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So Long ICMAG...


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
Keep us posted with whats going on!

Look on/call NORML and MPP and find an attorney or a handful.

If you have any stuff they might of forgot, get rid of it.


That is really hellish news - I am so sorry for your pain.

Be strong, get a good lawyer, and keep your chin up.

Hang in there - they can only take your freedom, not your humanity...


Eugene Oregon
These kind of charges were put on a friend of mine, he is dealing with the same thing and is facing 20 years, all I can say is get a good lawyer and are you in a medical state?

I hope the best for you, I am sure your a good dude! :ying:


Active member
20 years?!?!?! no way!! for growing! man i pray for the day our country ends its repressive war.

good luck, stay strong, and deny everything!


cant stop wont stop
once again i just wanna say thanks for the well wishes and support.

one thing i will mention is that i was ready to harvest.. just another kick in the balls to this whole mess.

ohh and btw - not a med state but there are some states with harsher laws than mine


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Keep us posted with whats going on!

Look on/call NORML and MPP and find an attorney or a handful.

If you have any stuff they might of forgot, get rid of it.
great advice.......

SR, I'm blown away bro, like dealing w/a death in the family
I find myself wondering what to say to ease the pain, issues
like this hurt us all, it's a war against citizens not drugs.




Ya got dealt a bad hand. Get the best lawyer you can possibly get, borrow money if you can to get a better shark. There are tricks written into the rules, the better the lawyer the more tricks he/she knows.

If you end up serving some time, remember, the one thing you will always have control over is your attitude. Don't let yourself get the negatives, even though you most certainly would have the right to. The negatives will not help you at all.

I think the law frequently tries to scare the shit out of innocent pot heads to get them to cough up names...that happened to a friend of mine, they were saying the worst shit imaginable. He ended up not doing any time at all. So it might not be as bad as it seems right now.

You'll get through this. We'll see you sometime soon in the future, in the meantime, be smart, and try to stay positive.


I get the feeling you have kids. Do every thing in your power to stop the state from taking them. I don't want to alarm you but they will try if you have them. nothing matters except them.

Do every thing you can to keep them out of the states hands. Get a family shark before a drug shark. send them to your parents or siblings house. DON"T LET THE STATE HAVE THEM!


cant stop wont stop
botanist - i appreciate your concern, but i have no children. thankfully cuz that would be no life for for a kid - having their father thrown in the pen and then going into the hands of the state.
although i am worried about my 9 month old pup, i know plenty of people who'll take good care of her but it still eats me up inside.

its just a weird feeling i have that not even booze is helping (and as for weed well you know where that all went)
those three days in jail before my bond was set was the longest and scariest days of my life. everyday i woke up and it hit my like a train again. THIS IS NOT A DREAM.

you all a like fam to me - we share a common bond. keep winning the war!! sure theres a few casualties but in the long run i suppose we will over come.



thank you for fighting the good fight, you're loss will not be forgotten soldier.

because in reality that is all we are. Soldiers on THIS side of the war...We fight for what we believe it, sacraficing our lives for our freedom.

Much respect to you steppin... I've been in your shoes...before.... facing 20+ years is tuff.... Been there bro, know what you're going through. much love.


Dude, wow.... that BLOWS.
Good luck and stay positive! Don't go down without a fight! I hope you don't have to serve any time at all!


Active member
Very sad and disheartened to read this. It's just not right. I've been dealing with depression for years now and I'm never happier and enjoy being around people more than if I just have a little bit of herb in me. We're so backward, so "afraid" of a little herb. Too bad. Really sorry this happened to you steppin and I hope something good happens for you. Hang in there.


Brother, calm down. Youll be ok :)
I too have been raided, and its horrable. The guns, the shock, the fuzzy feeling in your stomach, the moment you wake up and realize that it wasnt a dream. I dont know you, but I can totally relate, and I empathize.
You have to hire a Lawyer. There are a couple in Hightimes that are pretty good, not to mention the directory.
Then get your story straight.
If it was a resonable size op, you can always throw the personal use card which will save you from intent to distribute.
Even asking a local college law perfessor to be a co-counsel can be a good thing.
To be honest tho, as long as you didnt fuck with the electricity or have guns on the property, you should be cool.
If you have never been in trouble, you have pretty good odds at coming off light.
I ended up paying 500 bones and logging 40hrs of community service.
But dont get to stressed over this, it WILL end and all will be resolved, and you will have a great chance to rectify who you are as an individual.
Relax, Be Smart, and Study your shit on your state laws pertaining to marijuana and manufactoring.
Youll be ok brother. :)


Chat Mod
steppin, my deepest sympathy i have been where you are, spent along weekend in lock up waiting for my bond hearing when i got busted. I truly hope that somehow they screwed up and you walk. good luck and try to keep your head up, i know much easier said than done.

peace -fb


thank you for fighting the good fight, you're loss will not be forgotten soldier.

because in reality that is all we are. Soldiers on THIS side of the war...We fight for what we believe it, sacraficing our lives for our freedom.

Much respect to you steppin... I've been in your shoes...before.... facing 20+ years is tuff.... Been there bro, know what you're going through. much love.

We mutually pledge our Life, Liberty, and sacred honer.


Cannabrex Formulator
Jebus...another good one taken by the evil ones.

Stay strong, razor......and the I wish you all the best in the times to come.