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Songs You Hate......

Chip Rommel

New member
I hate that song "god gave rock and roll to you" by KISS, and i can't stand that "in the army now" tune, i don't care who sings it.

Also, i don't care for Celine Dion and Bryan Adams that much.
Mötley crue sucks, too.

F. Dupp

Active member
Paradise by the Dashboard Light by Meatloaf is by far the most annoying song ever made.

And the video is even worse than the song. The thought of that fat, ugly, talentless bastard "barely dressed" is enough to make me vomit. If that isnt enough, take a look at the Rocky Horror, bad-acid-trip, chickentitted, pants-pulled-up-to-her-ribs lookin bitch thats singing the song with him.

The song tells a big, fat, sweaty, disgusting story of ugly, gap toothed, morbidly obese, unshowered teenagers that can barely fit in a car, much less have sex in one.



Active member
I JUST hates Radio Gaga damn cant take that ..

Yes Vonforne remember that song,but not the artist behind..the have fun we have sun we have seasons in the sun and tra tra laa la laa and so..it was a man and woman 2gether i think.cant remember.Funny enough much of that,we hates they are still playing.
Thanks for the LP,s and CD,s and so..turn of the volume.

UPS answering is in the top..seasons in the sun hmm...thanks.Goodbye my love its time for die-they also are singing-lol.


Paradise by the Dashboard Light by Meatloaf is by far the most annoying song ever made.

And the video is even worse than the song. The thought of that fat, ugly, talentless bastard "barely dressed" is enough to make me vomit. If that isnt enough, take a look at the Rocky Horror, bad-acid-trip, chickentitted, pants-pulled-up-to-her-ribs lookin bitch thats singing the song with him.

The song tells a big, fat, sweaty, disgusting story of ugly, gap toothed, morbidly obese, unshowered teenagers that can barely fit in a car, much less have sex in one.

You ever go to a midnight showin of rockywhoreoar???? Man I thought I had seen some shit partying with Sid and Jack..but damn those where some fucked up movie goers....great thread gotta come back with some K+...


Paradise by the Dashboard Light by Meatloaf is by far the most annoying song ever made.

And the video is even worse than the song. The thought of that fat, ugly, talentless bastard "barely dressed" is enough to make me vomit. If that isnt enough, take a look at the Rocky Horror, bad-acid-trip, chickentitted, pants-pulled-up-to-her-ribs lookin bitch thats singing the song with him.

The song tells a big, fat, sweaty, disgusting story of ugly, gap toothed, morbidly obese, unshowered teenagers that can barely fit in a car, much less have sex in one.



i was never a meatloaf fan ....... thanks for explaining why


Long Black Veil. By anyone. Absolutely one of the stupidest fucking songs ever written. Just stupid. Johnny Cash erred greatly when he recorded this.

F. Dupp

Active member
im pretty sure this is the worst song ive ever heard

Riff Raff - Otis Freestyle


When I saw the Tony Montana video I immediately thought of this-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eW-HweGd0Cc

Some fucking moron repeating someone else's name over and over with some noise in the background. This Riff Raff clown has got to go.

What the fuck has happened to America? I know we have the whole freedom of speech deal and your allowed to dress like an idiot and all that, but Riff Raff?!

If I ever encounter him I will crush his skull with my bare hands.

Red Fang

Active member
Def Leppard Pour some sugar on me... how lame! To think I used to be crazy about that song when it first came out, what was wrong with me? Hell at least I learned!

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