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Sour Kush



Thanks BAF. Theyre lovin life right now! Im not in there bothering them anymore. I just fill their bowl of water and leave. They have a 30 gal supply with an auto top off res. It lasts them about a week. Its so much more relaxing this way, but Im sure Ill have to get a bigger tank for them before they have finished. The sound of the water and air rushing is so soothing I can almost fall asleep in there.
I was in there early today switching out the last MH conversion bulb and I figured Id get some shots right before the lights came on. This shit is going off now! Im watching them swell over night and it smells so nasty!






Active member
ive always loved the straight coco with a little espon salt, simple..
its the best way for big numbers
second only to DWC

nice plants, man..


Thanks H2.0!
Ive put a lot into keeping them alive, but Ive been screwing up left and right. I dont have a very green thumb at all.
Im going back to coco/perlite only. When I transplanted I added EWC and used some roots organic amended coco mixed with Botanicare. This was my first attempt at amended and Ive had all sorts of problems. Probably not just the amendments, but I prefer to keep things simple. I had a battle with fungus gnats shortly after using the Roots Organic.
Even though the leaves have been reaching straight up they had some serious light bleaching, especially in the middle row and between lights. I had to seperate the lights further apart. I had been raising them higher and higher without getting much color back in the middle. Then my AC froze again... Anyway, now the plants are dark and shiney.
Any ideas on how much light bleaching slows them down? I destroyed the bud stretch, but theyre really dense.
Ive also raised the humidity in the room. Ive had the dehumidifer set to 55-60 but it keeps it around 40-45 under the plants. Long story short, I need more meters in the room.





950ppm A/B, Silica, .4ml Drip Clean
5.5-5.7 PH
45-55% RH
500ppm co2

After being chewed out by SeaMaiden, its clear that my clones were stunted when I picked them up. The 3 blade leaves are a sign of hormonal confusion that is caused by interruption of the dark phase of the photoperiod when they were cloned. It took weeks for the 3 blade leaves to stop growing.


Night shots!
There's way too much bud on these plants.
The stems are snapping from the weight and Im not half way through yet!




Im backing off the nutes a little and plan to add KB powder in a couple weeks. Im not so sure the plants can take much added weight or if there is even any room left in here! Im having a hard time getting everything tied up to something
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Thats 12 Sour K clones. 3 rows of 4, under 2400W!!!
A couple of my first batch didnt want to get going so I replaced them and picked up a couple of extras. They are about 2 weeks apart, but I bent the hell out all of them. They might have been cloned at the same time though. I left two of them out of the baby pics because they looked so weak I was going to throw them out, but I decided to keep them around. The older plants are in the circular 5g pots and the newer batch are in the square 3g pots.
There are 4 - 600's in there now. I had a couple of MH conversions in there for the first 3 weeks or so. I was using T5's for most of veg but had to switch to MH while I sorted out my problems.
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i cant remember what she smelled like(in detail) but i remember saying she smells like swamp funk... does she smell swampy to you?


i cant remember what she smelled like(in detail) but i remember saying she smells like swamp funk... does she smell swampy to you?

This nasty girl stinks so bad she had me looking around the room for standing water or some kind of nasty funk growing in the room or on the walls! Im not kidding! I asked my cousin to help me look around for a problem... It smells like a citrus fruit when you get close though. Its so beautiful I havent installed my filter!!
These fucking floppy sours make you think you dont know what youre doing and have you questioning how youre going to afford the light bills and then BAM they start falling over! :yay:
standing water is a much better way to describe it as opposed to swamp funk

you haven't even gotten to the best part yet.... the exhale. it's sublime


My girls just wanted to show off their new bras! Those knockers are just floppin around headed towards the ground! Oh the lucky guy who gets to unwrap these treats!!!!
Im guessing 3 weeks, maybe I can let them go another 4?





Keep em floppin homies!
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looking real good. cant wait to see them finish up.

Thanks Phillthy! I wish I could speed them up!
Ill be starting KB Powder tomorrow and Ill make a decision about how long Im taking them based on how it all turns out. Ive never used this stuff before so Im not really sure how much gain to expect. I just hope it tastes as good as my last grow.


AI Glitch
That's some serious branching. Serious canopy. Another 4 weeks...it's gonna be critical in there. How are they smellin?


That's some serious branching. Serious canopy. Another 4 weeks...it's gonna be critical in there. How are they smellin?

I was negligent with how much I left on these girls!
We had some serious issues in veg!!!
It smells rancid up in here!!!!!


AI Glitch
Nice. Gotta love some rancid.

I tied some branches in loops earlier, it could be said that I'm gonna go tribal on their asses too. Albeit on a slightly smaller scale :D Want my tent full of colas next time...no stinkin popcorn.


Nice. Gotta love some rancid.

I tied some branches in loops earlier, it could be said that I'm gonna go tribal on their asses too. Albeit on a slightly smaller scale :D Want my tent full of colas next time...no stinkin popcorn.

I tied some branches in loops earlier today and then ran out of wire so I found these in my tool box and ran out! I think Ill need to find some more stakes! These nugs are really dense!


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
NICE! Awesome looking strain, great training, and the size of the nugs is impressive. Awesome gro! Is this a clone you aquired or something you found from seed? What breeder are these from if from seed? Shit looks excellent.