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SR71 Strainguide and Clones

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Chocolat chunk ....Blue Dot

Chocolat chunk ....Blue Dot

Didn't SR have some CChunk or DC there for a while and did anyone catch a few cuts then? Just got in some old school Blue Dot cuts that need a ton of revegging ....but fellow has had it running for 4-5yrs so might just be the OG of bluedot;o)

* here's the HK meeting up with some huge SSH's & one long tall Romulan in back...whew these SSh's are monster sativas and should have flipped them alot sooner . Outdoors topped about 5times SSH's would prolly throw out 15spears with colas about 4-5-6ft long...this particular cut of romulan is sure giving these SSH's a run for their money too for height <g

( you can always tell your girl(s) are happy when her/their arms reaching for
the sky in ecstasy ...or for the wall behind the bed ;o)

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Santa Cruz 420 said:
I use FloraMite and forbid they both work well...but by alternating help against imunity..but forbid is cool though not having to spray under leaves :rasta:

oh you have some Forbid ? Then we should be hitting you up for some of it , lol...$300 for 8oz's is twice as expensive as FloraMite ;o(

I may try to get hands on some AVID to see if its effective on this StrawberryMite , so far everything has failed . There is an alternative to Avid now called Akari


Akari Miticide (Quart)

Akari Miticide...Stops the Damage! Immediately after an application, Akari's unique "stop-feeding action" not only stops further damage to your plants but also halts the laying of eggs. So you have peace of mind that the mites are not eating further into precious profits while they die in 4 to 7 days. Active on all life stages, but especially effective on the plant damaging larvae, nymph and adult stages, Akari provides residual action of 21-28 days. With an EPA reduced-risk classification, excellent plant safety, a 12 hour REI, and activity gentle to beneficial insects, the unique advanced chemistry of Akari Miticide will be a powerful addition to your IPM rotation.

Active ingredient: Fenpyroximate Usage: 1 to 2 teaspoons per gallon.

Mode of action: Akari's mode of action is primarily as a contact miticide. It is effective on all stages of two-spotted spider mite and is most effective on larvae followed by nymphs, adults and eggs. Akari is a mitochondrial electron transport inhibitor (METI). When the active ingredient, fenpyroximate, comes in contact with target mites, it blocks cell respiration causing the pest to loose motor control and collapse. In addition to this contact activity, Akari provides cumulative mortality at each successive life stage through inhibition of molting as is seen with insect growth regulators.
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Hey thanks terran2 and you know what? you hit right on the spot man... the tops of those few yellowed up are right under the 1000w like 1foot beneath the bulb! I only got 24 more days though? should i try to lift the lights up? right now i'm topping off with overdrive and they'll get that for the next 2 weeks then i'm going to spend the next 1 week and like..... 2 days i think, flushing. Nice grows you got man, i hope you get that mite problem under control.


drymouth said:
Hey thanks terran2 and you know what? you hit right on the spot man... the tops of those few yellowed up are right under the 1000w like 1foot beneath the bulb! I only got 24 more days though? should i try to lift the lights up? right now i'm topping off with overdrive and they'll get that for the next 2 weeks then i'm going to spend the next 1 week and like..... 2 days i think, flushing. Nice grows you got man, i hope you get that mite problem under control.

Cool daddyo.... thought your problem might just be the "simple obvious" we sometime overlook . In the case of getting my friend to dump all the hydro gear (he was french frying everything , lol) & get back to 3gal containers/catch trays ( KISS approach) , he banged out 1.3lbs/lite the first round with the HK's going low nutes everytime/watering . (He was so ecstatic he gave me a full 16ozs back for gifting him that cut!! ;o))

But latest round i helped outfit him with PK's and he neglected to keep a close eye on the ones directly under the lights . Just the other day when i visited his grow to pollenate some of them (backcross the PK/NL/BB x PK) noticed how dry & yellow those plants in center pots were ...that always makes me wince to see the pots "too dry" . And there was the problem solved but hopefully he hadn't run them too dry for too long ....
(and lost much of the delicate root structure for this round )


Yep , a friend went over to SF to the Rosenthal Holiday bash and talking to Ed about my strawberry mite problem Ed promptly handed him a bottle of his latest handy~dandy "natural" "organic" no-fail Ed Rosenthal Insect Spray , lol...Cinnamon oil , Eucalytus oil , Cayene, etc etc . There's a snake oil salesman on every corner now , those little mites are a big business <g

* But i opted for ordering the "Forbid" but ill give 'ol Ed's snake oil a try too !

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yeah the HK's are nice my first round with them i got 7 1/2oz off three plants. it is a great yielding and very pontent also, it well be in my garden for a while


Ed's stuff is mighty powerful. Reeks your garden haha. Only problem I have with it is you are supposed to use it right out of the bottle. You really don't get much for your money unless you dilute it. It works great if you use it in conjunction with Neem, but expensive if you use his product strictly.

20kw dreams

Here we are. I'm still a couple weeks from finished, but definitely late enough to get a damn good idea of what's what. I wanted to get these up here ASAP in case anybody is trying to make choices.

Candy Shiva - Pretty skunky/fruity so far, excellent resin production, but the lowest yielder in here. I don't see why I would want to grow here again seeing as the Bubblegum, AK, and HKSK are all better producers AND better smoke, at least by looks, but that is just me, because I depend on at least decent yields to keep costs down for my patients. She does look like she'll finish a week ahead of anything else though. Maybe more of a headstash herb? She has a special fruity sweet & sour bouquet that I'm getting fond of...does remind me of..sweet tarts or something maybe...but with skunky flavor. Maybe like those little pot candies? I've never tried them, but I could imagine they are much like the Candy Shiva. Others are getting larger yields then I did, but lower yields with the Big Shiva. I think they may have switched the names of the mothers around, cause their used to be a "sugar" shiva too. I would like to discuss this in greater depth.

AK-47 - I love her. Very fruity and sticky-icky. She is kind of lanky, as usual, and has that wierd def/toxicity that she always gets, and is the only one who ever gets it. I will probably stop growing her now, since this is like 10 months now I've had her, and people are getting tired of her. It took a while though for people to get sick of her, and she has that wonderful creamy cherry bouquet...like a cherry milkshake. When you give her a nice wiff, the smell makes your nose feelk like you did a line of powdered sugar.I would def recommend her for head stash and small production. Any larger production and the need for pruning outweighs her headiness. I have never tried her as a single cola plant, which I think she might shine as. Maybe one day I'll bring her back when I have more vertical space. She needs to be pruned pretty heavy, to mostly just the tops and the crow at the base of the tops. She likes to branch out everywhere, especially when topped so again, you must be digilant with pruning her, which can make her a PITA. Anything not getting light will end up scraggely, and the tops will need all the energy they can get to develop to their potential. Treat her right though, and she will return the favor.

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20kw dreams

Hindu Kush x Skunk #1 - A top notch plant, flat out. Large plant, nice and frosty, with a sweet candy black licorice bouquet. Tops are are very large and flat-topped.


20kw dreams

Big Shiva - She's turning out to be a nice looking producer. Very Christmas tree cola's, appropriate seeing as today is Christmas:D Pretty frosty. Lacking in the bouquet aspects, but this can definitely be beneficial for some people. skunky sweet like her sister, but not so predominate, and more towards a light skunky side. I would def grow her again. These clones started out getting crowded out by the HKSK, so they may have ended up bigger if they had had more room to breath as youngsters.

Bubblegum - She is my new favorite as far as potency and bouquet. Her trichomes aren't as plentiful as the AK, but they are large, giving her the appearance of "dripping" with resin. She is going to yield nice and heavy as well, although her finish looks to be about 9 weeks. Nice and strong plant as well, branching out nicely to form large secondary buds forming a halo around huge tops.


20kw dreams

I also wanted to mention something that could have made a difference with both of the Shiva's. Both got pretty crowded out by the BG and HKSK when they were under the flouros. As a result, neither one got as strong of a start, although they did both develop good, they were just shorter. Due to height limitations, I had to flip the room when the HKSK and BG got to a certain height. I think both the Big and Candy Shiva's would have yielded better given they were not crowded by a hoggy HKSK.

For the Candy Shiva, this means she may have yielded more average. If so, she may be on par with the AK, but with less work for pruning.

The Big Shiva looks like it may outweight the HKSK in my garden. In light of the fact that the clones were flipped with less development compared to the HKSK, it may in fact be a HUGE yielder when given attention to it's individual needs, as opposed to running 5 strains, such as I am.

So, I would like to dig into what is going on with the Big Shiva, Candy Shiva, and this Sugar Shiva that is now gone. It seems like my Candy and Big developed according to the description they giva me in the store, but you guys basically had the Candy Shiva outperform the Big in potency, flavor, and yield. I don't see how this is possible, given the vast difference between my Big and Candy in the yield region. All my plants were spectacularly healthy, but there was the fact that they started out the smallest. However, the Big Shiva's were right there with them.

I'm having the feeling the discrepancy may lie with the Sugar Shiva. Have you all been running the Sugar, but calling it the Candy, assuming they just switched the name? I don't know, I would like to hear some thoughts though. This may make a difference in what we pick up over there, since that Big Shiva looks like it's going to yield so well for me, and the Candy's all kind of look like they are going to give me lower then acceptable yields.

20kw dreams

And no offense to ya Ed, but that stuff is crap. He just threw a bunch of crap in a bottle as far as I can see. It didn't work on 2 different rockwool molds. Doesn't it say fungicide on the bottle? Hmmmm...I definately wouldn't count on it working for mites, which are notoriously difficult to control, especially the eggs.

Besides that, it's ridiculously expensive. When I bought a bottle, I felt ripped off when I got it home, cause I didn't see that it was no dilution. Then, it didn't work for something he told me in person it would work for.



lol 20kw, sounds just like the Ed I know. He's one salty dog, seasoned veteran for sure.

RE: Candy, and Shuga.
I think we have decided that these two are the same strain. There was some confusion at the early release of the Shiva line becuase some folks were saying Candy, some Shuga when talking about the same Shiva. I am pretty sure you would have seen her perform as we did if she wasn't stunted by her big sisters early on. I had the same experience with the BigShiva, not performing well for me... but now hearing many people swear by it, and it's gigantic yeilds... Goes to show, when you run a rainbow of strains, some are just not going to get their full potential. Better to monocrop each table, and if you must run multi strains(we must!! lol) then run different tables with different strains.
The one thing lacking with the Big Shiva is her aroma and flavor.. she looks purty, and the nugs are large with oversized resin globs as advertised, but she just lacks in the overall bag appeal.

20kw dreams

Ed's a nice guy, I just met him once when he was at the SF convention selling that crap. He had a hot little blond dready girl with him too:D...I'm sure he wasn't being intentionally misleading, but at the same time it was painfully apparent he hadn't really done thorough tests with his product. Shame too, I would have expected more from such an old-school Guru. Anyways, 'nuff of me bashing Ed.

The Candy had her own table in flower, it was when I had the 4" RW blocks crammed in together that the HKSK and BG took over. So, she just got off to a smaller start. At the same time the table did fill in. Perhaps her root development wasn't what she needed to perform well.

But the Big Shiva ended up performing well (still is), DESPITE being crowded out in veg. That's why I am saying I think if she wasn't crowded out, she might be insanely larger then she already is. I have a couple in there that were larger by only a few inches then the others, and they look like they are going to be 2x as large, from just that extra few inches of development.

When I move her soon, I'll give them both 1 more light to see how vegging out with a larger area effects the end results. I have no doubt both will improve, although I am happy with the BS as it is. We'll see how I feel when she is cut and dried. The buds are just so rock hard x-mas buds though, it's great. I know my patients are going to love the CS smoke, and the BS cost, so they are both worth another run. They are a nice balance side by side. Maybe I should just have a "Shiva Mix"? prob not..:D
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