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so apparently electric companies DO snitch on high power users on their own


Active member
What about calling the power company and telling them you are setting up a very large saltwater tank and were wondering if there would be any concerns with using HID lights to grow your corals, and if there was anything that should be brought to your attention such as different charges at different hours, and anything about peak/offpeak hours.

Think this would maybe allow you to get passed a future red flag? I know my fish tanks take a lot more power than a 1k HPS setup.
What about calling the power company and telling them you are setting up a very large saltwater tank and were wondering if there would be any concerns with using HID lights to grow your corals, and if there was anything that should be brought to your attention such as different charges at different hours, and anything about peak/offpeak hours.

Think this would maybe allow you to get passed a future red flag? I know my fish tanks take a lot more power than a 1k HPS setup.


It's a corporation with a corporate policy, lots of people, and lots of computers. Boring one customer service rep with your story of fish tanks will accomplish nothing. It's not like they would listen to you and then mark your account with "note: this guy is legit. Do not flag for marijuana growing operations as per company policy should his usage be high. He grows cool fish, he told me. It's fine."


Haha yah for real. I wonder how much a corrupt PGE employee could command. Helping big commercial guys get free power hookups, hell you could give rippers lists of properties that are obviously growing... Man you could make more than growing doing a side consult business.


Active member
my monthly bill was $550-700. But i was on some kind of payment plan where they spread the money owed over a few months...forgot what they called it. anyway, so im not sure if those numbers are accurate, nevertheless it seemed high and i was concerned for awhile.



It's a corporation with a corporate policy, lots of people, and lots of computers. Boring one customer service rep with your story of fish tanks will accomplish nothing. It's not like they would listen to you and then mark your account with "note: this guy is legit. Do not flag for marijuana growing operations as per company policy should his usage be high. He grows cool fish, he told me. It's fine."
THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :tiphat:



Every timer I've bought (not expensive ones either) can have different on/off times for every day of the week. I jocky the on/off times within +/- 10 minutes of my targeted time. It seems like that would slip by any simple monitoring software looking for a standard 12/12.

I find it hard to imagine someone in a house with less than a few kw would stand out, though.


man this shit has got me trippin...........

i run 3600w+ of high density, plus two 4foot4bulb t5's... and a buncha other shit... heaters and all.... my bill is about 450 a month... pay every month without question...

i swear to god if my door ever gets knocked down out of the blue, i will DIE on the spot...

the ONLY thought that has allowed me to get by mentally is - "ok, so im running all that power... yeah yeah... so what if i am growing some LEGAL plant??" ....you gotta fuck up elsewhere in order for them to knock that door down...
man this shit has got me trippin...........

i run 3600w+ of high density, plus two 4foot4bulb t5's... and a buncha other shit... heaters and all.... my bill is about 450 a month... pay every month without question...

i swear to god if my door ever gets knocked down out of the blue, i will DIE on the spot...

the ONLY thought that has allowed me to get by mentally is - "ok, so im running all that power... yeah yeah... so what if i am growing some LEGAL plant??" ....you gotta fuck up elsewhere in order for them to knock that door down...
Just not the case. Cops have raided Christmas tree growers and families with lots of laundry. Afterwards, they wouldn't even apologize; a big "fuck off and die!" to the citizens from the DEA.

If the electric company decides to snitch on you (something they absolutely do, as proven by this thread and a Google search), game over. They will invent a reason to get a warrant.

The amount of warrants cops have truly wanted to get and have been unable to get in this country? Zero. Don't buy into the TV shows and on-paper nonsense.

They smelled marijuana on your premises...the drug dogs went crazy circling the property... an "anonymous tip" from a "street informant"...couple any of that with an electric bill and you've got a warrant. And none of it needs to necessarily be true.


i remember watching a video on youtube with some poor guy who's house gets raided... he has a wife and kids and a dog in the house also i believe... and the fucking pigs raid the house and end up putting some bullets into the dog and you hear it squeal and the guy who is getting raided starts screaming "you shot my fucking dog!!! what the fuck!!!!!!" ...... OMG i am thinking about that right now and i swear to god if they ever raided my house and shot my dogs and killed them, I would personally see to it that the whole police department is ended one way or another... that is just plain bullshit....




7 SHOTS IN THE POOR DOG.... and the guy had hardly any fucking weed on him... god damn scumbags... mother fuckers.... idk why i even watched this video... these guys are assholes... fucking pigs...


edit: two dogs - pitbull and a corgie... corgie was killed, pit bull lived.... 7 year old kid in the house also.... sad shit.. im surprised this video didn't get natnl attn.


Just not the case. Cops have raided Christmas tree growers and families with lots of laundry. Afterwards, they wouldn't even apologize; a big "fuck off and die!" to the citizens from the DEA.

If the electric company decides to snitch on you (something they absolutely do, as proven by this thread and a Google search), game over. They will invent a reason to get a warrant.

The amount of warrants cops have truly wanted to get and have been unable to get in this country? Zero. Don't buy into the TV shows and on-paper nonsense.

They smelled marijuana on your premises...the drug dogs went crazy circling the property... an "anonymous tip" from a "street informant"...couple any of that with an electric bill and you've got a warrant. And none of it needs to necessarily be true.
This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :tiphat:
I find some comfort in the fact that all these articles are about busts with hundreds of plants.

Did you not read the ones about family doing lots of laundry? Or when the guy who runs the "don't get busted" campaign set up a raid for a christmas tree grow?

Mom got raided for trying to get the "protein stains" out of her sons jeans a few times, and you think you're good to go because you don't have a hundred plants?

Come on. We need to wise up as a community and face the writing on the wall here.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
man this shit has got me trippin...........

i run 3600w+ of high density, plus two 4foot4bulb t5's... and a buncha other shit... heaters and all.... my bill is about 450 a month... pay every month without question...

i swear to god if my door ever gets knocked down out of the blue, i will DIE on the spot...

the ONLY thought that has allowed me to get by mentally is - "ok, so im running all that power... yeah yeah... so what if i am growing some LEGAL plant??" ....you gotta fuck up elsewhere in order for them to knock that door down...

The power company says that the average residence is 95GJ per house hold if you are over that it will send a red flag to the company wondering why lol. Small commercial is 300GJ and larger commercial is 2800 GJ peace out Headband707:)


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
As long as you change up your location every year you have nothing to worry about. fuck run 50kw and just pay the bill i guarantee no problems unless your pole wont handle the wattage


yawn..who cares? Here in Santa Cruz, CA, PGE actually has a question for new hook-ups "are you growing medicinal marijuana" on your application, and my friend at PG&E say they could care less how much power you use it's more money for them.....NOW.....if you STEAL power or cut into another power line to circumvent paying....ALL bet's are off.

damn you're dumb.


RE: GJ == Giggle Jewels, obviously a pot head ...

RE: GJ == Giggle Jewels, obviously a pot head ...

The power company says that the average residence is 95GJ per house hold if you are over that it will send a red flag to the company wondering why lol. Small commercial is 300GJ and larger commercial is 2800 GJ peace out Headband707:)

RE: GJ == Giggle Jewels, obviously a pot head ... :wave:
As long as you change up your location every year you have nothing to worry about. fuck run 50kw and just pay the bill i guarantee no problems unless your pole wont handle the wattage

Do you normally make gaurantees with not only no information to support your claim, but indeed a plethora of information pointing to the contrary, or is this a one-time thing?

I'm sorry to be so harsh, I respect you as a grower. But it's important to not say obviously dumb/incorrect shit about such an important topic. Lives and families are potentially at stake.