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Split from : The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!



Helpful Addition

Helpful Addition


I just read all the way through your guide to sick plants. Awesome work (and a lot of work too). I think I may have come across a small tid bit that you may wish to add. In the pests section under "symphilids" there is a mention about sterilizing soil. This was something I had a concern about recently when I purchased bagged soil that was stored outside at a local nursury. It was loaded with bugs......probably spider mites. So, I started this thread to find out about fixing the problem next time before planting:


Anyway, after baking the soil to sterilize it, one needs to add back in or inoculate with beneficial microorganisms. This is something you might want to add to your guide.
I have since purchased the products "Earth Ambrosia & Earth Nectar". They are used in combination with each other & sold as a pair. So far so good!! :yummy:

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Dr. Doolittle
hey sorry i have been away for the holiday :) im back now so gimme a few to get back together here, seems like i have been gone forever D:



can you help me recognize that ?





Dr. Doolittle
looks like you have some kind of pest problem first

and a few things i need to ask, did you add potting soil when you planted it? and do you know what the soil ph is around your plant?

have you feed your plant at all? and how much light is your plant getting? direct? shaded? time ?

what are your temps outside? night and day temps
mites and avid

mites and avid

In Quebec a lot of the spider mites are immune to avid(wich a lot of people call Nitro). I recommand using 3 different type of natural(?) insecticides in rotation. Peace. RR.


Dr. Doolittle
Yup thats what i reccomend as well, using one method sometimes dont always work its always good to have that 2nd or triple take at them :)


New member
Digg it

Digg it

I think your post "The Complete guide" was very good,and i hope your not mad but i converted it to adobe so i can keep it on file for later ref.
thanks for the great,easy to follow info. :joint:


Dr. Doolittle
nope its alright, thats what its here for.but if you want the entire thing, I made it into a book, it will be publised very soon but there is a vast vast more amount in this book, it will be around 100 pages with pictures i assume, added much kinds of more pests and dieases like powdery mildew septoria, fusarium wilt and much more

stuff on cloning, seedling problems, hermie pollination


iv got a problem that i think is due to Ph, my leaves (the top of the plant) have lots of little brown with yellow in the middle spots, some leaves are real brittle to where the fingers easly break off

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Dr. Doolittle
ya that looks like ph issues there, but to be certin can you tell me more about your growing information?

like what system you have your plants in? soil? hydro?
what nutrients are you using how much and how often? plants in veg? flower?
and any more info like lighting temps humidity and size of grow room and size of plants and pots if in soil.....

and what ppms if hydro, what water temps if hydro?

stuff like that


im growing in 12L pots with coco, I put some rock-wool mini cubes in the bottom 2" of the pot to prevent wash out but I didn't Ph buffer them, im using Flora Nova with some Floralicious Plus with a ppm of 1400 with every watering, the plant is 4 weeks into flower, the room is 16 sq. ft with a 600w HPS with hortilux bulb, room temps are in the mid 70's with plant surface temps in the low 80's with humidity in the 50% range, plant is 30" tall, hope you got all that :)
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also I went and flushed the pot out on monday with 6 gallons of water and then 2 gallons of fresh nutrient water, was that a bad thing to do?
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IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Maybe a better pic too if possible..is it on the leaf or the leaf tissue is making the spots..is the brown necrosis(dead dried out tissue)..
And is that high quality premium coir(coco) your using..sometimes it's still salty..from manufacture..
the higher quality stuff has long strands and has been aged 18+ months and flushed several times..
that's coirs main problem..it's salty..get rid of the salt and it's great stuff..don't get rid of the salt and it's a menace..
just FYI..and by salt I mean sodium..Botanicare's new BOSS Cocogro brags about how many times they wash it to remove sodium.. :wave:


I cant get a better pic because all i have is a web cam,its the leaf tissue that has the spots and the brown is dead tissue, Im using the BOSS cocogro.


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Blast..Anything like this...this plant had super low pH..if I remember..it's been awhile..it was like 5.3 pH in sphagnum peat based potting soil..
Stitch is better at this sort of thing..just trying to help if I can..the rockwool could be playing a role..the root mass is probably down in the rockwool at this point..
btw..what is the pH?

MyNameStitch if these pics are of any use to you..feel free to use them..
I was one of the first posters to this thread..I still visit and direct folks here, mostly page one, for the fundamentals and such..
keep up the good work man..Would like to see more pics edited into the fundamentals..but I aint complaining.. :wave:



from what my local Hydro store said the tap water here is a steady 6.0 all the time, but as far as the run off pH I have no idea (I need a pH pen), and the root mass is at the bottom because I can see lots of roots comeing out the drain holes, and it looks like the pics but more like lots and lots of pin head sized spots and not big ones like that :chin:


Active member
Hey blast are the pin dots yellow?
If they are take a very, very good look around for spider mites.... My buddy had em bad and didn't know any better about what the damage looked like....
Check everywhere for any tiny little webs or black dots crawling around on the bottom of your leaves......
He had to drop a fogger bomb to get rid of em all and now he's so paranoid it's like a tropical forest of end all in there....
Hope you get it fixed....
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no I dont have spider mites, That is one thing I know, out of my 2 plants only the 1 is showing this problem and I think its because the one plants roots are at the bottom in the rockwool while the other plant hasent reached the rockwool yet.


this shit seems to be getting worse everyday!, iv done almost everything that I can do, only thing I can think of next is to put it in a tray and let the rock-wool in the bottom of the pot to soak in some 6.0 pH water, but im not sure if it will do anything or if its even the rock-wool thats doing it im mean its been in the pot now for one month now.

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