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Ok..so my ak48 grow is 27 days in flower..and I have SPIDER MITES:mad::nanana::wallbash::badday: at first I was just gonna let it ride,and hope it doesnt get too bad..since its a neverending war with the lil buggers...:dueling::fsu:

But almost ALL my leaves are covered in yellow spots..and I I still have 5 months of flower..and I think the spider mites will really fuck with my harvest..so Im going to war with the lil bastardz!! :woohoo::dueling::1help:

How to Get Rid of Spider Mites
First of all, you need to make sure that you have spider mites in your garden. Scorched looking leaves and leaf discoloration are amongst the most obvious signs. After you have seen these signs, take a white sheet of paper and hold it under a branch. Gently shake or tap the branch. Look at the paper. If it has slow-moving specks on it, your problem is surely that of spider mites.
In case you feel that the problem of spider mites is not too great, you can wait for sometime, to see whether it gets solved on its own. Insects like lady beetles, predatory mites and big-eyed bugs are natural predators of spider mites and can easily get rid of the problem for you. Since these predators can be killed by insecticides, make sure to spray them carefully and save the beneficial insect species.
One of the major conditions supporting the outbreak of spider mites on plants is dryness. So, make sure to give your plants adequate water, especially during the dry periods. In case of sturdy plants, you can even hose them down periodically. This will help in removing the dust on their leaves and thus, restrain the spider mite webbing that holds the eggs and leads to the break.
In order to retain moisture in plants, try to keep them away from late afternoon sun and arid weather. This solution can work mainly in the case of potted plants, which you can remove from direct sunlight and put under shade. In case of plants that are attached to the ground, try to provide them shade in any other way. For indoor plants, you can draw the shades or move them out of direct sunlight. Using a humidifier next to the plants is another option.
In case you feel that the problem is not going away by natural means, make your own insecticide and get rid of the spider mites. For the purpose, add 5 tbsp liquid dish detergent to 1 gallon water. Repeated sprayings will be required to kill the mites. While spraying, ensure that you do use it on the undersides of the leaves. This is because spray will only kill those spider mites that it comes in contact with.
Another homemade insecticide comprises of alcohol and water. For making the same, add 1 part alcohol to 1 part water i.e. use both in equal quantities. Since rubbing alcohol is poisonous, it will kill the mites on contact. At the same time, it evaporates quickly and thus, will do little damage to your plant. Make sure to use the spray on the entire plant, paying emphasis on the bottoms of the leaves.
If you feel that even homemade insecticide is not helping you kill spider mites, you have the option of using a miticide or other pesticide on your plants. They should be applied once every five days, till all signs of spider mite infestation go away. Remember that it is quite difficult to get rid of spider mites, even when you use pesticides. So, before using such harmful substances, weigh the pros and cons first.

So if I use the dish soap or alcohol..will it affct my plants and buds in any way..what effect will the soap or alhol have if they get sprayed on my buds?????


Get a frozen can of apple juice concentrate,thaw it out,add 8 ounces of water,and put in a sprayer.This will melt them,and there eggs.It wont hurt the plants.Hose it down.:joint:


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
Get a frozen can of apple juice concentrate,thaw it out,add 8 ounces of water,and put in a sprayer.This will melt them,and there eggs.It wont hurt the plants.Hose it down.:joint:

what is in the applejuice concentrate that melts spider mites and their eggs?

im interested...

ive been in a battle with the fucks on my vegging plants... ive sprayed them with pyrethium sprays, kept it humid, and even went as far as investigating every single leaf on every single plant and smashing adult spider mites, and removing the leaves of heavily egg'd leaves.. ive never been into alchohol on the plants because it just doesn't seem healthy for the plants...

the dish soap could very well be my next step... i think the biggest thing is getting rid of the eggs..

I bought a no pest strip to see if that would do anything, and its not doing shit...

theres gotta be one surefire way to prevent these fucks...


I dont know if its the malic acid in the juice,or the pectin,but it works,and its harmless.It is messy though.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
jack your co2 waay up to 4000ppm for a good 30minutes, then do a spray to ensure remaining eggs dont hatch


Ive never hear od the apple juice shit..suppose its worth a try..all Ive ever ehard of was dish soap,neem oil,alcohol..and the hot shot no pest strip...supposely the alcohol kills them on contact..so thats worth a try..just what effect does the soap or alcohol have on the buds..if the buds come into contact with it..my guess is that the alcohol evaporates fast..so theres no hamr..and the plant doest absorb it..any help..

lil wayne: im qutie surpises you dont think the no pset strip works..ive been reqading lots if very postitive reviews on these strips..how are you using them?


Active member
Neem oil and Safer's soap (potassium based) work well together. The Safer's acts as a wetting agent for the neem. Its easy and non toxic and is safe to spray on the soil surface or do a diluted soil soak with.

Also Safer's and a tobacco tea work well.

Here is another version of an apple based recipe I lifted from a rose gardening thread, though personally I think covering the soil is unnecessary...

1/4 cup Baking Soda
1/2 cup Apple Cider vinegar
1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
2 drops dish detergent
1/4 Teaspoon Epsom Salts

Take a cup of very hot water and dissolve the Epsom salts,take rest of ingredients and place in a clean 2 liter bottle. Add Epsom solution. Add water to fill to 48ozs(3/4 full).Shake well.

TO USE: Cover soil/medium with plastic,with lights off mist plant all over,especially under leaves,
Wait 20 mins,then spritz off with clean fresh water shaking as much water off plant as you can.
The fresh water spritz rinse will remove the solution along with the dissolved remains of the mites and their eggs.
I have never heard of using apple juice concentrate. sounds rather easy I would love to know peoples results...

If you have a persistent problem try alternating several different sprays to prevent selection for resistant spider mites.

The no pest strips are good for monitoring pest populations and will kill some individuals, perhaps helping to control pests, but they will never eradicate a pest problem alone.

Mobb- Lookin at your plants you need to spray ASAP. You are still early enough in the flower cycle to spray pretty heavily without worrying about bud damage, mold, or residue on your harvest. They are sapping away your potential bud wieght.


Ok..but if neem oil is not an option for me,or the strips...I can only use home remedies..suich as soap,alcohol,or baking soda..will these home solutions affetc my buds oif they get sprayed on my buds...Im 4 weeks into flowering..and it weill be hard to JUST spray the leavs..my buds wil also get sprayed..


Mobb- Lookin at your plants you need to spray ASAP. You are still early enough in the flower cycle to spray pretty heavily without worrying about bud damage said:
Man I jsue checked on my plants..3 buds had a web overe them,with lots of eggs hanging on it..I put on gloves ,and scraped the webs off..theyr starting to piss me off..its def spider mites...so I got 2 questions

1.Are all the yellow spots on most of my leavs there cuz of the spider mites..wucking those spots..or do I have some sort of deficiency? And if I remove the mites,will these spots recover,or stay dead?:mad::1help:

2. What effect will these sparys have on my buds if I directly spray them?? I know it aint bud rot..but Ill need to completely drecnh the plants...

Will the alcohol harm my buds..I thnik yeah after doing dome reading..what about the dish soap..and bkaing soda..PLEASE I NEED HELP BEFORE I GO TO WARR WITH THE BUGGERZ...:1help::1help::1help::dueling:

Or can I just drench them down with plain water?Will this drown or remove atleast some mites..Ill just drench them after the lgihts go off..what if I get mold??


Active member
give them a wash down with a light soapy water solution and spray the room down with a bleach water solution come back and wash the ladies down with water only and keep an eye on them for the next couple days, no alcohol now maybe in veg but not now you will harm your flowers trust me I did it before so don't do that .If you are early in flower them give them a spray of water bleach solution and you should get those nasty dogs


Well today I went to war with the lil bastards:dueling::nanana::cuss::bat:...I sprayed each plant COMPLETLY with plain tap water..leaf by leaf..I also sprayed the bottoms of leafs..and all the buds..I sprayed down any web I saw..and after the heavy vigorous spraying..there wasnt too many left on my plants...now I will use a seaweed spary as Ive just found out that this is rather effective against spidermites..:woohoo:

Now my question is after the HEAVY sparying..I shook the plants..and they werent handled too softly..so can all this heavy misting and shaking,and contact to the buds..affect them in any negative way..or will theyr just shake it off and continue growing as if nothing happened??:1help:

I think Im good to go since it rains,and shit outdoors..and cannabis still thrives..right>??


get 3 diff things to kill em
and use them in this order once every 3 to 5 days

rubbing alcohol diluted to 20%

sm 90

pyretherin based spray

the initial alcohol spray will knock off and kill a lot of mites and will help dry out eggs

the sm90 will also help kill mites and help prevent them

the pyrethrin spray will just add even more killing goodness (you have to vary chems in order to get them all)

the 3 to 5 day thing is to cover any that may hatch in hidden eggs or might be living for whatever reason

id do this for 2 weeks to kill them all

after cleaning never walk into your growroom without taking a shower and changing clothes and making sure that youre feet arent tracking anything in.


The thing is Im well into flowering..so Iv been reading and it says not to use alcohol,soap,or any other home remedy on buds..thats why I just used the water..to knock them off..I sprayed the enitre plants top to bottom..my fingers still hurt..now tommorow I will mist them again but with seaweed..Ive jsut learned that seaweed is effective against them..not oyl that,but its a great folair feed..and organic..so i aint scared to spray the buds with them...


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
ive never had to use anything other than neem oil, following these directions. i dont do it after week 2 of flower
1 litre warm water
8ml cold-pressed Neem oil
5ml liquid soap

Note: If your Neem oil appears solid and/or cloudy it is most likely too cold. Run the bottle under warm water for a few minutes until the Neem oil is easier to work with. Shake it well.

8ml of Neem oil + 1 litre of warm water

you can see that the oil and water are completely separated..

8ml of Neem oil + 5ml of liquid soap in 1 litre of water.

NOTE - you may have to add more or less soap, depending on the strength of your soap. When you can see soap bubbles youve got it right.

Shake this in your sprayer, it should make a milky-white liquid, with no oil floating on top. Leave it to settle for a few seconds. If there are any oil droplets floating on the top, add a little more soap, drop by drop, (keep shaking) until the oil is gone. Dont be surprised if you have to add more soap than I did. Now you are ready to spray.

Spray everywhere, especially under the leaves where critters hang around. Get those plants dripping wet. Keep shaking while you spray.

IMPORTANT - you must repeat this application every 3 days for at least 2 weeks (3 weeks if you want to be 110% sure)

neem oil is used for a variety of applications, it is not a dodgy or incriminating thing to buy, you can get it off ebay.


What effects will a spray of water/maxicrop seaweed have on my buds??Im going to drench them,cuz I read that seaweed is effective for spidermites ..


Mobbdeep try spraying with diluted hot chillies like thai or habernero/just boil the chillies drain and spray the water on the plants under leaves etc...but then a few days later spray with diluted apple cider vinegar then plain water till u know all residues are off..thats what ive done is a pain to do but at least its better than using synthetic chemicals during flowering.


youre only 28 days in, you can spray them, but in a week it would probably not be a good idea considering how fast ak finishes

be careful when you spray, because overdoing (especially with the chem that will have the pyretherin in it) WILL stunt plant growth


Mobb- I have a spidermite problem too. I got this stuff called Azatrol at the local hydro store I always go to. The folks at the store said it's what they use on their babies and it is no where near as harsh as the pyrithium or alcohol based sprays. They also said you can use it almost the all the way until harvest, so it's very safe for the buds. It is a little expensive though ($50 for 16oz.) but sometimes you have to spend the money to get the best shit!


Allright today I just drenched my plants with the seaweed...killing two birds with one stone..seaweed is a good foliar feed:woohoo:...Im not planning on using any store bought pesticides for the reasongs ya just stated...I dont wanna be spraying poison on my buds:noway: I thought abut getting a no pset strip..or neem oil..but it seems well just fight it out till the end:dueling::fsu::wallbash:..and Ill just control them with water and maybe the seaweed...theres not too many now..all this spraying has really knocked them off the plants...the plants are lookin real nice..checkk in my grow log..they should start to fatten up any day now..:woohoo::joint::abduct:


The only home remedy that worked for me was trying to kill them all by finger when the problem first popped up. After that, I used the Hot Shots No Pest Strips and it killed every single mite and egg. Might not be the most environmentally safe method but it works.