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Soil-less Organics with Professor Matt Rize

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Active member
This thread is about soil-less organics, and NOWHERE here have I gone into plant based nutrition. Jaykush is all over some outdoor plant based nutrition, my point being this is a common and increasing trend for Cannabis hort. I have not brought up the vegan organics thing, except for that pict. These guys are still fixated on a thread from weeks ago, and hating because my niche is working so well for me.

I have replace the word "vegan" with "plant-based" in my current lessons, as it is more accurate and less strict. Fermented plant extracts rule and I will be on the radio soon to talk about that! I'll post that link when it is available.

But this whole "how many generations of vegan" does matter to real vegans, of which I am NOT one. I make pancetta at home and other meaty yum-things like that.

Vegan soil is funny concept. BUT a soil amended with plant products is not. This thread is about soil-less indoor hort, without slow release amendments, as that horse has been beat to death already. Using very little animal sourced nutrient is my personal goal, and has NOTHING to do with this thread.

Using plant products in liquid form (ie molasses) or powder form (seaweed) is a great way to feed the microbes. Both plant based (vegan) food sources.

I got about 30 minutes of entertainment from your last thread (the one that was locked), but this is actually quite boring.

You use a lot of words in your posts but you never really say anything. Nothing at all really.

You are just another flavor of yummybud, and it's painfully obvious that your knowledge (as pointed out previously) is nothing more then cut & paste.

So WTF is the point this time.

Ask a question, share some knowledge or fuck off already. This mental masturbation of yours is getting old.

Matt Rize

Okay, let's talk about it. Very good post by MM

Okay, let's talk about it. Very good post by MM

On another subject, regarding the amount of 'added' nutrients required by plants in comparison to microbial nutrients existent in healthy soil, I'd like to remind folks to consider a forest and the amount of bulk (mass) added to it each growing season compared to the miniscule amount of organic matter added each season by falling leaves and wood. This can only occurr through the efficient use of energy delivered by soil microorganisms, the sun and rain.

This mass put on by a forest dwarfs that put on by countless corn and wheat fields. Horticultural scientists should be researching this aspect as a means to feed the hungry of the world. Unforunately there is not as much money in it as genetic modification, roundup and packaged fertilizers.

Forests do accumulate immense amounts of biomass, without any added bottled nutrients. :) The interactions that occur in the wild are incredibly complex and often impossible to replicate in the fields, or even harder in container gardens. This is why we don't grow great truffles. They just grow by themselves with tree roots (and so much more life) that we don't really understand completely.

And agreed: eff round up, eff monsanto, eff terminator genes, eff most* packaged ferts, eff big ag, ect ect. Thanks for the great post.

With that said I would like to remind everyone that this thread is officially about soil-less organics, mostly indoor, in root-bound pots.

Matt Rize

Questions have been asked, knowledge has been shared...

Questions have been asked, knowledge has been shared...

... but this is actually quite boring.
So sorry to not be entertaining... really? :bump:

Ask a question, share some knowledge or fuck off already.

The admin has asked for no cursing/insults please...

Question have been asked, and answered, by myself and others. Knowledge has been shared. A sticky has been created to acknowledge my whole main point that many of us are growing in a soil-less organic media, yet calling it soil or something else that is just as inaccurate.

Don't throw a fit because your first post is gone. Please contribute or relax.



Active member
Please contribute or relax.


contribute to what? Everything here is copied from somewhere else. There is no original thought, idea or concept. I see you agree that EWC is good. Molasses is good. Too much water is bad. Kelp is good. I'm glad I got all that.

You sure this isn't an advanced class?

I see in your first post you ask eight questions and then go on rambling without answering any of your own questions.

So what is it you are trying teach us here teach?


Yankee Grower

Which starts with microbial action and so before MM or CT get going what can you tell us about that whether soilless or soil?

Regarding my assumption(s)...I guess I was wrong which makes me wrong.


New member
I've really been enjoying my soilless organic mix and I was looking forward to plowing through this thread... and then it was terrible :p

So, to make this thread not quite so useless does anyone have any soilless organic material that they'd like to point me to for me to waste the remainder of my evening?

Matt Rize

Waiting for the disrespect to cease so I can continue

Waiting for the disrespect to cease so I can continue

contribute to what? Everything here is copied from somewhere else.
That is simply false.

I see in your first post you ask eight questions and then go on rambling without answering any of your own questions.
I got to number three, and am waiting for the disrespectful disruptions to cease so I may continue. So quiet down back there. AHEM.

Which starts with microbial action and so before MM or CT get going what can you tell us about that whether soilless or soil?

Just waiting for the peanut gallery to quiet down. These are not new ideas or anything, and many of you are capable of answering these questions better than myself.

I've really been enjoying my soilless organic mix and I was looking forward to plowing through this thread... and then it was terrible :p

So, to make this thread not quite so useless does anyone have any soilless organic material that they'd like to point me to for me to waste the remainder of my evening?

Sorry brah, it's only been a day or two on this site. If you look around you will find more. Soon come rasta
Here goes some Bubba Kush Bubble Hash:

Here is some Romulan:

Cool Moe

Active member
I just read through this entire thread and the Professor has indeed taught me a valuable lesson--never spend another second reading the inane postings of Matt Rize. Honestly no disrespect intended but this is simply to absolute worst thread I have ever perused on the IC.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I've really been enjoying my soilless organic mix and I was looking forward to plowing through this thread... and then it was terrible :p

So, to make this thread not quite so useless does anyone have any soilless organic material that they'd like to point me to for me to waste the remainder of my evening?

Here you go buddy. Lots of good info compiled by my littlebig brother 2nd try AKA Spurr. Keep reading there is good info about soil-less mixes and the importance of correct porosity for efficient microbial nutrient cycling.



Here you go buddy. Lots of good info compiled by my littlebig brother 2nd try AKA Spurr. Keep reading there is good info about soil-less mixes and the importance of correct porosity for efficient microbial nutrient cycling.


Thanks so much for posting this link! I got so much from it and couldn't remember where the info was - I though it was buried in the stickies somewhere.


Oh yeah - let's talk about bio char and rice hulls as media ingredients. Not enough talking about biochar!

Yes! I've been using "horticultural charcoal" in soil mixes for drainage for a decade without realising the greater benefits. Last weekend I made my first batch solely out of bamboo as we have a lot on the property and I harvest it to make simple structures around the garden.
All the thin ends and side shoots usually go to waste, but they're perfect for making biochar.
I'm definitely a convert on that one, thanks ICMag Organics forum! :dance013:


Weird my initial post got deleted..looks like the professor figured out how to post big pics.

where can someone find parboiled rice hulls?


This is a little confusing from what I read on the first post. I look at it as a "medium", and there are many forms of it. Basically in my opinion if you use anything besides a bare root to water its a medium.. Heck I would even consider dwc or rdwc a form of medium with the water thats there constantly. Now the flood and drain style rdwc is not in this category. Roots have a variable water retention level.


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
Hey! How about I make this thread a stickie!!

Nooooo!!! :moon:


Good to see the Organic Soil forum started by Lavender Cowboy is well Moderated and doing great.
Carry on you awesome guys.



**AWD** Aficianado
Hey B1, glad to be back.

It seems more things change the more they stay the same.
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