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so apparently electric companies DO snitch on high power users on their own


The only thing I disagree with is the last sentence. If you are not in a med state, gtfo and go to one.

Absolutely correct, Ambition. :)
The only thing I disagree with is the last sentence. If you are not in a med state, gtfo and go to one.

Absolutely correct, Ambition. :)
yall do that and make us with nuts some major kiesh. stealing power is a no no if ur scary run a tent 24 and have a dark room.(personal).bigger ops well u know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:tiphat:yall do that and make us with nuts some major kiesh. stealing power is a no no if ur scary run a tent 24 and have a dark room.(personal).bigger ops well u know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now what would you do if all your customers moved to MMJ friendly States? It's not as if you would find much of a market importing into a MMJ State, eh? :)
Now what would you do if all your customers moved to MMJ friendly States? It's not as if you would find much of a market importing into a MMJ State, eh? :)
well how about when the U.S. becomes a med STATE.but that wont happen any time soon because that will be political gamble most wont be up for.so befor icmag and all canna info is member only(paid$$$$maby$$$$$)lets get all this info out for the greater good!this thread should be aimed at a smaller demographic.all should be good as long as you got all other fators covered.hows joehoe gonna unplug from the grid?:tiphat:


My wife is gonna make out big this summer. To offset my room upgrade she gonna get a new fridge, washer, and dryer all high efficiency. All of our appliances are pretty old and the efficiency upgrade will eventually pay for a good chunk of the cost.

I am not sure how many companies have people who narc on there customers but I will say I always look at my bill and see where I rate in my area.


Well-known member
his bill was only 400 a month. two normal people that don't even grow can have a bill 250+ easily in a 3 bedroom. $400 isn't shit theres much more to this story than we are told.

Maybe it was spring or summer when less electrical is used in this state anyways. I am from the Midwest my bill rarely goes above $90.00/mth (no indoor grow) but rates vary and I don’t like AC rarely use it.

$400.00 seams big to me but enough to call you a drug dealer?? that seams like slippery slope to me. Could be a million other legal things right?


Well-known member
Look it wont be long until utility companies update their business software (multi-million dollar adventure and yes adventure is the right word can anyone say SAP) and they wont need people to look for what I call "Sesame Street" calculation. "One of these things doesn't belong here."

You know what updated software could allow these guys to do and all in the name of "saving energy".

Energy Company: Hello Mr. Rope J Smoker we were looking for ways to cut down on peak consumption for you and noticed your bill is consistently $100.00 more than your neighbors"

Mr RJ Smoker: Well sure my wife has a very extreemly large vibrator would you like to see it?

Its coming nothing can stop it!! I can call my utility company right this very minute and pick an address out the phone book. I tell them, "I am thinking about buying this house" and they will give me average use, highest and lowest month. I dont need shit to get this info.


People in these states need to set up large indoor grows only grow herbs or orchids, something legal. Then make an anonymous phone call and wait for the cops to come. Then sue the shit out of the cops and power co. If I was an unemployed or underemployed attorney looking for business i'd do it in a hot second. Hopefully the cops lie about things to get the warrant.


New member
It really matters where you live. Some electric co's are state owned and can share info with other state entities without your knowledge. PGE doesn't seem to care how big your bill is, they don't give you up unless they are asked about about a specific customer.


what if i have a hot tub i run 24/7 plus a kiln for my pottery i use about 12 hours a days
damm a few hundred just ain't shit and i wish i had a $400 bill my bill runs about $650 to $800 per month about $200 MORE THAn w/o grow but thats just a guess. How in the hell do do they know wether its just a poewer freak. I guess $400 in a one bedroom apt might but jeez. Gotta coincide with a snitch/ neighbor or something. But many in my area average only half what i average but hell maybe im just a fat slob power waster. I see them all the time. Maybe i wear a coat in the summer with the ac set on 55.


stone fool
Nothing new here, utilities have had these programs for years. I agree this is a real scary area, we should all watch our backs, but they ain't farming the poco for us yet.


....How in the hell do do they know wether its just a poewer freak...
They spy on you, they see what websites you go to, they might receive your text messages and who knows what else, they collect much data barely legally, than they use something like your high electricity bill to go after you on.

And somehow they live with themselves.... oh right, all the lies


They spy on you, they see what websites you go to, they might receive your text messages and who knows what else, they collect much data barely legally, than they use something like your high electricity bill to go after you on.

And somehow they live with themselves.... oh right, all the lies

I would worry more about rippers with these tactics then cops. With the right know how and some equipment all of that can be done by anybody. Cops usually wouldn't waste time on stuff like that because its alot easier to pull trash or get a CI to admit stuff.


yawn..who cares? Here in Santa Cruz, CA, PGE actually has a question for new hook-ups "are you growing medicinal marijuana" on your application, and my friend at PG&E say they could care less how much power you use it's more money for them.....NOW.....if you STEAL power or cut into another power line to circumvent paying....ALL bet's are off.