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Sour Diesel IBL X OG Bx1 From JLP



harvest & smoke report!

harvest & smoke report!

Ok friends, growers and lovers of the SDOG, I harvested my plant at 63 days with mostly cloudy and a little amber. She was real easy to grow with a light touch on the nutes. She had a skunky smell in veg but not in flower, strangely enough. It was more citrusy and funky, not really a smell associated with marijuana. I had a friend over late in flower and he said it smelled like someone was scrubbing with lemon cleaner. I pollinated a few budsides with a SDOG male so I have a ton of F2 seeds to work with in the future.

Here are the two in veg. The left plant is the female and to the right is daddy.

Had myself a great time chopping her down and getting all sticky from trimming! I pulled nearly an ounce in a 1.5 gallon pot and 250w HPS. I am not a heavy smoker so this will be enough for many months.

After a few weeks cure...

As you can see she pulls from the OG/NL side, and the heavy couchlock stone confirms it which I'll describe in detail :joint:

The smell is incredible. A sweet, spicy mentholated citrus dominates with fuel and skunk undertones. Very complex and absolutely fantastic. She smokes similar--sweet, spicy and hashy. My friends always comment on how good the taste is. The blue smoke is thick and will burn your lungs easily if you take too big a hit.

The buzz and potency is where this bud really shines. It is a multi-faceted experience so I'll attempt to do it justice. After the first inhale your body is hit with a relaxing wave and your head starts to open up as you become one with the chair. It has an unexpected 10 minute creeper buzz that hits you behind the eyes and causes tunnel vision accompanied by a racing heart and audio/visual distortions. It can be slightly panic-inducing so one bowl is usually enough to ring that bell without getting uncomfortably stoned. It's surprisingly trippy--I was watching tree branches in my backyard morph and sway even though there was no wind. I watched a bright star long enough that I was transported into its own galaxy for a few minutes, floating along on those nice indica waves. The cool thing is that you can "shake it off" and function if you need to, or you can stare at the wall and be completely lost in your own mind.

After about 20-25 minutes of laid-back psychedelic waves the body stone becomes more pronounced and the high evens out. I described it one night as "giant rollers" massaging up and down my body. Truly a heavy-duty couchlock that kills my back pain like magic and sends me to the cupboard every time with red, squinty eyes. The body is much stronger than other more euphoric indicas I've tried like LUI and blueberry. It's long lasting too... about 1.5-2 hours where you won't be smoking more, then an additional hour or so of residual high and munchies. I woke up at 3 am last night still stoned and reached for the box of cheese crackers :)

I would say this is primarily an evening smoke, although in small amounts it has potential to enliven your day. After a few hits though, you won't be doing much. This is truly complex and wonderful bud, some of the best I've ever had the pleasure to smoke. Thanks again to JLP for his generosity. Great work my friend!


Active member
Hello all,

I pulled my two girls at 62 days. The trichs showed a 30/70 clear/amber ratio.

These were grown in organic soil using organic teas and kelp and molasses with alaska fish and ej bloom as suppliments in 3 gallon pots using a 250w hps.

I figure around 35 to 40 grams dry this harvest. Not a steller yield but the quaility is there and will last till next harvest.

I have two clones in veg now that will be ready for flower in 30 days.

I am very happy with this strain. Thanks John.




trem0lo and minds_I your plants are looking good .i just love this cross for pain and every one who smokes it keeps asking me wheres the kush at .around wher i live you can not get elites but to us this is elite .i have been growing this one pheno out so much i have the last clone in flower now .but i have made plenty of crosses with her kalimist x sourdog ,c99x sourdog and sourdog s1.she was very sensitive to environmental stress i had a few nanas but it went away so i feel the crosses will be great .i have 4 seedlings in veg now of my last sdog i am hoping to get a sd side of the cross .the pheno i have must have come from the og side it had a strong sweet coffee smell and taste to it. its not a knock out stone its the kind thats just right
for most pepes who are not use to strong weed . i plan on crossing a male female
if i get them in my next flower.thanks jlp hope to get in on your next give away.


Wow minds_I your plants look just like mine, or what mine would have looked like had I used a larger pot. I used all organics too and I'm really happy with the results. Do you find it a heavy couchlock? Mine's a potential daykiller but then again my tolerance is lower since I'm more of a weekend smoker.

Dan I had a SDOG pheno leaning heavily to the diesel side but couldn't flower it due to security issues. It smelled amazing so hopefully you get some of that this time around. Those crosses sound awesome, keep us updated. I hear you about the genetics--before the best pot I could get was in the mail and that was a pain in the ass, let me tell you. I'd say SDOG is right up there with the elites that I got thru that service though, in terms of overall quality.


MY last 4 sour_dog plants in early veg.i think i have a magnesium deficiency.their in coco. feeding with mexican guano ,Maxicrop fish 5-1-1 and kelp,molasses and worm casting tea . i just started using Epsom salt. i will be transplanting them to my new
square pots .and my soil x coco mix.its vics super soil with some bricks of coco coir.
i am new to coco so its a learning thing for me .besides i think they will be OK in the end
if i can get them past their first month of life its smooth sailing till harvest.



Lookin' good man! Interested to see what phenos you get in those last 4 plants. I wish I could pop all my F2s now, choosing from those would be amazing!


I plan on crossing any male to any sourdog female for some f2.and the one i am excited about is crossing a sourdog male to a female serious seed bubblegum .i heard serious seed bubblegum is a ibl and is excellent in making crosses with.the amount of seeds i will have will take 2-3 life times to grow out so i will spend a lot of my time growing out the sourdog x bubblegum cross and i need a name mybe some one can help me with the name of this cross .if anyone can come up with a good name i will pm them with a treat.hint hint.no sour bubble that is bogs .


Out of 6 seeds 1 was white and premature 1 was killed by me as a seedling and the remaining 4 all turned out to be females :jump:
pheno1: (very kush dom)



pheno2: (like #1 but a little more vigor)



pheno 3+4: (exactly alike..seem more sour dom)


OverGrow Refugee
very nice RAGGA MON...I received the same from JLP just like you 6 seeds but have YET to pop them...you give me reason to...


High Class Grass
dan woody said:
I plan on crossing any male to any sourdog female for some f2.and the one i am excited about is crossing a sourdog male to a female serious seed bubblegum .i heard serious seed bubblegum is a ibl and is excellent in making crosses with.the amount of seeds i will have will take 2-3 life times to grow out so i will spend a lot of my time growing out the sourdog x bubblegum cross and i need a name mybe some one can help me with the name of this cross .if anyone can come up with a good name i will pm them with a treat.hint hint.no sour bubble that is bogs .

High Dan.
How about Cry Baby. Its a sour type of bubblegum..quite fitting if u ask me..

Stay Safe


sounds good .but i might try that name on my sourdog x c99 .it smells like it could be cry babies .it smells sour .and i have one in flower now .i put it in flower as a young plant just to see what it turned out to be and it looks like the father gno3 c99 male.
same color light green and oily sticky when you rub the stem.the male was a he/she
and it smelled like lemon cleaner. crossed with the sourdog bubba phenom that smelled like coffee .

the plant was mostly male but had some hairs coming from it . i thought man should i use it and i looked back on the pack of c99 it came from and said hell yes it had some good phenos that was in the pack of gnc99 from 03.if it goes good and i find something that i love i will spend a lott of time and develop this line further to share with other people in need and i will not make a penny of off the seeds. i will give them away like jlp did from his hard work and his hart.

and the x factor male.


every one who is getting the jlp beans post your grows in this thread so we can keep it going and see how big it gets.

jlp is a one in a million and his eye for picking good parents for breeding id bar none some of the best seeds you can get and they are all ways given to you for free on top of that.

thanks DAN


The revolution will not be televised.....
Dropped a few this afternoon! Keep you posted. Thanks again JLP!


dan woody said:
I plan on crossing any male to any sourdog female for some f2.and the one i am excited about is crossing a sourdog male to a female serious seed bubblegum .i heard serious seed bubblegum is a ibl and is excellent in making crosses with.the amount of seeds i will have will take 2-3 life times to grow out so i will spend a lot of my time growing out the sourdog x bubblegum cross and i need a name mybe some one can help me with the name of this cross .if anyone can come up with a good name i will pm them with a treat.hint hint.no sour bubble that is bogs .

Hey Dan....

I'll play! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...............

How 'bout, "Kujo's Gumblow" .......or,

"Kujo's Blowgum," ...or, "Kujo's Gumball."

A truly sour dog mixed with a twist on the bubblegum thingy :rasta:


yea this is my last 4 sourdogf1 from jlp it looks like 3 females and one male to pollinate
my sourdog female and some serious seeds bubblegum .i will only use a little and brush it on a few limbs .







Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
NO shit! I missed em? :badday:

Wow. Of all the times to not be on the site.....

I love this strain, one of the best I have ever had. DAMN!

At least I still have a couple phenos

SDog#4 knocked up with some Geisha

SDog#2 knocked up with some Cascadia

SDog#2 unfettered.....mmmmmm.... diesel....

Hey JLP, if you see this, can you send me some f2's even though I missed em?:puppydoge

THanks again for being so generous!

JLP is one of the best breeders ever!


milo_xxx .oh man yea you missed them .sorry man when i seen the thread i jumped on them .you are right its one hell of a smoke .as you can see the first 5 pictures in my last post are the last sourdogsf1s jlp gave out .i am hoping to get one male to dust the sourdog and picture 6,7,8 are serious seed bubblegum. now that should be a good cross.
i read some where that some one crosses a kush to a bubblegum and got bubba kush .

sorry milo_xxx but if you cant get any pm me when i get dne with this grow . i will be posting my grows on this thread.

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