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Sour 60 - 100% Germ rate - First Grow of Autos

Sorry for the confusion, uptosumpn, what I meant was I sent my money order fed ex, so it only took 3 days. I don't think there are any other options for getting it back to you other than what you mentioned... Sorry 'bout that.


mmm looks like this shall be interesting I will be keeping an eye on this grow. :)
6 confirmed males, I culled the 3 smallest since I don't need but one or two. 2 confirmed females. So half of mine have clearly shown sex within 18-19 or so days. The earliest of the males is getting close to spurting pollen but I don't have any females with more than a pair of pistils yet to accept it.. Soon though! I'll take some pics Sunday but everything looks delicious and I'm just watering with plain water because they're dark lush green from their initial tea drench almost 3 weeks ago.

Alrighty I have 8 females total. 3 males that are about to start busting the pollen any day, and 1 runt left that's still only like an inch tall that I'll probably just get rid of. It's 21 days old and only an inch tall.. Not worth the space it's taking up.. But for what it's worth it looks like I got a 50/50 ratio, if anyone cares about that kind of thing. I loaned my camera out this morning to a friend so pictures will have to wait a day or two but I'll have it back shortly and will get em up.. Let the pollenation begin!


Picture time. I'd imagine we're now at 22-23 days.. The leaves are taking on more of a sativa thinning all of a sudden, kind of interesting to see because they were very indica-looking to start with. the one male on the left has probably jumped 2 inches in as many days.. No visible pollen yet though. The first two rows are all sour 60 and the back row on the right is an S60 male as well. the rest in the back, which you cant really see anyway are for another project.


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all the Sour 60 treads around here. pisses me of that mine never came in the mail.
yours are looking great tho good job


very nice they should start looking like heaven in a few weeks.
So today I decided to take 2 of the 8 females and put them in some nice soil in the ground outdoors for the rest of their lives.. I figured I'll get plenty of seeds from the other 6 and was really curious to see how these will turn out un-seeded and having been outside for 6 weeks... They'll get somewhere in the area of 8-9 hours of direct sunlight a day. This may also get an answer a bit quicker to those who've been asking (myself included) how they perform outside.. Temps have been in the 80s here and there's definitely no chance of frost for the rest of the season.. I also wanted to do this at this exact time(3ish weeks from seed) because if these turn out to even produce an Oz per plant I'd like to convince my friend with some land to let me run a bunch of these inside for 3 weeks until sexed, then put them in the ground out at his place for their last 6 weeks or so.. I was doing the math on this and if done in this method you can get 4 crops in a season, putting the first batch out on April 15th, having started them inside March 20th or so. If you gave yourself 2-3 days in between harvest and replanting you'd get 4 crops by mid October.. lots of interesting possibilities with that.. Anyway, I'll shoot some outdoor snaps next weekend and we'll see how they do..

So today I decided to take 2 of the 8 females and put them in some nice soil in the ground outdoors for the rest of their lives.. I figured I'll get plenty of seeds from the other 6 and was really curious to see how these will turn out un-seeded and having been outside for 6 weeks... They'll get somewhere in the area of 8-9 hours of direct sunlight a day. This may also get an answer a bit quicker to those who've been asking (myself included) how they perform outside.. Temps have been in the 80s here and there's definitely no chance of frost for the rest of the season.. I also wanted to do this at this exact time(3ish weeks from seed) because if these turn out to even produce an Oz per plant I'd like to convince my friend with some land to let me run a bunch of these inside for 3 weeks until sexed, then put them in the ground out at his place for their last 6 weeks or so.. I was doing the math on this and if done in this method you can get 4 crops in a season, putting the first batch out on April 15th, having started them inside March 20th or so. If you gave yourself 2-3 days in between harvest and replanting you'd get 4 crops by mid October.. lots of interesting possibilities with that.. Anyway, I'll shoot some outdoor snaps next weekend and we'll see how they do..


I'm doing this exact same thing as well :wave:. I'm putting them all out after I pollinate.


Picture time. I'd imagine we're now at 22-23 days.. The leaves are taking on more of a sativa thinning all of a sudden, kind of interesting to see because they were very indica-looking to start with. the one male on the left has probably jumped 2 inches in as many days.. No visible pollen yet though. The first two rows are all sour 60 and the back row on the right is an S60 male as well. the rest in the back, which you cant really see anyway are for another project.

Nice set of plants, dude. Bet you're a proud dad!
Well, hc15, all my seeded fems are doing just great. The 3 males have been just busting pollen left and right like a shower every time I wack em. So I should have 6 or so massively pollinated females. 2 of them are quite short and seem to want to stay that way, the others are maybe 12" tall or so.. I haven't taken these out of their original 3/4 gal or so containers so they're probably not as big as they could be but again this was just to get a bunch of seed for a much bigger plan. As for my 2 outside.. Well.. I put up a 3' fence made to keep out rabbits(I don't have a rabbit problem, the fencing was just made for rabbits specifically) and 4 days later one of my 80 lb dogs for some insane reason decided to jump into the circle that had my 2 plants, some cukes, tomatoes and a pepper plant. Once she got in she must have freaked out because she pretty much trampled everything. One of the two S60s did survive but lost a couple branches but she'll definitely pull through and show something. The other one wasn't so lucky and ended up like a stick with maybe 3-4 leaves on it, but it's still out there.. Needless to say I'm not expecting much from that one.. One thing I did notice before the dog got in there however was that those 2 were definitely taking off size-wise faster than the ones I have in the containers.. No surprise there I was suppose.. I was kinda bummed though, not for myself so much but for everyone that's curious about how these roll outside.. I have 6 more seeds I may pop just to put outside since I can see I'm going to have tons of seeds now in 5 weeks.. I'm pretty sure the dog learned her lesson from the looks of the top of the fence where she jumped back out, which is how I know it was my dog.. that or a 70 lb possum because this isn't lightweight fencing by any means.
I'll try and get some pics up by this weekend of everything..

Sorry for my lapse, life got the best of me mixed with my camera being borrowed by a baby momma.

Anyway, my 1 outdoor one recovered but it's not even worth taking a picture of because it looked like it just stopped doing anything but it is slowly adding pistils so I'll keep it going to see what happens.. My 2nd outdoor one that REALLY got stomped actually recovered too but it's just a couple stems with some leaves... I think the problem is that once all the trees started getting leaves on them it blocked a lot of the sun I was expecting to have.. I probably only get 3 hours of direct day instead of the 8 or so I expected.. silly me not to realize that..

We'll have a full sun update with more coming in June for sure when we put some of the F2s into the outdoor show with great soil and tons of sun.

As for my indoors they are all just rocking along LOADED up with seeds for sure.. I took some snaps of the two phenos.. One is obviously taller, probably in the 13-14" range, and the other is maybe 8".. I realllly like the tall pheno simply because I can see the buds more and they are super sexy, maybe it's a psychological thing. The squat ones are so bushy it's hard to see much until the trim. In my small test sample it seems there's a 50/50 split between the tall and squat phenos.. both are cruising right along and these pics were just taken, so I think we're at like 7 weeks now.. At this point I doubt there will be much more to show because I'm going to trash the buds for the seeds but I'll do some heavy trimming and get some shots before that's done..Giving yields will be pointless since every branch is 100% seeded.

I also kind of wished I put these in bigger pots but since my goal was just seeds I didn't sweat potting them up.. Considering they're only in 3/4 gallon or so containers I'm pretty impressed with what they are doing.. I may do a few indoor too in bigger pots to test out their full potential indoor as well as outdoor this summer because they are SUPER easy to grow so far..

anyway, here's the few pics I took.


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Looking Frosty BotanicalBill..bet they are smelling lush right now..

Speed & Safety with them....:clover:

I know it was my dog.. that or a 70 lb possum


Have a great weekend :joint:
So I got distracted by dealing with a much bigger outdoor grow than I ever imagined so that kind of took priority.. All my seeded plants finished up and I ended up up with about 1000 seeds from 6 different females, pollinated by 3 different males..

Unfortunately out of 400 of those seeds that I've attempted to sprout, exactly 2 of them actually germinated. I tried a handful of methods, from paper towels, to dropping them in a glass of water(the method i've been using for 10 years and what I used for the original seeds that got me almost 100%), and just planting 100 of them in good soil. 1 that sprouted was in the glass of water, was a female and is now out on a farm growing in full sun in a pasture for the next 6 weeks. The other that sprouted was planted in Dixie cups in soil and popped its head out after about 2 weeks of sitting out on my deck. The other 49 cups are still out there (I put 2 seeds in each cup) but I don't have much hope.. I have no idea why these didn't fly.. they're nice and hard, striped, etc.. I've probably made 20,000 seeds in my day and this is the first time I've ever ran into anything like this so I'm not quite sure what to think considering they were all different fems and males.. We wanted to put 100 of these out on that farm so that was kind of a bummer that it's not going to get to happen..

Anyway, I also had those 2 outside that I mentioned I messed up and they werent getting nearly the sunlight I originally expected.. More like 1-2 hours instead of 6 or so I thought.. They actually turned out halfway decent considering the low light conditions.. I imagine I got 1/2 - 3/4 oz. of pretty decently formed buds.. in the correct lighting conditions I figure we'd have gotten 1-2 oz for sure.. The one on the farm is getting 8-10 full so we'll see what these can do in optimum conditions here over the next couple months..

Anyway, I was wondering has anyone else by chance ran into any problems with F2s of these? I don't know if I should run the last 6 seeds I have and try again or just try some different genetics.. We want to do a ton of these next spring so I have a few months to figure it out still..



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