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Southern Cannabis Alliance (SCA manifesto)


Active member
"Son of the South"

"Son of the South"

Where else in this great country does the "Spirit of Americanism" still exist, a spirit that allows each of us to hold onto a "Spirit" of individualism, its where we can call names that are not politically correct, where we can count on the guy or girl next to you at some concert or race to not get crazy if offered a toke, if you want to partake you take the joint or just pass it on. Race,(to many of us "Southerners", is just something you grow up with, you choose your friends, co-workers, or other associates, as with any free thinking people,) is out there you handle others as you want, its your choice....live with it... I see politicalization of our South come in the form of higher tobacco taxes, and "Tobacco free Municipalities, Towns or States" Dumb Asses. If a product is made illegal to use, then those tobacco free cities and states should not be allowed to "profit" from taxes on those products, legislatures or govenors pass "feel good laws" that are never inforced. Until we "Southernors" (you can be one of us not because of location, but because you know in your heart that you are an individual, free to think and do as you wish) spread the Spirit of Americanism, Individualism, and FREEDOM will we see feel good laws stricken from the books and the thoughts that a "career politican'' can govern free people best, and that the "government'' will take care of us, when we Southerns lead the "rebellion" only then will sensibility come to our country, thru the South. Yep, I'm an old toker, and yep I'm stoned. But I'm still thinking!!


Active member

Right on, bro! Hope you have a great day!!!.....

(Today is actually my old man's b-day as well.....heh.)


Thanks Brneydbvr
Been smoking on some Snow cap x BC bud.
couple days before that was sour diesel
and couple days before that was blue goo.


I can't wait to get started again I just need the funds to do it.
total of 200$
nutes & etc
rubbermaid tub
Whats better
150watt hps or
296 mix spec
Master low are the seeds I'm growing.
Just need to get them back from my friend.

GDS StonerBoy

Whats up everyone, i've been gone a few days enjoying the fruits of my labor but now i'm back with The White, Chem 4, Chem D , Appalachia, SourChunk and Sr71PK. Pics coming as soon as they root. Gonna take the SCA on a ride, got a few more cuts to get in my possession but i'll run these and after i pick the ones i'll keep i'll make room for more cuts.


We should have some type of clone trade sometime. :D

I just dropped by to say hello. I am from Mississippi so I qualify to view the thread anyway. I now am in Texas and we have a forum much like this one, only for Texas folks. We have a small (maybe 20 people) group of growers around Austin that regularly meet, smoke, swap clones and seeds. We call it THC. I currently have several girls from THC, AK48, C99, White Rhino, Jock Horror, all growing.

This is a great idea, just be safe and carefully admit members to your clone sharing group. Everyone in the group will benefit. :joint:


Nice to hear from you. I added up the total for my new cab
Pure blend pro pack
8oz of pbp G
pbp B
Liquid Karma
digital ph meter
hydroframs emily's garden system
6x6x7in pots
6 of them