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spider mites getting out of control in late flowering. chop or leave another week


So far I am far from having webs all over the place, but I have lost the battle with the borg and they are taking over.
They have spread to the healthier plant and start to populate it.
She is still quite healthy, ak48 at day 48.

In my place, would you harvest right now, as it's ak48 and famous for being a quick strain, or leave another week , risking a spider mite takeover that could ruin the crop for good.

the other one that is more infected will be left for longer and I will try battle them ..

it is probably the last week for the plant im talking about and the mites have just started spreading around.

what should I do, chop her now or leave her another week help thanx


this is the plant around 1 week ago or so



Active member
me, id just think fuck the little shits and spray the plants. if worried about residue, i would mist them to rinse it off. but you wont have sprayed much on the buds themselves as spidermites like to live on the underside of the leaves. leave a fan blowing on them afterwards and you wont invite mould.

tis upto you really, but i know i couldnt leave those things running a mockery on my plants, nor would i cut early because of them.


lol thanks man ...

I would spray neem oil but it's way too late now and don't have access to canola seed solution sadly.

that's what you get for doing something improvised and lazy heh

oh well I have no idea what to do, I am probably going to leave her a few more days and see how bad are they getting then cut her.


Active member
lol thanks man ...

I would spray neem oil but it's way too late now and don't have access to canola seed solution sadly.

that's what you get for doing something improvised and lazy heh

oh well I have no idea what to do, I am probably going to leave her a few more days and see how bad are they getting then cut her.

in the sticky at the top of the forum, it mentions "pyrethin bombs", try it man, dont let those little shits get the better of you!


haha yeah but I'm in europe man can't get that easily ....

I am moving house soon where I'll ahve a 100% sterilized room ... sooo...

going to leave her a few days more, also add some pics and show how bad is the situation, but as far as I've been reading unless you've got the webs around it isn't that bad. And I don't have any webs anywhere.

WOOOHHHSSSHHSHSHSHSHS... I've been working tons for this shitty crop but I'm going to harvest finally something :)
If possible, you could try introducing some lady bugs in your cab. They are spider mites predator, might have to clean up a buncha dead lady bugs eventually but theyll eat all the mites.
I saw a thread recently where some1 did this and it cured them of their mites. Unfortunately, i cant find it right now


Maybe this might be something for you to look into. These products should be available to you.


I can assure you that waiting to see what happens..will not work out well. Dont let your work go down dude, get those little fuckers!

Atleast worst case scenario, chop down the plant that has the worst infestation and would be allowing them to spread to the healthy ones. Spray and clean off the others plants.

Good luck man.


thanks a lot!

the thing is there are just 2 plants

one super healthy and FAT and one tall lanky, sativa and generally shitty and most infested

so I'm going probably to harvest early the healthier one (she is quite indicaish and ak48 usually finishes from 50 to 60 days) , there is no way i am going to control them this late in flowering.. actually I am going to try control them on the sativa pheno, if I'm going to fail it is CHOP CHOP time.

I will try get some canolaseed solution but they don't need much time to spread around for good.

thanks for the help guys k+
I had mite problems late in flowering in my first grow, and used a vacuum to suck them off. The vacuum had an attachment shaped like a tube, and I stuck each cola that was effected right up in the vacuum each night. I would also try to suck underneath the leaves.

This method did not eliminate the problem, because each night the mites were re-established and I had to re-vacuum - but I did keep them at bay until I harvested.


ICMag Donor
Two options i have used this late in flower are simple and would allow you to finish , then sort it out properly.

Get the plants on their side in the bath or shower and spray them off vigorously with cold water and a drop of wetting agent/detergent , done every three days will reduce them drastically but eggs will not be removed.

Fumigating the room/tent/plants with tobacco will kill all adults and juveniles and most of the eggs by experiment but is not a final solution , plants will not be damaged much if at all this late in and as most smoke with baccy its no worse than retailed insecticides.

Two packet cigs worth per cubic metre does the trick , leave in still air for half an hour then ventilate well , save all my scrap dried out baccy for this.


thanks !

Two options i have used this late in flower are simple and would allow you to finish , then sort it out properly.

Get the plants on their side in the bath or shower and spray them off vigorously with cold water and a drop of wetting agent/detergent , done every three days will reduce them drastically but eggs will not be removed.

Fumigating the room/tent/plants with tobacco will kill all adults and juveniles and most of the eggs by experiment but is not a final solution , plants will not be damaged much if at all this late in and as most smoke with baccy its no worse than retailed insecticides.

Two packet cigs worth per cubic metre does the trick , leave in still air for half an hour then ventilate well , save all my scrap dried out baccy for this.

Hmm, bit of a problem since I am a non tobacco smoker.. But I am going to try this..

If I stop them for even 4-5 days I have done a lot for the plants..


ok so I'm happy I got this tobacco way of delaying their breeding..

the buds going to have any nicotine in it?

I have just got almost to 2 months 100% tobacco free and I don't want anything nicotine in myself. I have quit for good and never going back so I'm a bit worried I'd get some nicotine filled matter?


I'd do the tobacco thing right now I am just waiting someone to confirm the buds won't have nicotine in them..

pls help


help me please!!!! I have only a few hours till the lights are off. I NEED TO know if I can tobacco fog them without smoking nicotine anything tobacco related in the final product.


New member
I would pass on the tobacco due to the possibility of the tobacco mosaic virus. If you only have a week to go, why wouldn't you just go ahead and start trimming the fan leaves off of the plant? It mught hurt your overall yield a bit, but you would most likely rid yourself of a huge percentage of the mites...leave it in the pot of course and then harvest a week from now...


ICMag Donor
Will definately contaminate the bud with nicotine ,tar and god knows what else , of no concern to anyone i know as bud is invariably smoked with tobacco round here.

Tobacco as a spray or fumigant was in common use in glasshouses for food crops till the mid fifties at least in the UK , probably no worse than the organophosphates that replaced them with vast profits to the agrochem business.

Unlike most pesticides nicotine is a broad spectrum control that mites cannot develop an immunity to , effects are akin to nerve agents on insects and kills most anything that could infest the plant above ground.

It was banned due to the dangers of long term exposure for the workers useing it and not for residual contaminants on the toms or lettuce at that time , organic food had yet to be invented and marketed.

With a couple of plants , a little effort will spray them off enougth to get you by and can be quite effective if done thoroughly every few days , drop the temps as much as you can and a fan can slow their spread a little , strip off anything yellowing and lose any lower useless popcorn which is probably where they were hideing.

Nuke the room when empty and try to work out how you got them , on the clones or introduced from the garden probably , have a hedge around my house that was alive with mites this week , litteraly in the millions and are often found on cut flowers from florists or roadside sales.

Have used tobacco as a fumigant for forty years from commercial glasshouses covering acres down to small cupboards with excellent results and never a trace of TMV ever seen , fumigation is inherently safer than spraying in the unlikely event that virus was present.


Thank you very much sir, very much appreciated. However I am not having much luck at this moment. Have just got almost to 2 months tobacco free and I don't want nicotine buds. I have quit cold turkey it was quite bad and I don't want any nicotine in myself , I smoke spliffs with pure weed only.

So I will try something just not sure what.

Also I have used tobacco juice around week 3 flowering, do you think they will still have enough nicotine to chemically attach to my body therefore body still getting nicotine therefore still having that tobacco need that is totally gone now?

or am I way too paranoid and it will be less nicotine filled than 2nd hand smoke?

ok this is the last question, thank you so much for you help!!!!! :)

I would pass on the tobacco due to the possibility of the tobacco mosaic virus. If you only have a week to go, why wouldn't you just go ahead and start trimming the fan leaves off of the plant? It mught hurt your overall yield a bit, but you would most likely rid yourself of a huge percentage of the mites...leave it in the pot of course and then harvest a week from now...

thanks man totally going to do this. however I am pretty sure they are very few on the buds right now, so they might just spread to the bud leafs after the leaves are gone, however it sounds a very good option in theory


ICMag Donor
As they were sprayed some time ago little of the bud would have been contaminated and it would be on the surface , weeks of light will have degraded a relatively complex molecule and a good water spray off at harvest should lose most of what is left.

Paranoia is good , has kept me growing for thirty years , but would not worry unduly about this one unless you are exceptionally sensitive to this chemical to a medical allergy level.