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Neem oil is great, and you can use it until 2 weeks to harvest...

Neem contains a substance called Azadirachtin, it acts in several ways, as anti-feedant and ati-ovopository, and others.

It´s organic and almost harmless for plants and humans.


Active member
thanks hydro...never knew they had an off gassin issue.
If I remember correctly (hit or miss on this one) it was one of the last hot threads I read on OG before shutting everything down a few years ago.

A year after that the sites were shut down and a lot of things died with them. :(


Dont use neem on your flowering plants. It is hard to rinse off and will make your harvest waxy, burn harsh, and taste like poop.

Check the sticky in the infirmiry called "Caution when using No-Pest Strips" which has plenty of info about the NPS.

The applejuice thing is definately interesting... Has anyone ever tried it?


just as many spider mite threads as solutions as questions as there is freakin mites out there!!!! LOL

with swip swap back and forth and moving stuff and helping out, and those freaks never die anyways.

we only have one solution. speand a couple bucks and buy some predator mites...

:dueling:FIGHT MITES WITH MITES:dueling:

ALSO, been experimenting with the collection of "GreenLace Wings" in the wild and releasing them into the grow room:2cents:, well maybe:2cents::2cents:

edit: sorry to go off subject a bit. I use a mild water and soap solution also now if we got an out break, kind of like washin them before I would release the predator mites.
maybe not a "home remedy",. but definetly natural and if ya collect the predators yourself, kind of diy or home remedy.
the soad leaves a slight residue, but then we wash em off with water,
have not seen any ill effects. in nature, i cannot stop the rain from falling onto the plants, yet.
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I tried the apple juice concentrate last night and it def worked. I obvously can't say at this point that it killed all of the eggs and everything, but there was visible difference and I couldn't find them on my Leaves. Also east coast so may not work for some of u with super evolved mites. Will still be dropping predator mites in the room when they get here tomorrow. Just wanted to let people know it seems to be more than BS and at a very low cost


New member
I have used an alcohol based solution with as high as a 50-50 ratio, second week into bloom, and had no problems. It will kill them on contact. Now you must use another method to treat as well. For example, use the alcohol first and then use Azamax.

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