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in that case wing it to the end but after harvest I would clean the room with a bleach water solution every crack in and around or they will be back...


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I have never used an alcohol based spray so I wont comment on its effects, but otherwise home remedies wont affect your buds as long as you make them properly, be careful not to burn sensitive strains. If you use a spray your pistils may change color (even though your plant is not ripe and is another reason to look at trichome color). This will not affect your buds much and this early in flowering will not leave any tastes on your harvest.

Yes the pin point yellowing on your fan leaves is because of the mites. This will persist.

Water is good, spraying the underside of leaves knocks them off the plants and high humidity slows their reproduction, as does low temperatures.

I would recommend doing more than spraying water, though if you are persistent the seaweed may work to keep them in check.

If you cant get neem oil, vegetable oil (normal cooking oil), can be used as a horticultural oil. mix 2 drops per quart of water (less than 1% solution), and a few drops dish soap or safers as a wetting agent.


I have never used an alcohol based spray so I wont comment on its effects, but otherwise home remedies wont affect your buds as long as you make them properly, be careful not to burn sensitive strains. If you use a spray your pistils may change color (even though your plant is not ripe and is another reason to look at trichome color). This will not affect your buds much and this early in flowering will not leave any tastes on your harvest.

Yes the pin point yellowing on your fan leaves is because of the mites. This will persist.

Water is good, spraying the underside of leaves knocks them off the plants and high humidity slows their reproduction, as does low temperatures.

I would recommend doing more than spraying water, though if you are persistent the seaweed may work to keep them in check.

If you cant get neem oil, vegetable oil (normal cooking oil), can be used as a horticultural oil. mix 2 drops per quart of water (less than 1% solution), and a few drops dish soap or safers as a wetting agent.

1.When I did my sprays..I handled the plants rather rough..SOME pistils have turned brown..Iv heard this means that calyx got bruised and can no long make seed,which is why they turn brown? Will bruising it stop it from growing or will that calyx continue growing even after the hair turned brown due to mishandling??

2.Will the yellow spots ever recover..how much can a case of spidermites lower yield..10%..50%???:yoinks:

3.ALso,what effect with the cooking oil have on the plants...and how does it compare to neem oil..have you ever done this..or anyone you know?more info on this method..as Ill try it out tommorow..

4.Will the cooking oil and soap (ima use palmoive soap) have on my buds?>?


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Yeah if the pistills change color it means they are damaged goods and pollen probably couldn't germinate on them and travel down to the ovary and make babies... but we aren't making seeds right? So don't worry about it. This won't affect future flower growth and as for the calyx of the individual flower whose pistills have withered... well it already has grown and isn't going anywhere (mind you we want to minimize trichome loss).

The mite marks probably won't recover, but don't worry to much damage is done. If a leaf is more than 50% damaged remove it (if doing so would benefit foliage underneath).

The cooking oil will limit transpiration to some extent and will therefore limit nutrient flow and growth minimally. Wash the spray mixture off with water after a day if you are concerned. Apply once every 5 to 10 days.


By all means..Ill gie it a try..but what effect does cooking oil have on the mites..does it kill them on contact..also what effect does soap have on my buds...

And will the calyx continue to get bigger..or will it stop growing once the pistil has withered..and can hard water spraying and shaking damage or shake off trichs?? I nkow trichs are not water soulble..but will mishandleing damage them??


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The cooking oil smothers the mites and their eggs, killing them. The soap should not have an adverse affect. You only need to use a few drops to disperse the oil into solution.

Calyxes appear to swell as the bud ripens and resin production peaks in glandular trichomes. You will notice this in a few weeks.

Hard spraying can knock off trichomes, but the risk is worth the benefit of getting rid of mites. Just be careful, and keep the most intense spraying for the underside of fan leaves where there are plenty of mites and few trichomes to worry about.


GROWING HIGHER: too bad i cant keep givin you rep..youre helpful..

1.what if i damaged the trichs..sicne im only in 1 day of week 5 of floer..will the trichs regrow..or be replaced..should i act like it nothing happened??

2. ok..i will try the cooking oil and maybe a drop of soap..and mist them tommorow..can i just mist while theyr under the hps..or will this burn them..its quite a hard task getting them out,then misting them..and them getting them back in cus theyr falling all over the places like drunk bitches ha ha..

How positive are you that using soap and oil on my buds wont negatively affect them..have you ever done this?

will this kill them on contact??how effective is cooking oil and soap on spidermites??


Active member
Hey all

I ran across this DIY mite, pest and mold killer that is awesome. I can't remember where I picked it up originally but the thread went into great detail (from various posters) about the total effectiveness of this spray.

DIY Insecticide Foilar spray
(NO SUBSTITUTIONS! You've been warned)

1 qt water
3 oz. strong onion (peeled)
1 oz. fresh garlic
2 tobacco cigarettes w/paper removed
1/8th tsp dish detergent (Plain soap, no additives)
4 oz. Denatured Alcohol
2 Tablespoons Buttermilk
1 tsp Dr. Bronners Peppermint Soap

Blend onion, tobacco and water until liquid.
Cook on stove until simmering and then let cool to luke-warm temp.
Add soap, alcohol and buttermilk.
Shake well and pour through mesh strainer

Spray or dip your plants once a week.
Rinse after 30 minutes

This method will destroy webs, eggs and any live mites it touches. Keep using it for 2-3 weeks to ensure complete elimination. Spray down your flower chamber with it after each harvest as well. Powdery mildew and other insect infestations seem to die the same death as the mites when exposed to this stuff.

DON'T FORGET TO RINSE! (This solution works wonders but will burn the shit out of just about anything growing if you don't wash it off.) Be sure to rinse the undersides of the leaves and the stalks as well. Shake the excess water off vigorously and let dry.

Once they're gone.... use a regular neem application every 2 weeks or so in veg. Plants dig it and it really does help keep the mites away.


Ok I jsut got back from Home Depot and they had the no pest strips..so I bought one..

1.Im 5 weeks flowering..today is the first day of the 5 week..can I still use the no pset strips this late in flower??

2. Il will use thestrip during my night cycle..when the fans and everything is OFF..and my closet is sealed..should I place the strip on the bottom..or hand it over the canopy?? What effect will the hpfs heat have on it the next day???


come on guys..i dont wanna use the strip..only to fukk up my grow..so is it OK to use during week 5 of flowering..do the fums affct the buds..taste etc..Iv read somewhere that the strips do not affect plant growth whatsoever..please some HELP..?
I used neem one time and that was enough for me...I couldn't take the garlic...then It was a dude named shaggy on a forum years ago that swore by the pest strip..I got a couple and never seen a bug since...peace


should i use the strip tonighjt..im 1 day in week 5 of flower..should i?? will it affect my buds..pelase help??


Active member
should i use the strip tonighjt..im 1 day in week 5 of flower..should i?? will it affect my buds..pelase help??

If you want the opinion of a medical user..... No. I wouldn't ever use those.

I feel for you and can recommend the solution I posted and no more. Definitely make sure you spray with neem oil twice a week after you get rid of them.
(Week 5 isn't too late for spraying the homemade solution I posted)


I used the strip last night..today I will hang the stip over the canopy..since mites like to go UP...to the growing canopy..I wish starting over was an option..but I have no seeds..no clones,etc...besides I just cant bear the thought of just killing them..after all wev been through..Im in week 5 now..things cant be TOO bad right...theres lots of resin..and nice buddage..so why would starting over be a valid option..?

What if I kill all the mites..will starting over stil be a valid option..?


Active member
I used the strip last night..today I will hang the stip over the canopy..since mites like to go UP...to the growing canopy..I wish starting over was an option..but I have no seeds..no clones,etc...besides I just cant bear the thought of just killing them..after all wev been through..Im in week 5 now..things cant be TOO bad right...theres lots of resin..and nice buddage..so why would starting over be a valid option..?

What if I kill all the mites..will starting over stil be a valid option..?

It's your call.

Personally I wouldn't put the strip over the plants, especially if it's getting warmed up.

As a medical user I'm strict about what I ingest and that no-pest strip is a no-no.

If you really want to clear it up fast, use the mix I posted. I can't help you with anything else as it's out of my field of information.


I'd suggest that you put the strips in during dark hours so you can disable the ventilation. The strips give off the bug killer and are meant to sit. When lights come back on, you can take it out and put it in a plastic bag and turn on your ventilation. Depending on how bad your problem is, they should be dead in two or three days completely.

My experience after using them is no difference in the quality of the plants or the buds. The real concern is long term health effects but these are still not completely proven.


Active member
what no pest strips are we talking about... I have only used the kind that have a sticky surface that attracts the pests to their demise. Seems like you all are talking about something giving off fumes?

trichs lost are trichs lost... happens all the time from handling your plants especially during/after harvest. Just be gentile and don't take it to hard. there will be plenty more in the next few weeks that will make up for it now that you are dealing with the mites.


Active member
what no pest strips are we talking about... I have only used the kind that have a sticky surface that attracts the pests to their demise. Seems like you all are talking about something giving off fumes?
This 'sticky surface' is impregnated with the chemicals that kill the bugs. When it gets warm it off-gasses.

If I absolutely HAD to use one I would use it at night during the coolest temps and not above the canopy or where airflow would blow it onto the plants.

I'm somewhat of a freak about chemicals though so I'm a bit on the extreme end of caution.