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Sold a couch to someone, now she wants her money back, says she will sue...?


i would apologize and tell her your pregnant pet rat must have gotten stuck in there, and try to charge her extra for it

Half is funny, but don't apologize for anything. Thats like apologizing after a traffic accident. Thats a admission of guilt/wrong doing.


If you grow at your house then it might be a good idea to see if she will give you the couch back and you will give her the money... She could try and go to small claims court but you would win... But that's not to stop her from making trouble for you.. Maybe her breaking into your house or breaking a window when your not home... Then if somebody witneses that and calls the police and they smell weed or some crazy shit you can get popped... It's far fetched I know but.... I've seen way more crazy shit get some good people pinched.... If your not a grower then fuck her. Call her and mess with her. Tell her if she gives you another $50 you won't call the police on her for stealing your couch that was for sale haha.. It's your word VS her's right... Same thing in your case your word VS her's plus you have the AD still you put out which clearly states the defects in the couch...


Active member
Damn funny. So tell us the truth is the couch really that nasty? Did she not check it out first? WTH I would not buy any used couch blind if that's the case. Oh yeah just tell her you'll see her in Judge Judy's court so sue away lady...

Thanks for the input everyone.

No, the couch really was in good condition except for the one spot my cat had scratched a bit when she was a kitten. Honestly, it's probably worth more than $100 easy, I just needed to get rid of it because of the amount of space it was taking up.

The lady is nuts, she lives in the "tweaker" part of town. She looked like a tweaker, acted like a tweaker, fuck the apt even smelled like she just got done smoking a fat bowl of shards.

She called again and I told her I'd see her in court. The battle begins!! lol :dueling:


Patient Grower
Make sure to tell her not to look at the surface under a UV light, or she'll really be grossed out about the biological 'samples' she's sitting on.:pointlaug


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
yeah.. you are not a merchant and that is not your specialty business therefore you there is no implicit warrenty or return policy.. tell her to leave you alone


no wuckin furries!
"L-shaped sectional couch".....tell her it shouldnt smell?....cum juice dosnt smell dose it? i used to empty my nutz over one of the sections every night on the head rest part making out i was getting a hot head job..but only on the one chair ! "really lady i dont see the problem?"...
..she'll be wondering which chair and never use it again lol.HH. =]-~

Lord Doobie

AS-IS sale
Pretty good deal at that...Who else would even deliver and set it up for $110 much less include it?
Just forget it...If she persists, tell her she can resell it on Craig's list if she wishes but ALL SALES ARE FINAL


shut the fuck up Donny
man i hope you dont grow at home, you seem way too paranoid to have a garden.

Your first thought should of been "this broke loser was looking for a $100 couch, what are the odds that she can afford to sue me?"

Forget about it, your set, ignore her calls and move on..



Active member
I'd call her back one day when you're in a confrontational mood and toy with her. People are stupid.


Tell her you charge $100 for your time and a 20% re-stocking fee. So for $10 more than she's paid, you'll haul it away. Plus, of course, the $50 truck rental and $30 in gas ...


She's just a crazy bitch who can't sue you for shit.

If she's buying a used couch, I sincerely doubt she has the money to do anything about it anyway. Fuck her, answer her call, and tell her you'd be glad to see her in court about the couch that you know nothing about...:moon:
She cannot sue and if she did take you to small claims she has not a foot to stand on. What an idiot. Block her calls. Do not call her so she cannot say you threatened her. Keep any voice mail she left for awhile so you can show she is harrassing you just in case you need to.


as everyone has said, the law is on YOUR side. Tell her you'll sue her for harassment if she calls you again. YOu could even have your local Police call her and tell her that, but they'll probably be pissed that you involved them over such a petty issue, but if she call you again after that she will literally be arrested.

It almost seems as if you have a duty to society to put this bitch in her place. If she gets away with it, she'll just go on to do it to someone else again later. These types of people suck, but i'm sure it evens out through karma.

BAD advice!! The police do NOT call people on behalf of complainers and tell them the law. Impossible. No one can get arrested for merely calling someone. It has to be abusive and in violation of an order to stop calling.You have NO legal background and shuld not be telling people things that are silly. read a few law books next time and remember that only an ATTORNEY has the ability to give legal advice reliably.

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