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Sour Diesel Vs. New York City Diesel


New member
Hey guys, I'm relatively new and only been toking a year, I used to buy from a bad dude but switched to mmj clubs. One thing I have noticed though, is the difference between NYCD and SD. Sour Diesel has a very unique, weird flavor, sour exactly like it says, with fuelish aftertastes. SD also posesses a strong and versatile high, it doesn't completely couch lock you, nor is it a total head high.

Now, for NYCD, the first thing I noticed is :bow: holy shit this stuff is potent. SD is potent enough for any single person, but NYCD goes the extra miles to deliver a long potent punch. I would say SD has more flavor, but NYCD's straight diesel flavor feels old school and gangsta, and I gotta say I like feeling like that :ying: Plus, the straight diesel is more interesting, the sour diesel flavor is like a warhead sour candy, the flavor is immediatly apparent and very strong. NCYD's flavor is a more subtle nutty diesely taste, which the more contemplative may prefer. NYCD's high is also ridiculously fast onset, I literally felt my eyes going chinese while I was inhaling from my whip style vaporizer, which has never happened before.

SD has this feeling like theres something else trying to come out of it that isn't truly being expressed, where as NYCD feels like it is a fully matured and finished product that knows what it is and what you want.

Overall, I'd say that NYCD is the superior diesel. I forgot to mention the smell. SD has a powerful smell, right? no duh, right? NYCD has one hell of a strong smell too, flowery and fresh. If you have the choice between NYC and Sour, I would strongly advise the NYC. Now, if you've never had Diesel before, I highly advise Sour first, so you know that you got an actual Diesel. Without having sampled Diesel at all, it can be very difficult to discern between the diesel flavor and woody and nutty flavors, which sucks.

its very interesting, because i'm in cali... lots of good shit over here. this New york stuff is damn good too though :O
Yeah this was more of a smoke report, and you must of got some bunk sd cause that is way better than any nyc I've ever sampled


I'm going to have to agree with Keetypoo420, We get a lot of NYCD here in NY and Sour D as well.... I think Sour D is far better then the NYC, i did however get an amazing batch of NYCD once, but the taste of the Sour D is far better as you said but i alsoo think the high of the Sour D is better as well. With the NYC its intense for about 30 min and then it falls off, with the Sour D I'm steadily high for hours. To each his own but i just enjoy the Sour D more :joint:

Nice report though, good descriptions.. which do you think looks better? I'm going with the Sour D

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Active member
Nycd-Grows like a champ, smokes like a chump.

Real ECSD-picked at 75-80 days=Some Good ass Sour D.
Picked to early and it sucks. The high does'nt last long.

Just my 36cents...............


Active member
I like both, but I do like the Sour Diesel much more. Nothing else tastes like that Sour, it's so delicious. And the looks are just insane with it's super dark green leaves against the almost-white light green buds. Definitely in my top 5 ever. I do keep a pheno of NYCD around, but rarely run her since getting the Sour D.

Sour Diesel




shaolin36er said:
Nycd-Grows like a champ, smokes like a chump.

Definitely have to agree with you on that one Shaolin.
The taste of Nyc Diesel is great, but no Potency to go with it.
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Smokin on that serious...
i love your tapestry, the plants are nice too :joint:

sirharrynuggz said:
I like both, but I do like the Sour Diesel much more. Nothing else tastes like that Sour, it's so delicious. And the looks are just insane with it's super dark green leaves against the almost-white light green buds. Definitely in my top 5 ever. I do keep a pheno of NYCD around, but rarely run her since getting the Sour D.

Sour Diesel




ICMag Donor
I personally vote for the SourD, but I keep the NYCD around also. They are very different plants. The ECSD has a killer flavor and smell and the high is more potent IMHO. She is also the more picky grower of the two. The NYCD is easier to grow and has a nice ruby red grapefruit/tangerine thing going on. Different smells, flavors and highs seem to make this apples vs. oranges.
Peace, Mr.M
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Ive never grew NYCD but smoked it :joint: , i have grown n smoked SDv3(the SD seedline has NYCD in it,although its been breed to have the ECSD traits strong n the NYCD traits passive)But i like the SD better than the NYCD,im growing the ECSD clone and like that better than all them.The V3 was real close in taste too the clone but looked very diff.I vote for SD in seed or clone form over the NY. :rasta: Peace,PVP



New member
maybe the SD I got wasn't grown as well as the NYCD? I remember one thing I didn't like about the SD was that it had a low "ceiling", as in I could only get so high off of it. NYCD has a similiar "ceiling", but its def. higher and much more potent then the SD I got. I think that there is soooooooooooo much sour diesel in california, that I just happened to come across some NYCD that was better then a local SD. Seems like the opinion is pretty polarized, or maybe everyone that posted is from california secretly :p

edit: I also have not tried ECSD, I am assuming it stands for East Coast Sour Diesel, and NYC is on the EC, so it would certaintly stand to reason that ECSD could be much better then NYCD :joint:
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I really think there is no comparison between the two diesels, I honestly think the NYCD has no diesel at all, Soma probably just tried to poorly replicated the original "SD''


its like trying to choose beetween a ferrari and a lambourghini,,
presently i have a ferrari

soon i'll be having the lambo


New member
keetypoo420 said:
I really think there is no comparison between the two diesels, I honestly think the NYCD has no diesel at all, Soma probably just tried to poorly replicated the original "SD''

so your saying that you smoked NYCD and it didn't taste like diesel? this stuff tastes like diesel, guy. its subtle, and close to nutty flavors, but it is most def. diesel flavor, I know simply because I've never /ever/ tasted anything that tastes like diesel. it is unique and I noticed it pretty quick. I mean, are there strains out there that taste like diesel and don't have any actual Diesel in their heritage? :confused:
Theres no Sour Deez in NYCD,soma just named it that.I think the NYCD was around before the SD seedline so Soma wasnt using the deezel name.Two diff strains,but Rez did use the NYCD in the initial Sour cross,then bred it out.Peace,PVP :joint:


the nycd at dampkring i had smelt of and hadd an aftertaste of actual diesel so i'm sure there's diesel in there somewhere, in whatever form. one of my favourites by far, not too keen on the red diesel though, just like a weak version of nycd.
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never been fortunate enough to smoke either, but i will be growing annaC's nycd f2's. i have heard so much about the flavors in the grapefruit and strawberry phenos, but maybe the more bland one is the foxtail/sativa pheno.

Tropical Rain said:
The TR Genetic CookBook

New York City Diesel = Diesel Bagseed (probably orig, not sour) X (Afghani X Hawaiian)

Sour Diesel = [(SensiNL X MassSuperSkunk) X Dawg/Chem] X DNL

the hawaiian in nycd probably gives it some pretty good flavors. sour d on the other hand has a blend of many dank flavors.