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Snype's Cloning Formula For Root Nubs In 3 Days!


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Ok so Snype here is a question that I don't know if anybody has asked yet. What is your opinion on using H202 instead of Bleach?

From what I have read the only by-product of h202 is oxygen. I don't know how long it lasts in the resevoir but during that time it creates an incredible amount of bubbles.

Does bleach last longer in the resevoir as compared to hydrogen peroxide?

I had very poor results with H2O2. It doesn't last long in the solution. I lost crops using H2O2 and never lost 1 crop with Bleach.


New member

Ok so I followed your recipe almost exactly. But I did get similar results. Here is another question. When cloning in the past I have been able to get roots, but when I cloned this time with your recipe the roots are noticeably bigger. I mean you can actually tell they are thicker. That is a good thing, right? Not only are they pearly white, but they are noticeably thicker. What would cause them to grow such thick roots?


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Ok so I followed your recipe almost exactly. But I did get similar results. Here is another question. When cloning in the past I have been able to get roots, but when I cloned this time with your recipe the roots are noticeably bigger. I mean you can actually tell they are thicker. That is a good thing, right? Not only are they pearly white, but they are noticeably thicker. What would cause them to grow such thick roots?

20 mL General Hydroponic FloraMicro
30 mL General Hydroponic FloraBloom
3 mL SuperTHRIVE
0.5 mL Clorox Bleach

based on your 2:3 ratio for Micro(5-0-1) to Bloom(0-5-4)
= 10-15-13

which comes out to around 2-3-2.6 normalized off quickly off my head so thats an interesting ratio, very high P!


New member
Im actually trying to see what I did wrong as I almost lost those little clones you saw in the pic. About 2 days after this pic the roots are started to die and the roots turned brown. Not only that but the resevoir also turned a very brown color. I had to take the clones out and immediately plant them in soil. If I was using your formula, what would cause the roots to suddenly brown and die? Too much bleach?


Active member
Im actually trying to see what I did wrong as I almost lost those little clones you saw in the pic. About 2 days after this pic the roots are started to die and the roots turned brown. Not only that but the resevoir also turned a very brown color. I had to take the clones out and immediately plant them in soil. If I was using your formula, what would cause the roots to suddenly brown and die? Too much bleach?

No idea. Take a picture of the bottle of bleach that you used. Some bleach has chemicals in it that will kill your plants so that why I state Regular Clorox Bleach (unscented and no splash guard). Do not use Ultra Clorox. Only use Clorox Bleach unless you know another bleach that works.

The formula had nothing to do with whatever happened. You would have to provide many little details to try and figure out what happened.


Well-known member
Do you not have to keep adding back bleach every three days or so to keep cloner from getting pathogens AKA brown slime as Snype recommends a meter to Keep track of bleach ppms ..Also did clones survive the transplant ? Bud


New member
Yes it appears that the clones did survive the transplant into regular soil.

Snype I am going to try and do exactly what your recipe states, but the only kind of bleach I can find it the Concentrated kind. It doesn't appear that they sell the non-concentrated kind. I know you answered this way earlier in the thread but i'm still confused. If I am using the Regular Clorox non-scented, non gel, non-everything. Just regular clorox, but it is concentrated which somebody said is 8.25%....what amount should I use?


Active member
Yes it appears that the clones did survive the transplant into regular soil.

Snype I am going to try and do exactly what your recipe states, but the only kind of bleach I can find it the Concentrated kind. It doesn't appear that they sell the non-concentrated kind. I know you answered this way earlier in the thread but i'm still confused. If I am using the Regular Clorox non-scented, non gel, non-everything. Just regular clorox, but it is concentrated which somebody said is 8.25%....what amount should I use?

Just make sure it doesn't say the word "Ultra" on it. Use 1 drop for every 2 gallons.


New member
Ok then I would use about 0.11 ml or 2.25 drops for my system. And then I will redo that every 5 days, right?

Thank you for your help on this.


Active member
Do you just ph to 6 once or do you adjust everyday? My ph starts at 6 then goes up to 8 in 24 hours.....

My pH stay very stable in my system. It only goes up to 6.2 over a couple of days. If my pH goes past 6.2, I add some pH down.

If I was you I would try to figure out why your pH fluctuates so much and try to use water and a nutrient formula that doesn't make your pH go so crazy. This could be as simple as using a mix of RO water to your tap water. You would need to test ratios of RO to tap to figure out the perfect water quality for you.

I've noticed if I use different nutrient formula's other than the formula that I quoted, I will have greater pH fluctuations. If you are using the same formula then you need to adjust your water by testing different methods or you may have some sort of pathogen in the system that needs to be dealt with.
Fuck man you were right. I got the slime.I've never had a problem with cloning before or slime just using straight tap water and then adding a little grow when they start rooting but I figured I'd try it different this time. I used bottled Mountain geyser spring water with your technique instead of standard tap water like i usually do.I scrubbed out the machine, refilled it added the nutes and I'm going to hope for the best.
Thanks for all the info man! Peace
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Active member
Fuck man you were right. I got the slime.I've never had a problem with cloning before or slime just using straight tap water and then adding a little grow when they start rooting but I figured I'd try it different this time. I used bottled Mountain geyser spring water with your technique instead of standard tap water like i usually do.I scrubbed out the machine, refilled it added the nutes and I'm going to hope for the best.
Thanks for all the info man! Peace
Considering you've never had slime before, maybe it was due to the spring water. I battled the slime for years. It really sucked. I think I had a super slime because it wouldn't die with bleach and would multiply at the craziest rates. Like clear solution would turn into so much snot in 24-48 hours. It was so much that it would clog the pump and would be all over the air stones and form these huge blooms in the system. It was pretty crazy.

A guy that I know tried my formula and got slime and blamed it on my formula. I don't think that makes any sense. I still use this formula to this day with great results. I haven't got slime again once I sanitized the cloner since 2013.

Sucks that you lost those cuts but I'd probably stick to what was working in the past unless this is just one freak case. Hope you get it all sorted out.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
I had horrible slime issues with auto flowers, a couple of years ago. Slime loves light, and HID light passes through bins, pvc pipe, some reflective tapes, etc.. I used panda film to prevent that problem.

"Heisenberg Tea", is the procedure to use, if slime is a problem.

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