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★ Snypette's World ☆ In the life of a female grower

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Active member
Lol, be glad you have a pad that you can get it done outside like normal folk rather than inside a standard size garage already packed with other household goods in a hot FL summer. Not much fun.....probably why im running salts this summer.


Active member
Was going to suggest a cement mixer, and respirator, but I see some of ya beat me to it :good:. Other recommendation I have is to use swimming goggles instead of safety googles. They seal around your eye very well, so no worries about dust and other shit getting in your eye hole :biggrin:.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
FWIW, nutrients need to test clear of things like E. Coli etc in order to make it to market. I'm not saying to rail some bone meal but you also don't need to act like you're dealing with hazardous materials ...


Here's what's left:

I actually did get suction goggles! I got safety glasses this first time around and they didn't work out too well. I don't think I need a respirator, I just happened to have one and after yesterday.. I was coughing up black stuff soooo .. anything is better than that shit. But I am gonna get some white nurse type masks tomorrow and try those out
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damn your putting in work! hell yah... we are in the same stages, hoping to get our soil handled so it can sit and cook for a little while.

handle it. respect. soil work is real fucking work


$$ ALONE $$
Git er done!
Great job guys. You have the makings of a successfull year.
My back hurts just looking at all that.
I was scanning Google Earth yesterday and I could see that pile from space.


$$ ALONE $$
I went the cheaper, lazy route, and am gonna mix new bags of FFOF soil and FF Chunky Perlite into all my old indoor soil,
after I rake the old root systems out.
Then Im mixing that into the amended native soil that has been dug up every year for the last 5 years, and used to grow in. Its rich and dark black. About 5 feet down, there is a natural spring. :biggrin:
Once the main root hits that, its game on! My grow partner said that every year, when his plants hit the spring, they explode like crazy.

Whats funny is..... like Snype, I too have to go big this year. My entire future depends on it despretely.
Big to me is 10 lbs. Thats what I need to sustain my way of life. Which is very simple, fun, relaxing, and adventurous.
We need 20 lbs from this spot to split 50/50, so we each get 10.
I think thats all the trimmins I could handle before going stir crazy. :crazy:


$$ ALONE $$
We are the Champions my friend!
And we'll keep on growing till the end....

Now...how do I get the bronzed Snypette statue of you in that pose?


and 1/4 oz for our kitties!


Sizzor hash, risk, and lord of the rings. word

my favorite white kicks. Got like 5 pairs for $40 a piece and they are still in stores today for $60-$75. love me some bargains on good shit:dance013:


Um. I think it’s 5 am.. and.. I think I went to bed at 8:30 pm last night…. woah man. WOAH. :whee:This hasn’t happened since I was six..

I am so tired and sore from all this labor. me and snype are having meetings to go over the days responsibilities every morning with the team. you see the size of those bags compared to me? I hauled 50% of those bags 3 separate times. Anyone can do this. These past 3 years I have really come to realize the limits I used to place on myself are all in my head. & it is when you subconsciously think to yourself that you can’t do something, that you eliminate any chance you would of had to be able to do that.
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