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Something that has been causing major internal conflict...


Active member
sounds like you should join the game.

you got no children, no family, you are only risking yourself, thats how i see it.

im a college grad and i havent been getting any responses from jobs in almost two years. in college i developed a strong circle of patients and that carried over from when i graduated. kids who used to buy 8ths now buy Qp's so that they can sell and make a little money. Way i look at it, im helping other people make money and i make a decent cut on my own. The fact that no taxes are payed and im not contributing to the corrupt ass government is a bonus!



Active member
it is a 1950s sober ass mentality to want to work in a cubicle all Fing day. WHO WANTS THAT?!?!

one cool thing about smokin herb is that it opens up your mind and makes you realize you dont wanna slave away at something you dont like.

as long as you are not selling coke and thizz you arent facing serious time so why not make due while its still in the grey area? i think anyone not growing money on trees right now is missing out!


Active member
I want you to understand if you have bad stress now, it will only get worse with growing....you have to LIE to everyone you know, everyone you care about, and basically everybody you cross paths with. You will always be looking over your shoulder, your social life will disappear, as you can't have guests over, they could find the grow.... SNIP

Many other Equally Valid and Important points Snipped for Brevity

The above is absolutely true. If stress is something you are feeling at a call centre, that stress will seem like BLISS compared to the stress of growing and selling dope for a living.

The vast majority of people don't do it for a living, but as a supplementary income to be able to afford more than the shared apartment you referred to.

I can't really recommend either approach. It's all fun and games until somebody gets busted. That price is not worth it, imo. Your mileage may vary.

What I can recommend is getting a new job and - while you are at it - to stop blaming stress for the ordinary things in life that make it suck.

If you are losing hair in you early 20s - it's genetic, it's not stress. It's probably not something you are likely to be able to change, so deal with that.

If you have an ulcer - 98% chance it's bacteria (antibiotics will fix that right up.) If you are feeling queasy because you HATE your job - get a new one, or, if that is not realistic in this economy, accept that your job sucks and work at become inured to the feelings it produces in you. Turn off your "care about job" switch and emotionally disengage. It's not a long term solution (well - for some people it is) but it works very well as a short-to-medium-term coping mechanism.

If the thrust of your post is that you are unhappy, then do something to change that. At the top of that list of changes that are likely to make things better? I wouldn't start with "commence a commercial grow-op". Instead, I would pencil in: find a good woman (or good man, whatever floats your boat). In either case, great sex is the very best stress relief there is. Finding a very large number of good women? (Or men - hell, both, if you prefer)? That works great too.

Throw in falling in love to boot? Not a requirement, but if you manage that, you won't give two shits about any of the stuff you just wrote about.


I've come to believe some people just have to live with their "shitty" situation, i.e. ME. Not everyone gets to be happy, or have a great job. Look at the billions and billions who lived before US, how many of them lived a crap life and passed on.
I'll be happy when I'm happy, it's not up to you or me.


If you don't take risks in your life, you are denying yourself the essence of life.

I say go for it, but always keep it in the front of your mind the consequences.


Overkill is under-rated.
Agreed with Moldy, I'm moving my grow offsite so I don't have to stress about it being at home.

That said, I can throw you some free advice. I work a regular day job too, and like most I hate my boss, though I love my clients. I have dreamed of quitting and may take the plunge pretty soon, but to be honest it terrifies me. I've ALWAYS had a job, and though I can form my own company and pay taxes, get health insurance and still make it, it's not the same and we all know it.

Growing isn't stressful to me, a sea of plants barely raises an eyebrow anymore. It's the sporadic nature of sales that is VERY stressful. What happens when you can't move any product for weeks, or even a few months of the year? You had better have some SERIOUS cash reserves for rainy days brother.

With a wife and kids relying on me for not just income, but really their LIVES, that will add a serious stress to your life.

Also, money does not buy happiness. I've made shitloads of money and though some would think me rich, there are times when it is VERY difficult and VERY expensive to keep up any lifestyle! If you make 100K a year you have a 100K a year lifestyle to support.

I don't own one, but a Ferrari averages about $2.50 per MILE of maintenance and repairs. A great big house and acreage costs a small fortune to maintain, let alone upgrade!

The only solution I've been able to reason out so far is to grow a ton more than I think I need, but even running a big grow op is a very expensive proposition. I'm hoping that spendthrift living for a year or so will allow me to reinvest heavily into a productive room, and will eventually pay its dividends. But a 3KW grow was too small to buy a house with, and even an 8KW has allowed me little savings.

As I've said before though, I'm not a great grower, I just build great rooms. I could have grown 30-40# this year if I'd kept things simple and not done experiments, but instead I did about 15#. That reduction made me goddamn grateful for my job, without it I surely would have had to sell cars, move, and eat a ton of ramen noodles!



Overkill is under-rated.
Oh was going to add:

Think about what you would do all day if you had millions of dollars. Then do that for a living. Whatever makes you happy should always be your goal, pursue it relentlessly and be a happier person for the effort!


It's been around 20 years since I got out of college. Since then I've worked for wages ranging from $6 / hour to $160 / hour (for a year straight, that was a good year...). Also been unemployed for extended periods, waiting for the Next Big Thing. So, I've been rich and I've been poor. Rich is better, but it sure as f@#% isn't where happiness comes from.

Do what you enjoy, and the rest seems to work itself out. On second thought, scratch that: it only reliably works if you already have money or don't care. Do care about money? then you have to do whatever it takes to get to your goal.

On a practical, financial level, it seems wasteful to have a car requiring a payment. Maybe you don't have car repair skills, but I would dump the car with a payment and buy some $600 beater for a while. Likewise you have to be ruthless in eliminating all fixed monthly expenses. Yes, including the cellphone.

On another practical level, it's foolish to quit a job without another waiting if you're broke. Anyway, it's just a job. You need to find a way to do the job without letting the idiots get you down.

You already know the Answer, so let's just make it happen.

Hope the interview went well, good luck.


I apologize for the long post.

First things first; I wise man once told me that problems only get worse as you get older or your responsibilities increase, remember that.

Finding a job was always easy for me, even during previous recessions, my secret...the yellow pages!
When ever I was laid off or wanted a new job I would sit down with the phone in one hand and the yellow pages in the other. I would turn the yellow book to welding shops and starting with the letter A, I would call every shop in the book until someone finally told me to come in and fill out an application.
Keep in mind; none of the places that hired me using this method had placed ads in the newspaper looking for new hires. I could get a job in any state, any city, anytime by using this method. Believe me, it works!

There’s nothing wrong with wanting more in life. I’m successful (by my measures) and I earned it the hard way. Matter of fact; I started my business when I was unemployment! I sold my truck, dirt bikes and every toy I owned just to have enough money to pay for the contractor’s license and insurance.
My first job was built in my driveway! We would answer the phones and use the mute button acting like we had multiple phone lines just to act like we were established.
You see my friend, when a man wants’ something in life bad enough, he let’s nothing stand in the way of his success.

I’m not going to recommend that you quit your job but you need to consider moving to a new area where jobs are more plentiful.
I moved out to Texas years ago by myself and once I established a job I sent for my wife. That’s one method. Another method is to take everything you have and hit the road. It’s up to you.
Waiting around for a job out of 100 applicants is nonsense. You need to stop doing call center type of work look for a different type of job. Not a job that just anyone can do either. Those are hard to get.
Join a union, learn a trade….. Try real-estate.. Something!

Here is my advice:
If you have kids and a wife that depend on you to live then don’t leave a job without another in hand. Consider having your wife and kids move in with your parents or her folks until you can send for them. Strike out and find yourself. Never look back. This is how most Americans did it 60 years ago.
Back when the dust bowl came about, people left in droves for the west. Families settled along the way. Yours is not a new situation.

If you find yourself without employment, remember: use the yellow page method. Be aggressive!

I wish you all the luck in the world. Remember, life is an adventure! Don’t look for your future, make it.


Go for it. Most people here would never have smoked weed if it weren't for people selling it. There's no moral issue with selling weed, IMO, unless you're selling a shoddy product and you know it. Providing people with quality herb is a job you can be proud of. Just make sure you keep to the rules fastidiously.


Go for it. Most people here would never have smoked weed if it weren't for people selling it. There's no moral issue with selling weed, IMO, unless you're selling a shoddy product and you know it. Providing people with quality herb is a job you can be proud of. Just make sure you keep to the rules fastidiously.

There's no point in doing something that could land him in jail.
It takes big cash to start a commercial growing operation or dispensary.

I would stay the hell away from anything that could potentially land me in prison.
Smoke weed for enjoyment or medicine. When you try to make it your sole source of income is when you get in trouble, and it's no longer enjoyable.

Just my 2cents.


I was in a similar position 5 years ago. Had a decent job, lots of responsibility, wayyy too much stress and was doing the antidepressant drugs with little result. I hated the job, fought for my living and truely dreaded each day getting out of bed. I finally was forced to leave the job and got another making a lot less money. Now life is a lot better and no more medications (cept an occasional smoke).

But you have mentioned something very critical...You are conflicted, very much so it seems. The folks on here telling you to listen to your inner voice, conscience, whatever, are dead on.

Another point, a 2k setup is not going to support you IMO. And there are so many things that can go wrong when trying to grow that it's likely not a reliable income.

Change jobs, grow what you like but dont depend on it, and learn from this trial. Remember we always learn from the hard times far better than during the easy times.

Good Luck


I didn't see what part of the country your in. So I am not sure if a guerrilla grow is even an option. I think going home with the family and going to school so that you are doing something you want to do is probably best. Then again I can hear Bon Scott inside my brain "...take a chance while you still got the choice".
Getting away from a deadend job will help clear your brain.

Rock and Roll Damnation


First off, never approach this as a game.....it is real! I want you to understand if you have bad stress now, it will only get worse with growing....you have to LIE to everyone you know, everyone you care about, and basically everybody you cross paths with. You will always be looking over your shoulder, your social life will disappear, as you can't have guests over, they could find the grow. You will have to work harder then you ever have before in your life....and you have to 100% commit yourself to this life. SO,if you are doing this to minimize the stress in your life....it won't....just imagine a whole tray infested with spider mites, or powdery mildew....or that tea you used burnt everything!!!!!! It is a completely different kind of stress.....BUT........when working with the plants, you lose yourself, and all troubles fade away.......AND.......seeing something start from a cut or seed and turn into some frosty and sticky goodness...WOW...what a feeling of accomplishment and pride. I do not recommend you go into this with a romantic notion of growing...it is hard, time consuming WORK. But if you remain ethical, and you work HARD , the payoff will be incredible...and I am not talking about money. You will learn so much about yourself, what drives you, what throws you off balance......and your people skills will improve, you have to learn to fit in and be almost invisible....hiding in plain sight is the way to go. Best of luck on whatver you decide....and pm me if you need anything.......follow you heart...what you are thinking of doing is illegal, but it is not wrong......peace....O.

I'd move into a one bedroom apartment, it seems that your roommates should under contract to fulfill the lease if it is not finished and if it is move on out! Put in add in the paper for roommates if you are in a lease and really need to fill that time up...but you could take your old friends to court for the rest of the rent...to finish the lease even if they don't live there!

Your talking major cash to fill in those two rooms with weed, I mean it's not cheap to get grow gear....your going to need clones or weed through males, and FEM seeds are prone to risks or just expensive!

I'd move on down to a $400 apartment, but never let them pay for the electric bill so if you do such the juice! Play it smart, get out it will still be easier growing weed because you want to not work! I mean, it is work but it's just sitting around getting stoned and going out seeing people to give them their post work release stress aids!
You get ONE chance at this. The thing that worries me about your situation the most is that I feel you have a sense of urgency. This is the big mistake I made.

I went from a micro grow to trying to convert a house into a marijuana facility. I tried hard and wanted it so bad and was hungry for it, but things go wrong.... Then you feel even more pressure. Then there's the feeling of isolation. ICmag is great, but it's not the same as being able to go home and talk about work or getting feedback from a real person. Like outkast was saying, you have to lie to EVERYONE. And I dont mean just lie, you need to be convincing. Just coming up with lies and keeping track of them was pretty burdensome. As if I wasn't already isolated enough, just that fact that I had to come up with more lies would make me steer clear of talking to people/friends.

You are talking about a 2k grow. Ok. Start there then move forward. RAMP it up. Incremental steps. You can only do so much at once and learn so much at once.

You really have to plan for so much unexpected. You better have your environment on lock down. No inspections. No one from maintenance coming in to replace the air filters. There's ways around all that sure, but you have to be really really patient and know your environment.

We haven't even TOUCHED on the other subject that we are not allowed to talk about. The way you are currently conducting things with that many people, will not work as well when we are talking about higher quantities. Either you will need more people that are interested (increasing your exposure), or you will need to find one or two who likes to shop at Costco/Sams Club and buy in bulk.

Use the ramp, don't use the step ladder to reach your goal.

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