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Snype's Guide To RDWC - Part 2 - Featuring BYTCH & 4,000 Watts!

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Ya man I've been thinking long and hard on it, but there's no real garden shop around here, most only cater to outdoor with pH on the ferts at 52-48-24 bullshit and for soil all they carry is topsoil and mulch, and I can already see that going wrong really quick lol. I read a guide I believe you posted about RDWC with porous tubing instead of airstones, well I can build a box for my moms in DWC buckets, and in the tent I'm thinking of running some 2 gallon dwc buckets, for my first grow I'm going to have to do it from seed. I want to do soil but I litterally can't find any potting soil around here lol, I have experience with soil medical grows but no hydro. I prefer soil, I like keeping it organic lol. I'd have it shipped to me, but it's way too expensive that way. But I was thinking with the 2gal buckets and some porous tubing I could easily find an aquarium pump with 8 or so outlets, and that way run individual reservoirs for each plants, and buy the end of vegging I should have my grow room built. If I do hydro I'd prefer them with an individual res anyway, had a bad experience with a 8x8x4' soil bed, lol we put 5-6 strains in there from seed not thinking of eating habits, plus in a 7' basement that whole setup was trouble from the start lol, next crop that was in my buddies greenhouse and I was using the old 5 gals and LEDS lol. If I go to the city I plan on grabbing some potting soil but I don't have the time for the next few months between work and house work lol, still gotta paint the trailer when the weather's good. But for now hydro's the only thing available to me unless I start buying again (I'm on the last of last years crop and it ain't really hitting me lol). I probably shouldda explained all that at first lol, and plus with the laws if I get busted with more than 5, it's conspiracy to traffic so I'm worried about that too lol.


New member
Ya I think Herbies is part of seedboutique, (it's advertized on this site so I'm not too sure). I usually stick to certain seedbanks like AMS, RCMC and seedsman, they carry the strains I usually smoke like caramelicious, w.w. xtrm, herri berri, mob, and p.h., but I'm looking for new ones to try lol. I'm thinking of doing some acculpulcan gold, maui waui, and some other sativa's when I get set up. Next year hopefully it'll be legalized here, if so I plan on sectioning off my guest bedroom into 2 grows, one for sativa and one for indica lol.


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Oh shit, I read what you said wrong, I still have to get a light, I'm still saving for one atm so my optons are still open, which would you recomend for that tent, and I took a look on the tape measure, but it's only about 4.5' it could be a bit more or less, but the measurements are 60x6x140cm, so I'm trying to make sure I get a nice setup for now, lol sorry been smoking up and a bit overtired lol, first day off and I gotta prepare my girls outside for an upcomming hurricane, if it hits I'll probably lose those girls, they're still pretty small atm, some re only at 3-6 nodes max, others are still only 2 nodes, hoping I keep 'em lol. Still gotta getnutes for 'em, I'm only using a generic grocery store fertilizer atm, I'm going to have to find a way to keep 'em up, I should have some pegs but I can't rememer where I put 'em, lol.


Active member
Oh shit, I read what you said wrong, I still have to get a light, I'm still saving for one atm so my optons are still open, which would you recomend for that tent, and I took a look on the tape measure, but it's only about 4.5' it could be a bit more or less, but the measurements are 60x6x140cm, so I'm trying to make sure I get a nice setup for now, lol sorry been smoking up and a bit overtired lol, first day off and I gotta prepare my girls outside for an upcomming hurricane, if it hits I'll probably lose those girls, they're still pretty small atm, some re only at 3-6 nodes max, others are still only 2 nodes, hoping I keep 'em lol. Still gotta getnutes for 'em, I'm only using a generic grocery store fertilizer atm, I'm going to have to find a way to keep 'em up, I should have some pegs but I can't rememer where I put 'em, lol.

I gave you the best advise. Do what you feel is right. As far as your light, you want 50 watts per square foot so i'd go with a 250 watt HPS light for that tent.


New member
Aight man, I'll try and get a friend of mine to pick up some soil but I doubt they can atm, and alright, that should be easy enough on my light bill and they're fairly cheap, I'm not going to vent it for the time being, when I get set up I'm going to use it for a bonsai. I did some calling and I found a shop selling some organic nutes, so I'll just brew a tea for soil when I get some. I live out in the sticks and it's a 2hr bike ride one way to work until I can get a new car. I just started working again, so I'm finally ale to set back up, and I may be able to find some potting soil around, just gotta go run around the hardware stores or something, they may have some at canadian tire or home hardware, just gotta look around, I'm gonna check the price of 250's and I'll end up going with a metal halide and hps, just what I'm used to, the site I use carries some universal ballasts. I just got the majority of my gear today, my t5's, rockwool 2 new airstones (my last one's old as hell out of my friends aquarium, so I just grabbed some cheap eco plus large airstones, about 2"w x 4"l each, I got some hydroton and seeds earlier, as soon as I get a new cell I'll post some pics of what I have planned for it. I'm just about ready to set up, as soon as I get the tent I'll put up a diy thread for people doing it, a friend of mine gave me a guide for when I have enough experience to run a more advanced set up in a larger room, when I'm done it should be a ecent little experiment, I may just go to wal-mart and get one of those fabric closets, at least that I could work with some mylar and spray adhesive, if so that should only cost me 75$, I can do that friday, I can buy the mylar off a buddy of mine a few villages over so I may go with a much larger space, the fun part of having options still open, you can always improvise lol.


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Day 9 VEG-B Data:
Date: July 2, 2014
Stage: Day 9 Veg-B
Heights: 14" - 15.5"
Top Off: 6 Gallons top off then Change Out around 24 Gallons
pH pre: 6.0
Added (pH): 40 mL pH down
pH Post 1: 6.3
pH Post 2: 6.1
PPM pre (500 scale): 760
Added (ppm): 140mL Micro / 280mL Bloom / 1 mL Clorox Bleach
PPM Post 1: 630
PPM Post 2: 820
Water Temperature: 76
Air Temperature: 66 - 86F
rH: 40-79%
CO2: None
Pump Cycle: 24/7
Other Information: Changed out nutrient solution.

RDWC ChangeOut Procedure

I change out the nutrient solution about every 10 days. As I stated before, the nutrient solution becomes unbalanced around this time. I could make it to around 2 weeks without the change out but I’m pretty anal about doing things before that time.

When I change out the system, I top up the system up to the original line that I marked in the controller bucket first and take a PPM and pH reading for my data.

After I top off the system with water, I attach my hose to the boiler drain adapter and I dump the system. When the solution stops coming out of the hose, there is still about 6 gallons left in the system that I can’t get out because the water is below the pipes. I could use a shop vac to get more water out but I don’t find it necessary.

Once I get all the water that I can get out with the hose and pump, I add back fresh tap water. Then I add my nutrients, pH down and Clorox Bleach.


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Day 10 VEG-B Data:
Date: July 3, 2014
Stage: Day 10 Veg-B
Heights: n/a
Top Off: n/a
pH pre: 6.2
Added (pH): n/a
pH Post 1: n/a
pH Post 2: n/a
PPM pre (500 scale): 830
Added (ppm): n/a
PPM Post 1: n/a
PPM Post 2: n/a
Water Temperature: 82
Air Temperature: 66 - 82F
rH: 44-77%
CO2: None
Pump Cycle: 24/7
Other Information: Plants look good! Almost time to flower!


Hey Snype! Since I see you use tap water, I have a quick random question. Have you ever experimented with the hardwater version of flora micro? I randomly ran across a container of it today and took a peek. It has 4.0% less calcium than the regular version of micro, it also lacks the Boron that is in regular micro. When I went a little further into my investigation I discovered that about 70ppm of my 170 ppm tap water is Calcium. Overall, it leaves me wondering which version would give me better results. Thank you for your time.


Active member
Hey Snype! Since I see you use tap water, I have a quick random question. Have you ever experimented with the hardwater version of flora micro? I randomly ran across a container of it today and took a peek. It has 4.0% less calcium than the regular version of micro, it also lacks the Boron that is in regular micro. When I went a little further into my investigation I discovered that about 70ppm of my 170 ppm tap water is Calcium. Overall, it leaves me wondering which version would give me better results. Thank you for your time.

I've never used the hard water version but you should test it out and see how it works for you compared to the regular version. I've used the regular version for tap water up to 200 PPM (.5 / 500 / NaCl)


Active member
Had some internet problems over here. The internet has been very spotty so it's hard to get online. Things are going great! I'll take some pics tonight or tomorrow. The room will be going into flowering tomorrow morning! I would normally be going into flowering after 10-12 days of VEG-B but I want to overgrow this crop a little because it's my last indoor crop for market. This is most likely my last indoor crop as I move on to other legal ventures in the industry! I hope that you guys are starting to understand how the data works. If not, I'd be asking some questions if I was in your shoes.

Day 11 VEG-B Data:
Date: July 4, 2014
Stage: Day 11 Veg-B
Heights: n/a
Top Off: 8 Gallons
pH pre: 6.0
Added (pH): 8mL pH down
pH Post 1: 6.3
pH Post 2: 6.1
PPM pre (500 scale): 850
Added (ppm): 30mL Micro / 60mL Bloom
PPM Post 1: 670
PPM Post 2: 810
Water Temperature: 75
Air Temperature: 66 - 82F
rH: 48-83%
CO2: None
Pump Cycle: 24/7
Other Information:

Day 12 VEG-B Data:
Date: July 5, 2014
Stage: Day 12 Veg-B
Heights: 16 - 19.5"
Top Off: 0
pH pre: 6.1
Added (pH): n/a
pH Post 1: n/a
pH Post 2: n/a
PPM pre (500 scale): 790
Added (ppm): n/a
PPM Post 1: n/a
PPM Post 2: n/a
Water Temperature: 73
Air Temperature: 64 - 75F
rH: 51-87%
CO2: None
Pump Cycle: 24/7
Other Information: Normally I would flower the following morning but I’m going 1 more day to overgrow this crop in hopes of more yield on this final crop here!


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got any pics?

I'm taking and uploading the pics now. Today is the last day of VEG. Here's one pic for now:


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Oh yeah, this is so people can see that this is a current grow and not a part of history (milk expired yesterday):

The rest of the pics coming later...


Active member
That milks expired brother.

LOL! I drank the rest last night before bed after a few dabs! I left the last sip in there because I hate the end of the milk. Not much food in the house at the moment with all the various projects going on. Got 7 rabbits in the freezer but we ran out of propane.


LOL! I drank the rest last night before bed after a few dabs! I left the last sip in there because I hate the end of the milk. Not much food in the house at the moment with all the various projects going on. Got 7 rabbits in the freezer but we ran out of propane.
Rabbits good eats. Im lactose intolerant. If i drank that milk id be laying on the bathroom floor naked sweating bullets praying it passed... sometimes i pass out.

hope your just trying to be low pro. I dont want to see you as a sleazy used car salesmen. Ive come to the conclusion once a grower always a grower. We dont get to pick what we do well... and ive seen a lot of legal venture more trouble than pay. I had a buddy quit for a minimum wage job.... now he is realy struggling and his happiness level dropped 30 percent. I always said why bust your azz to make another man rich.

tleaf jr.

Came up off 75w
some people need sercurity , which is understandable but business is all about risk and reward...Snype will be fine in any venture he proceeds to.The problem will be the lack of pics to put on IC :biggrin:


Active member
Rabbits good eats. Im lactose intolerant. If i drank that milk id be laying on the bathroom floor naked sweating bullets praying it passed... sometimes i pass out.

hope your just trying to be low pro. I dont want to see you as a sleazy used car salesmen. Ive come to the conclusion once a grower always a grower. We dont get to pick what we do well... and ive seen a lot of legal venture more trouble than pay. I had a buddy quit for a minimum wage job.... now he is realy struggling and his happiness level dropped 30 percent. I always said why bust your azz to make another man rich.

I'll be in the canna industry forever. There are many roads to travel that don't include personally having to grow. I got big plans! :) Of course I'll grow my own for my personal dank. All that I really need is a few ounces a month for myself. I gotta get out while I'm still ahead. The game isn't what it used to be for the amount of work and sacrifice. One who doesn't change with the times will end up getting stuck eventually.
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