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Sold a couch to someone, now she wants her money back, says she will sue...?


Active member
Alright, here it goes...

I had this old couch that I placed an ad for in the local newspaper.
Listed it as "L-shaped sectional couch" and also "Fair condition, recliners on both sides, $100 o.b.o"

The lady who called about it is nuts, she dicked me around for over a week saying that she wants it today, then today would turn into tommorow, and so on. Finally, after about a week she has the money and offers $100 plus $10 to deliver it to her house.

A buddy and myself load it up, drive it way across town and move it into her apartment for her. She looks the couch over, sits on it, etc, and says she'll take it. She pays us $110 and everything is fine and dandy.

Last night (4 days after we had sold and delivered the couch to her) she leaves a message on my phone saying "Hi this is --- calling for ---, you sold me the couch remember? I want my fucking money back for this thing. It is NOT what you advertised, it stinks, it's rotten, it's in horrible condition!! I can sue your ass over this shit, you better call me back!!".

I haven't called her back or anything, all she knows is my first name and my cell phone number. No idea where I live, etc, etc... Now, this couch was in good condition except for one spot where the cat had scratched it up. I listed it exactly as what it was. She looked the couch over when we took it to her house, sat on it, and said she'll take it...

Can she really do anything about this? It's pissed me off more than anything because of the fact I held this couch for her for over a week until she could get the money for it and I had to take time off work to deliver it at her convenience. What can she do??


ICMag Donor
she cant do anything..she bought it as is and thats that...just ignore her,she'll go away.
its 100 bucks, she cant do too much for that lil bit of money? altho Ive seen less on those court shows they have on TV everyday....as least she doesnt know where you live! good luck!!
sounds like she got a great deal to me!


Don't bother calling her back, an as is sale is over and done with, unless you gave her a written guarentee. If you should happen to talk to her just say that it was an as is sale and you can't take it back. Suggest to her to sell it if she doesn't like it.
LOL ....

No, she can't do a damn thing. It's a used product sold as-is thru a fucking newspaper ad. There is no reason to dodge her calls, call her back and tell the crazy bitch to go fuck herself. Be sure to laugh at her too, loudly.


as everyone has said, the law is on YOUR side. Tell her you'll sue her for harassment if she calls you again. YOu could even have your local Police call her and tell her that, but they'll probably be pissed that you involved them over such a petty issue, but if she call you again after that she will literally be arrested.

It almost seems as if you have a duty to society to put this bitch in her place. If she gets away with it, she'll just go on to do it to someone else again later. These types of people suck, but i'm sure it evens out through karma.


Active member
Tell her you will see her in court.

You can sue for just about anything, doesn't mean your going to win.
If she wants to lose as much money as she paid for the couch in filing fees and lost time at work, fine, get high as hell and go to court and have fun, she will get laughed out, but it will never get that far, she's just making noise, ignore her like others said.


Once she said she'd "take it" she entered into a legally binding contract to pay you $110 for the couch. She had the opportunity to look at the couch and accepted it. She has no legal right to do anything to you.


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Not to mention... ask any coin/card/stamp collector what 'Fair' condition is. It's the first step up from 'Poor.' I think that even if her complaints have merit, you still described the condition quite accurately. She's got no leg to stand on. (And yeah, everyone else is right. She has no recourse. Enjoy your $110!)



natural medicator
Once she said she'd "take it" she entered into a legally binding contract to pay you $110 for the couch. She had the opportunity to look at the couch and accepted it. She has no legal right to do anything to you.


there was offer and acceptance.

the most she can do is try to take you to civil court, but they might not even want to hear her case.
Dont even call her back, she looked at it, she could of done anything to it in the 4 days.

Move on forget about this, Words can be your enemy if you answer a call and say the wrong thing.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Tell her you charge $100 for your time and a 20% re-stocking fee. So for $10 more than she's paid, you'll haul it away. Plus, of course, the $50 truck rental and $30 in gas ...


i would apologize and tell her your pregnant pet rat must have gotten stuck in there, and try to charge her extra for it


Active member
Call her back and tell her "it smells cause your roomate overdosed while sitting on it and he shit and pissed himself when he died"
Damn funny. So tell us the truth is the couch really that nasty? Did she not check it out first? WTH I would not buy any used couch blind if that's the case. Oh yeah just tell her you'll see her in Judge Judy's court so sue away lady...

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
I thought i was going to read "I sold my couch and my stash was in it,,,LOL
Yep is her 's now "AS IS" Tell her why else do you think we called it the "Barf Couch"


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