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Air Pots


The revolution will not be televised.....
I dont know why you couldnt reproduce if you needed to. For a do it your selfer it would be really easy I suppose. I dont about the shape tho. Either way I lovem and I say just try them. I would love to see a side by side also. Thanks and good luck to you all.


I dont know why you couldnt reproduce if you needed to. For a do it your selfer it would be really easy I suppose. I dont about the shape tho. Either way I lovem and I say just try them. I would love to see a side by side also. Thanks and good luck to you all.

What soil mix/medium do you use if I may ask...?


why would a side-by-side w/ regular drilled bucket be a bad/unnecessary test?

Do it then. Stop whining to people and just do it like nike. You've already been told why these pots are patented and why you CANT DIY them. Until you find a way to make the "cones" like in these pots, quit flappin your gums and show us some results.

You're th advocate here, obviously, since you won't shut-up about your ghetto ass drilled buckets, so prove everyone wrong then, and stop expecting people to do it for you!


The revolution will not be televised.....
WG - I use Super Soil and 30% Perlite. Mix in Bat guano and finely ground Sea weed into the soil at a cup per 5gs. I feed with all Earth Juice grow only thru the entire veg cyle. I switch to flower and catalyst in the flower cycle. And lastly, I add a little gravity to harden up the buds about 3 weeks before harvest.


Do it then. Stop whining to people and just do it like nike. You've already been told why these pots are patented and why you CANT DIY them. Until you find a way to make the "cones" like in these pots, quit flappin your gums and show us some results.

You're th advocate here, obviously, since you won't shut-up about your ghetto ass drilled buckets, so prove everyone wrong then, and stop expecting people to do it for you!

you dont need the cones if the holes are small,


Cheap DIY Air Pruning Pots *aka* smart pots
zappa66 said:
On my last trip to Kmart I ran into this great stuff, its a non skid rubbery mat/cloth type stuff. It easily folds into whatever shape you need and comes in many colors (I'm looking at the dark green and brown, nice and stealthy for outdoor use). I am thinking of doing largish beds out in the swamp, and might have to do one for the veggies too.

enjoy you garden!
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maybe people will understand what your saying now that they have pretty pictures to look at.

the airpots are made of recycled HDPE so thats something at least.
The way I see it is this...... They both do the same thing for the most part but to different degrees.

Smart pots- Litterly 100's of thousands of holes, No "root training" per say, ts just that there are so many holes that if the roots try and "grow" anywhere they hit a wall of air and get "pruned"

Air pots- Less holes different shape, When the roots hit air the bigger holes allow them to train down untill it hits another hole then "prune" but not as much because roots have room to move.

Same thing but but minor variences IMHO!!


finally read this website someone posted and it says


How do you know the roots are air-pruning properly?

No roots should be visible outside or beneath the container. If you can see small white tips of roots try:

· increasing the air flow with fans

· raising up the bench

· decreasing the humidity (increase ventilation)


I have some 2 gallon smart pots and I just ordered some Air Pots. I am going to do a side-by-side comparison including a 2 gallon hempy style bucket and a hempy bucket with holes everywhere. Lets see who wins...

Coco Budder

I love how this thread is such a hot topic for growers :) I would love to say I put a cut circle of newspaper in the bottom to keep the medium in when watering and to build a small defense against root rot if anything was to happen. I was only a couple weeks in, in the 2 gallon Air Pots and the roots were already pushing through the newspaper. As for using recycled buckets and not wasting whats already made, the Air Pot is made from recycled plastic. I have used regular pots and buckets and compared to them this is the best thing for me. I am stuck on the Air Pots, although I haven't tested compared to other styles. *** In my opinion these are superior ***




Did anyone try to use plastic grow bags (.14 cents each) and puncture holes in them with a needle.
I know they are single use, but might be a cheaper alternative for a crop or two...
I have seen 1000 1 gallon bags for about $135. That can last a long long time and cut down on cleaning.