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So...what's up today?


Active member
St. Phatty, the 'Miner' thing is a reference to a Phish song called "Harry Hood". It should be 'Mr.Minor' but I spelled it incorrectly. Great tune, though.

Today was good. I got to take a half day. Got some leaves and stuff done around the house. Took all my change that I've collected for a few years to the bank, too. Looking forward to seeing the total.


Well-known member

Decoration Day Photos

The manger set up (Traditional)



The manger set up (Universal)



Merry Solstice!


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Well-known member
Gonna get ready for a couple days of rain and possibly snow, we need the water but the older I get the less I like the cold.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Morning all. Yep Ester, I can't take the cold or the heat like I used to....speaking of cold the wind is cooking this morning. 25f but with the wind I ain't going out there. Will be down in the garden a lot today anyway.

Have a good one all.

St. Phatty

Active member
Decoration Day Photos

The manger set up (Traditional)

Merry Solstice!

What if Mary & Joseph want some pot after her giving birth & all ?

Couldn't you have at least one bud in there ? :woohoo:

Speaking of Solstice, we lose the sun about 6 weeks a year, where I live.

It's like living in Alaska.

The birds start lining up to come indoors at 2 PM - because they think it's sunset.


Well-known member
What if Mary & Joseph want some pot after her giving birth & all ?

Couldn't you have at least one bud in there ? :woohoo:
There are 3 Guys coming from the East and they got fire with them. You're right though. I need to throw a bud or two to Joe to hold him until the Guys arrive.

Six weeks of no sun would have me in a grey quivering heap.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Damn Phatty....no sun for six weeks!!!! That is the thing I like least about winter....dark so much plus when the sun is up it is always in your face....

Up and at it early today....lots going on. Gonna go and look into the possibility of joining a private fishing club. Will be looking at some of the leases in the next couple of days. Not cheap to join these clubs so the fishing and quality of the water has to be good and not to far away.

Off to the rodeo.....

St. Phatty

Active member
Damn Phatty....no sun for six weeks!!!! That is the thing I like least about winter....dark so much plus when the sun is up it is always in your face....

It makes it easier to find the cat when I let him outside, during the few hours of sun on the North side of the property, which gets sun from the South, coming over a ridge that causes the loss of direct sunlight.

Cause the cat - like the birds - is usually over in the sunny area, while there is sun.

Glad Lettuce can survive freezing conditions and no sun.

In earlier years I was more "Navy Seal", would hike up the hill in the rain and shoot Biathlon (3 shots max), then walk down. All that walking would help keep me warm & functional during the 2 months around Dec. 21.

I mostly only get sun when it's above 24 degrees in the sky. That's why I was so obsessed that *.mil website that tells you Sun Altitude (angle) for every 10 minutes of the day.

Now I get in the car and go to Walmart. :woohoo:


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Afternoon. Back from a quick trip to the cabin in the mountains. Cold up there. Twelve below 0 the first night there.

Went up to check on some local fishing leases locally. Good thing I did as the one that looked the most interesting turned out to be a turd. Amazing how a website can be so deceiving. Search is back on. The fishing has gone to hell on public lands up there. Overuse and warming water temps have ruined most of the local spots. Best fishing is now on private property. Gonna have to break down and play the "Pay to Play" game....

Got to get unpacked....later


Well-known member
Went for my Thursday foot massage yesterday and my friend that does it got a DUI I have told her not to drink and drive, she totaled her car, spent the night in jail and the money is already flowing out to lawyers, now the fines begin, classes it's a nightmare in Cali. She has neuropathy as well and is on more drugs than I am for it, if they would have done a blood test she would really be in trouble. I'm going over today to see if I can help with her car, but I think it's done, she hit a fence with a couple large 8" round posts, the fence has been hit before and the owner put them in to do damage if you hit them. Don't Drink and Drive, it's not worth it.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I used to always make a drink any time I went anywhere. Didn't think a thing about driving with a drink in my hand. Don't do that any more. Don't get me wrong I still will have a couple and drive but no open containers in the car anymore. I will toke and drive though.

After being up in the mountains the last couple of days there is plenty to do in the garden. Will be working down the most of the morning. Lights come on in 12 minutes....off I go...

Have a great day all. I will be in and out all day....


Hmmm ... very little drinking here. The next morning's not worth it.

I 'm sitting here just about to shut down the laptop. I 'm wondering what's first to do outside. There is a need to give the plants some NPK so I 'll be wandering about the bush shortly.

The main question at the moment is what will the weather do today? There's a Cyclone degenerating out to sea but it's moving closer as it loses energy and may bring heavy rain. That will make a change as here in Eastern Oz there has not been much rain at all.

The Box trees are flowering, as are the Messmates. There will be creamy blossoms fallen on the ground as I carry my watering can thru the Forest. The birds will sing.

It will be nice!


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Evening. Lots done today. Flushed a couple and two more in 3 days. All starts are in the veg tent and showing vertical growth.

Electricity bill is out of sight with all the lights burning, furnace running and so on with the coming of the season. Deal with it.....

Smoking some Lemon Betty and it goes down smooth. Nice head rush.

Sounds like you had a nice peaceful day as well Teddy. I can tell....you ain't from around these parts. You were just getting the day started when it the sun was almost ready to go to bed here.

Sorry to hear about the DUI Ester. My daughter got one a few years back and $10,000 later it was over as long as it didn't happen again. I still do it but have slowed down on drinking and driving....ok to smoke pot tho....isn't it....

Settling in for the night.


Active member
Nice cold, clear day here. Headed out for my weekend coffee/egg sandwich/newspaper routine which I love so much. Then it's oil change time and then following the muse. Hope everyone has a nice weekend on tap.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Hi Mr. Miner how have you been?

It is 15 degrees and snowing here. Having coffee and a bowl then out to plow the driveway.

I found some PM in my grow room so I need spray with baking soda and totally reconstruct my room. Get some heat in there and get things off the floor, seal the room up better. That's my project for the day. I can think of worse projects to have.

Tonight I'm going to go through my seeds and pop a bunch. Guy offered me some clones, as I'm in desperate need, for free if I drove to him and picked them up. Well I made the drive and the guy says he needs a 1000$ for them. I laughed and walked out. Did he think I carry a g-wizz with me at all times? I don't even have a 1000 to my name. What a waste of time. That's my luck lately, people offer to send cuts or give me some and then it never happens. I need something to run before spring to get startup loot for the farm.

So hopefully I can find something to run in these seeds. Going to be cutting it close time wise.

OMFG my dog drank my coffee while I was out having a smoke. Little joker. He loves to tounge punch my coffee or beer whenever he can sneak his beak in there. Stand by for jacked up doggy. Ah man..

Anyway I hope you all are well wherever you may be and have a great day!!


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Morning. Happy Shatterday.

@ Miner....sounds like a plan my friend. At least half of your day is already accounted for.

@ Lester. If you are close or ever out my way I always have some cuts available. I end up culling them. Might as well put them to good use and the price is right....free.
Also I think you can totally prevent PM. I use OG Bio War every two weeks and don't even think about PM. I brew it as a tea for 4 to 6 hrs and drench it on the plants.

I need to wash my truck today. It is filthy after a trip to the mountains. 28f right now....will wait till the heat of the day. Hose is frozen solid right now anyway.

As far as gardening goes today......I should probably prune some. Will be getting ready to harvest and move the next round into flower in the coming days. I have 5 almost ready to come out and 5 ready to replace them.....I see lots of trimming coming....

I need to start moving but the coffee has my ass glued to the chair.....


Active member
Morning, everyone. Doing good here, thanks, Lester. Good to see you here for sure. And thanks, Putembk, it was a nice day for sure. Saturday's are really something special. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Headed out to the gym in a few. Then it's coffee and probably coming back home to pick up my dog for a hike. I love walking in the woods this time of year. You can see far through the trees due to them losing their leaves. It's a different perspective altogether and I love it.

Trying to stay right here in the moment. My imagination has a tendency to go right to 'Monday' but meanwhile it's Sunday, glorious Sunday and there's a wide-open day in front of me.

Fuck Monday.
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St. Phatty

Active member
My wrestling session with a 20x200 piece of 6 mil clear film yesterday left me more tired than I had anticipated.

I cut 3 pieces, 10x20, 10x20, & 15x20, to lay out, for rainwater collection for fire-fighting.

Anyway, I don't have the energy you need to do that kind of work.

So I might stay on the level area around my house and cut more pieces of plastic.

Of course there's no rule that says I can't use some of that fire-fighting water for a few plants :woohoo:

Actually there probably is a rule, but I'm discreet :tiphat:

And since I was feeling the gravity more intensely today, I did another level area project, cleaned out my 20" 308 and changed the bolt. It choked on a few rounds that passed a head-space gauge. I was using a bolt from another manufacturer.

Hopefully I will re-gain the energy to work on the sloping area (hillside) projects.

I find that's part of getting older, I sort of classify Home-Fixing projects according to whether they are Level Area, or Sloping Area.

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