feel alike, but as you can see the fossil rock is blowing the dyno-rock away
There all getting fed the same and they where all the same size, even in the same rockwell cube.... It has to be the medium? Oh yeah, what ec's are you guys runing the Hk's to and at what conversion( .7 or .5)?
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