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Southern Cannabis Alliance (SCA manifesto)


born and raised cajun here. . people going crazy allready. we had 35+ feet of water last time. we shall see. it takes my stuff and house this time im going north just a tad. im like 2miles from the beach. peace
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motaco said:
one will I'm from lake view too as a kid. I left when I was 12 but still. small world.
Went to Hynes Elementary?
That's around the age I left.


Active member
Gettin prepared now....or at least trying. Shelves at the stores are already going bare. Got my generator and about 60 hours worth of gas. Just worried about my current grow, it needs another 25-30ish days. Not gonna be able to run the a/c where the cab is if the power goes out. I can run an extension cord to run the cab itself, but no a/c. Prolly gonna just put a few cfl's in there for a few days if I have to while the power is out.

Get your stuff together now....


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
starting to see boards go up on windows and shelves get bare over here in AL. Lots of traffic on the streets but its hard to tell if that is vacationers or hurricane preparers.

Be safe everyone, especially Wishbone - I personally wouldn't want to be in that area! Watch your ass bud!


yea think my 12 babys arent going to make it. they are little week and half old. all my small stuff that i can take is load. im ready but i ain't leavin till the last min. just in case nothing happens but that ain't our luck these days.


I think I might have to go harvest the girls this week because where the cab is at. It's gonna get flooded. :(


Active member
Hey bro... If you have somewhere to go, leave out early. I waited to leave for Katrina (lived a block off lake ponchartrain) and it took 16 hours to get to north LA around the Monroe area. That trip would usually take about 5 hours.

I'm staying where I am....hot water heater and stove are natural gas and the generator will run the fridge, a/c unit and TV or radio. Plenty of food to last 2-3 weeks and still have 2 cases of MRE's from Katrina if things get bad.

Wishbone.... seriously..... don't wait until the last minute to leave!
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Bush Grower

Glad I'm inland Texas some miles in houston... we usually only get a lot of rain and wind when the hurricanes come. Some places around here will flood, but not here... it's never too bad though.

Everyone near the coast pay attention, and play it safe~ :joint:


i feel ya bro. im not going to wait that late. id say once its a day out we should know where land fall is and i will adjust accordingly. i feel for the people living in the fish bowl.ie the n.o. just to early to tell where this b@@@H is going to land. i feel we as a human race have to change the way we live and take care of earth. its letting us know what a shitty job we are doing so far. there wasn't much change until the last 120 years. when we started to advance at leaps and bounds. i mean 15 years ago we were barely hitting highs in the 90*s. man i just smoked some unknown grade a if yall haven't figured it out yet :rant: :fsu:



soulfly22583 said:
starting to see boards go up on windows and shelves get bare over here in AL. Lots of traffic on the streets but its hard to tell if that is vacationers or hurricane preparers.

Be safe everyone, especially Wishbone - I personally wouldn't want to be in that area! Watch your ass bud!

Me either.Though at this point it could hit anywhere.Hotels are booked in B'ham and the city is getting geared up in case it takes a more northerly direction.
I miss hangin' out at Barefoots...I hope all my old buds in Orange Beach and Gulf Shores stay safe.


Active member

Geographically speaking.... This place has a f*cking bullseye on it!

I was born and raised here and love living down here, but this hurricane shit is for the birds....

A good friend of mine lives in Lakeview in N.O. I talked to him last night and he said that if the same thing happens to N.O. again, that he was leaving and he isn't coming back. This guy is born and raised in N.O. and I never thought that I would hear him say that he would ever leave, but I can't blame him and really doubt that N.O. will ever make it back if it gets hit with that kind of devestation again.

Anyone on the gulf coast..... Please be safe and take care of yourselves!


Gulf Coasters: Be careful the next couple days with Gustav barreling towards you. I hope everyone remains safe and can be evacuated need be. I was down in N'awlins a few months ago and they are no where near recovered from Katrina so this will just make things worse. Stick together though and y'all will make it through.


New member
SCA Newbie

SCA Newbie

big ups to the southern cannabis alliance and guinea for getting this thread together. this is truely a wonderful thing to see and hopefully a be a part of.

as mentioned by u all, please be safe to all of yall on the gulf. blessings to you and shout if yall need anything. im in atlanta and there are plenty of places to stay for good people.

i hope to have my first addition and grow thread here on ic shortly. i will def. be tuning in from here out.

1 time for my georgia family and growers...
2 times for my folks dealin with this weather...

many blessings

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the Revenant
I am east of the eye, cant evacuate nor want to. Im gona ride out the storm with my plants around me. I just hope the power isnt out to long. Wish my girl and I luck.


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Pirate138 said:
I am east of the eye, cant evacuate nor want to. Im gona ride out the storm with my plants around me. I just hope the power isnt out to long. Wish my girl and I luck.

Please be safe man - have an escape path planned if you need to get out of the way of rushing water!