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Spreading seeds outside up north


Hi! After reading about seeds and strains I have one question that I can't find an answer to. What strain is hard enough to grow from seed outside in a cold environment? I'm playing with the idea of bringing seeds on hikes, and just through them in suitable areas out in the wilderness. Ok, it might be a eco crime, but I find it a worse crime to ban it.
This is a terrible idea. The plants will not thrive like this and secondly marijuana is an annual and will not survive freezing temperatures.

People who do this are totally irresponsible and ruin others outdoor harvests by releasing unwanted pollen, resulting in the pollination of someone's outdoor crop that they have worked all summer to perfect. In states where growing is legal for MMJ patients and an explosion of growing is occurring, this is a major problem.

If you want to grow, establish a growing plot and keep it tended.

Edit: I see this thread is from down under so the freezing comments were unnecessary, sorry. It is still a better idea to start a gorilla plot and keep it tended instead of scattering random seeds in the bush and hope for the best.


Well, since we don't have any legal grows at all I can hardly find it irresponsible. It wasn't the moral aspects I was after in either case.

You say the plants cannot survive in freezing temperatures. Is the cultivation of the plant really so dangerous to the plant that it cannot any longer survive in the wild?

Have anyone tried to germinate seeds outdoors without tending to it neither as a seedling or as a plant?

I'm interested in a strain that is cold resistant and can do this, and preferably reproduce on it's own.


Tropical Outcast

What strain is hard enough to grow from seed outside in a cold environment?


You need to be a lot more specific regarding your question.

What is a cold environment to you?

Average/highest/lowest temps during your planned grow?


I'm interested in a strain that is cold resistant and can do this, and preferably reproduce on it's own.

That last part...is not advisable. I could tell you why...but I want you to learn and think about it just on your own for now. The answer is pretty simple.



Ok, average temperature june-july-august latest decades is just above 10 degrees celsius (or 50 degrees fahrenheit). Top temperature is rarely above 25 (77 fahrenheit) and next to never belov 0 degrees (32 fahrenheit).

Several years ago a friend of mine and I was on a hiking trip several hours from the nearest city (with less than 200.000 inhabitants). Just by our designated fishing water we found a marijuana plant with small buds on it and a couple of stoned bumblebees on it even though the sun had went down long time ago. It was a stand alone plant, not hidden in any way.

I guess a few smokers had rolled a joint and just thrown the seeds away and this one made it.

I would personally enjoy to stumble upon plants like this, and hopefully thay could spread out throughout the country. I bet hiking would be more popular ;)


Tropical Outcast
Ok, average temperature june-july-august latest decades is just above 10 degrees celsius (or 50 degrees fahrenheit). Top temperature is rarely above 25 (77 fahrenheit) and next to never belov 0 degrees (32 fahrenheit).


OK gotcha.

Our plants stop growing around 58F.

You found a small plant...maybe it was just lucky due to the seed landing @ a perfect spot and maybe other factors
(such as a warm summer and/or southern exposure etc.) helped it getting where it did.

But you would be wasting your time giving it a shot...unless it is just for fun to see what happens.

But don't expect usable results.


Ok, average temperature june-july-august latest decades is just above 10 degrees celsius (or 50 degrees fahrenheit). Top temperature is rarely above 25 (77 fahrenheit) and next to never belov 0 degrees (32 fahrenheit).

Several years ago a friend of mine and I was on a hiking trip several hours from the nearest city (with less than 200.000 inhabitants). Just by our designated fishing water we found a marijuana plant with small buds on it and a couple of stoned bumblebees on it even though the sun had went down long time ago. It was a stand alone plant, not hidden in any way.

I guess a few smokers had rolled a joint and just thrown the seeds away and this one made it.

I would personally enjoy to stumble upon plants like this, and hopefully thay could spread out throughout the country. I bet hiking would be more popular ;)

Sorry to ruin your fantasy but that plant probably didn't grow from some seed that was thrown on the ground. that was probably some ones plant that your buddy jacked. Jacking peoples plants is not fucking cool, please slap your friend for me. if you come across a plant in the woods leave it alone! ITS NOT YOURS!
i would advise autos for this.but i dont want cannabis around the world start doing this!!!!so just grow females outdoor.peace and a peaceful harvest,


Tropical Outcast
Isn't this supposed to be a hardy weed? But it just can't grow by itself?

Yes & yes.

BUT! lol

>>>These plants exist, thrive and sustain in a supporting but not hostile environment.

The environment you described is rather unfavorable if not hostile for natural growing & sustaining.
If they made it to sexual maturity there still would be many factors potentially not allowing the plants to finish ripening the developed seeds, having them sprout next spring etc. basically finishing the cycles needed.

You get my point.


ganja: You know, brother, if that means it will be all over, it is ok with autos. You've got to give and take.

But seriously, though. I see the problem with autos messing up other peoples hard work. But I really can't see this as a threath in my area ;)

So I suppose autos would be in this research project. There are also different types of ruderalis that looks interesting. And as well there are several indica dominant strains that are cold resistant, and even sativa dominant. One who springs to mind is one of the Mandala's. But it isn't just to make them grow, they must reproduce as well without interference. And I guess that just ain't going to happen with this fragile little plant?

strainhunter: Yeah, hostile, but remember the midnight sun. If it is cold resistant it will get nothing but sun for three months.


the only way i could see it working is if you build a cold frame or greenhouse and use fast flowering autos.


Here's from another site

Robert Connell Clarke said:
Arctic and Antarctic Zones - (60 to 70 north and south latitudes)

The arctic and antarctic zones are characterized by a short, harsh growing season that is not favorable for the growth of Cannabis, The arctic season begins during the very long days of June or July, as soon as the ground thaws, and continues until the first freezes of September or October. The photoperiod is very long when the seedlings appear, but the days rapidly get shorter and by September the plants begin to flower. Plants often get quite large in these areas, but they do not get a long enough season to mature completely and the cultivation of Cannabis is not practical without a greenhouse. Parts of Russia, Alaska, Canada, and northern Europe are within the arctic zone and only small stands of escaped fiber and Cannabis grow naturally. Cultivated bud strains are grown in Alaska, Canada, and northern Europe in limited quantities but little is grown on a commercial scale. Rapidly maturing, acclimatized hybrid strains from temperate North America are probably the best suited for growth in this area. Fiber strains also grow well in some arctic areas. Breeding programs with Russian Cannabis ruderalis could yield veryshort season bud strains.

So that's it, then.

But I'm still interested to hear about it if anyone have had good germing rate with seeds just thrown in dirt.


New member
just throw as many seeds as you can and repeat it every year to the same areas. maybe in the first years you will not get good results but if you can make some selection some phenotypes might get adopted to the climate, who knows??


New member
I think if you started your seeds indoors under CFL's to 1-2 feet you could have a nice seeded harvest every year.

Do that a while and than try sowing them directly after you get your seed stash built up.

I am thinking of doing the same thing with some seeds. I just dont have the space to do starts anymore, so I have to direct seed outdoors, but I have a good sized seed stash from breeding indoors for what I want.

To increase your success, plant the seeds into worm castings. I am going to get coco peat bricks and throw them down, letting the rain expand them. Than when I am ready to plant my seeds I am going to bring the castings and seeds and plant one area at a time.

Afghan Kush or some other short flowering indica is what I would try in your area. Just look through nirvana seeds or something. World of Seeds brands. De Shaman has purple widow, that might be nice for that cold not sure though.


Tropical Outcast
autos should take 10-12 weeks tops.auto short term amnesia takes 10-12 week for me and its a haze.i think they will trive ina outdoor/green house op easy.1# per meter.peace and pm:ying:

You are writing your response out of context.

If OP wants self-pollinating within his plants a remote greenhouse isn't gonna work (for that).

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